Business One-Liners And More... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. While the ads on the website do help, I don't want to drag the site down with tons of them to pay for it. I need your help! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. EVERY LITTLE BIT WILL HELP! Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU MOST ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ _..---.._ .' .-'''-. '. / .' _..._'. \ __ : : /`;' ) : : _,="`\ ,--''` ``'.; : |; ,-; : ; __..==""==.,_| `-, `; .\; / ^\ _,.="// '-,_.--._ '.(;_.'__/`_.-'`\ ,.--''`` _..=. `'--.// `` \ `--, '` `- |_\ '-. | `-._ _.;--`-..___,.-'` `'-...-_:',;`==,| \ _.--',=" / /"=;="=, _.' ,=".-'` .' /| ,=" _.--' .-' "=, : .' | ", `;._ .--'.' .-' .' . ; ,;;\_ . '._.'--'` -' / ,;;;._ '-._ .''.__.' `\_ .' '._ / '._ .(` jgs '._ ';./ `;` ~I Am Pleased To Announce That We Added A New Shangrala Angel~ * Linda from Burringham, UK She stepped up and gave a generous donation in January to help keep Shangrala Alive! She is indeed Our Sweet Angel! May God Bless Her Through Jesus Christ For Her Giving Heart! -<>- >-->2 HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) Our first sizzling hot new page is from our friend Geniann. This one took me by surprise as I was unaware that growing Bonsai forests was more popular than growing single Bonsai trees. Also, I was thinking they were some special sort of tree and not just normal trees like maple trees! Be sure to check out these beautiful photos here... ,., MMMM_ ,.., "_ "__"MMMMM ,...,, ,..., __." --" ,., _-"MMMMMMM MMMMMM"___ "_._ MMM"_."" _ """""" """"" "" , \_. "_. ." ,., _"__ \__./ ." MMMMM_" "_ ./ '''' ( ) ._______________.-'____"---._. \ / \________________________/ (_) (_) Corwyn Yasuo Miyagishima Amazing Bonsai Forests --- ...Wow! How stunning! Thanks Geniann! This next scorching hot new page is from our friends Linda, Bunni and Geniann. It is most amazing and quite beautiful. It took this man 4 years to grow but as you will see, it is well worth the work he put into it. Check it out here... _|_ | / \ //_\\ //(_)\\ |/^\| ,%%%% // \\ ,@@@@@@@, ,%%%%/%%% // \\ ,@@@\@@@@/@@, @@@%%%\%%//%%%// === \\ @@\@@@/@@@@@ @@@@%%%%\%%%%%// =-=-= \\@@@@\@@@@@@;%#####, @@@@%%%\%%/%%// === \\@@@@@@/@@@%%%######, @@@@@%%%%/%%//| |\\@\\//@@%%%%%%#/#### '@@@@@%%\\/%~ | | ~ @|| %\\//%%%#####; @@\\//@|| | __ __ | || %%||%%'###### '@|| || | | | | | || ||##\//#### || || | | -|- | | || ||'#||###' || || |_|__|__|_| || || || || ||_/` ======= `\__||_._|| || jgs__||_/` ======= `\_||___ Living Tree Church --- ...Aww, I love the full peacefulness of it and the grounds. Thanks Ladies! ======================================================= >-->From SmileZilla: _ .-. .--''` ) _ | |/` .-'` ( `\ /` _) _. -'._ /` .' .-.-; `).' / \ \ (`, \_o/_o/__ / .-''` ``'-. { /` ,___.--''` { ; '-. \ \ _ _ { |'-....-`'.\_\ / './ '. \ \ `"` _ \ \ | \ \ ( '-.J \_..----.._ __) `\--..__ .-` ` `\ ''--...--. (_,.--""`/` .- `\ .__ _) | ( } .__ _) \_, '. }_ - _.' \_, '. } `'--' '._. ,_) / | / .' \ | _ .-' \__/;--.||-' _|| _||__ __ _ __.-` "`)(` `" ```._) jgs (_`,- ,-' `''-. '-._) ( ( / '.__.' `"`'--' Doctor: What’s wrong with your bother? Boy: He thinks he is a chicken. Doctor: Really? How long has this been going on? Boy: Five years. Doctor: Five years! Boy: We would have brought him in earlier, but we needed the eggs. -<>- Once an old man was waiting for a train, sitting on a bench. A young boy came to him and asked the time. Old man refused to tell the time. The boy insisted again, but the old man denied him again. The boy asked the reason. The old man said: "If I tell you the time, then you will ask about me, my name, my job etc. Then I will ask about you about yourself. You may get to seat next to me. Then you may get down off at my station. My daughter will come to receive me. She will meet you. She is beautiful. You may fall in love with her, she with you too. Then she may insist to marry you, even may threaten me... And I am sorry that I don't want such a poor son in law who hasn't got his own watch to see the time." -<>- A man's car stalled on a country road. When he got out to fix it, a cow came along and stopped beside him. "Your trouble is probably in the carburetor," said the cow. Startled, the man jumped back and ran down the road until he met a farmer. He told the farmer his story. "Was it a large red cow with a brown spot over the right eye?" asked the farmer. "Yes, yes," the man replied. "Oh! I would not listen to Bessie," said the farmer. "She does not know anything about cars." ======================================================= +------------ BIZARRE HOLIDAYS ------------+ February 6 is Lame Duck Day and National Chopsticks Day February 7 is Wave All you Fingers at Your Neighbor Day and Send a Card to a Friend Day February 8 is Kite Flying Day February 9 is National Pizza Day and Toothache Day February 10 is Umbrella Day February 11 is Don't Cry over Spilled Milk Day, Make a Friend Day, National Inventors Day and White T-Shirt Day February 12 is Abraham Lincoln's Birthday, National Lost Penny Day and Plum Pudding Day ======================================================= >-->From GoodCleanFun: _ ___ / `--'\ \ / | , | jgs \/`\/ >Late Note Students at the school where I work must sign in and out, and must have a note from a parent if they're late. Signing in at 11:00 one morning, Billy peered across the counter at me. "Morning, Billy, do you have a note?" I asked. "No," he replied. "Where were you?" "At the dentist." "Do you have a dentist card?" "No," he said. Then, taking a deep breath, he added, "but I have these," and shoved a box across the counter. Inside was a set of plaster impressions the dentist had just taken, complete with date and time. -<>- >Running in the Rain My mother went for her daily run one rainy morning. As she returned to the house, she slipped and fell, hitting her head on the driveway. I called the paramedics. When they arrived, they asked my mom some questions to determine her coherency. "What's today?" inquired one paramedic. Without hesitation, Mom replied, "Trash day." -<>- _ /' `\ k___y th j /`Y'\ .,--,. \___/ ... ,' __ ', _ ||| j /' `\ t f | t j f | | j t_| T j \ / t Y| | ', `--' ,' || U '~--~' LJ kth >Birthday Surprise Two children ordered their mother to stay in bed one morning. It was her birthday and as she lay there looking forward to breakfast in bed, the smell of bacon floated up from the kitchen. But after a good long wait she finally went downstairs to investigate. She found them both sitting at the table eating bacon and eggs. "It's a surprise for your birthday," one explained, "we decided to cook our own breakfast." -<>- >Bridge A young couple went on vacation in Colorado. They flew to Denver and rented a car to sight see. One of the sights was a bridge that was more than 1,000 feet above the river. Walking out onto the bridge, they noticed it swaying in the wind. "I don't think I want to drive the car across this bridge," one said to the other. "What are you worried about?" the second replied. "It's a rental." -<>- >Yard Sale A woman was browsing through the merchandise at a yard sale when she noticed a small box that was marked, "Electronic cat and dog caller: Guaranteed to work!" Curious, the woman looked inside the box and began to laugh. The box contained an electric can opener. ========================================================= >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) ()()()()()() |\ | |.\. . . . | \'.\ | \.:\ . . .| \'o\ | \.'\. . | \".\ | tre \'`\ .| \.'\ | \__\| >SMILES Occasionally at the restaurant where I work there are extra desserts, and the staff are given some to take home. Once I brought home two pieces of cheesecake for my son and daughter. Katie had a piece that evening. The next day her older brother found her watching TV and eating more cheesecake. "Are you eating my cheesecake?" he demanded. "Oh, no," she replied sweetly, "I ate yours yesterday." ---------- I spent more than two whole hours in the beauty shop, getting my hair permed, cut and styled. Relieved to be done, I went up to the receptionist to pay. "Good afternoon!" she welcomed me cheerfully. "And who's your appointment with today?" ---------- A woman walks into a store. Curious about a shiny object, she asks, 'What is that?' The store clerk responds, 'It's a thermos.' The woman scratches her head and inquires, 'What does it do?' The clerk explains, 'It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.' So she buys one. The next day, she brings it to work with her. Her boss, asks, 'What is that shiny object?' She replies 'It's a thermos.' He asks, 'What does it do?' She says, 'It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold.' He then asks, 'What do you have in there?' 'Two cups of coffee and a Popsicle!' ---------- Smith goes to see his supervisor in the front office. "Boss," he remarks, "we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff." "We're short-handed, Smith," the boss replies. "I can't give you the day off." "Thanks, boss," says Smith. "I knew I could count on you!" ---------- The children begged for a hamster, and after the usual fervent vows that they alone would care for it, they got one. They named it Danny. Two months later, when Mom found herself responsible for cleaning and feeding the creature, she located a prospective new home for it. The children took the news of Danny's imminent departure quite well, though one of them remarked, "He's been around here a long time. We'll miss him." "Yes," Mom replied, "But he's too much work for one person, and since I'M that 'one person,' I say he goes." Another child offered, "Well, maybe if he wouldn't eat so much, and wouldn't be so messy, we could keep him." But Mom was firm. "It's time to take Danny to his new home now," she insisted. "Go and get his cage." With one voice and in tearful outrage the children shouted, "His cage?! Oh, no! Danny?!! We thought you said Daddy!" -------- A little girl received a hamster from her Grandma. Inevitably, one day he escaped from his cage. The family turned the house upside down and finally found him. Several weeks later, while the girl was at school, he escaped from his cage again. They searched and searched, ever more frantically, but never found the critter. Hoping to make the loss less painful for her, the girl's mother took the cage out of her room. When she came home from school that afternoon, she went to her room as usual. Then she walked out, climbed into her mother's lap, and announced, "We've got a serious problem. "What is that?" asked her mom. "Not only is my hamster gone again, but this time he took his cage with him -------- _________________________________________________________ ||-------------------------------------------------------|| ||.--. .-._ .----. || |||==|____| |H|___ .---.___|""""|_____.--.___ || ||| |====| | |xxx|_ |+++|=-=|_ _|-=+=-|==|---||| |||==| | | | | \ | | |_\/_|Black| | ^ ||| ||| | | | | |\ \ .--. | |=-=|_/\_|-=+=-| | ^ ||| ||| | | | | |_\ \_( oo )| | | |Magus| | ^ ||| |||==|====| |H|xxx| \ \ |''| |+++|=-=|""""|-=+=-|==|---||| ||`--^----'-^-^---' `-' "" '---^---^----^-----^--^---^|| ||-------------------------------------------------------|| ||-------------------------------------------------------|| || ___ .-.__.-----. .---.|| || |===| .---. __ .---| |XX|<(*)>|_|^^^||| || , /(| |_|III|__|''|__|:x:|=| | |=| Q ||| || _a'{ / (|===|+| |++| |==| | | |Illum| | R ||| || '/\\/ _(|===|-| | |''| |:x:|=| |inati| | Y ||| ||_____ -\{___(| |-| | | | | | | | | | Z ||| || _(____)|===|+|[I]|DK|''|==|:x:|=|XX|<(*)>|=|^^^||| || `---^-^---^--^--'--^---^-^--^-----^-^---^|| ||-------------------------------------------------------|| ||_______________________________________________________|| Qryz >A Mom's Dictionary AIRPLANE: What Mom impersonates to get a 1-yr.-old to eat strained beets. ALIEN: What Mom would suspect had invaded her house if she spotted a child-sized creature cleaning up after itself. BABY: 1. Dad, when he gets a cold. 2. Mom's youngest child, even if he's 42. BECAUSE: Mom's reason for having kids do things which can't be explained logically. CAR POOL: Complicated system of transportation where Mom always winds up going the furthest with the biggest bunch of kids who have had the most sugar. CHINA: Legendary nation reportedly populated by children who love leftover vegetables. COOK: 1. Act of preparing food for consumption. 2. Mom's other name. DATE: Infrequent outings with Dad where Mom can enjoy worrying about the kids in a different setting. DUST RAGS: See "DAD'S UNDERWEAR." EAR: A place where kids store dirt. EMPTY NEST: See "WISHFUL THINKING." --- ...LOL! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- __.------. (__ ___ ) .)e )\ / /_.------ _/_ _/ __.' / ' `-.__ / <.--' `\ / \ \c | / / ) GoT x \ | /\ |c / \.- \ \__/ ) /( ( \ <>'\ / _/ _\- `-. \/_|_ /<> / /--/,-\ _ \ <>.`. \/`--\_._) - / `-/\ `.\ / `. / ) `\ \ \ \___/----' | / `( ___________ \ ./\_ _ \ ______________ / | ) '| __________________ | / \ \ ___________a:f / | |____.) / \ a88a\___/88888a. \_ :)8888888888888888888a. /` `-----' `Y88888888888888888 \____| `88888888888P' >WARNING... If you get this call, don't say "Yes" or you'll get scammed How this phone scam works The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is receiving complaints from people across the U.S. about the latest phone scam making the rounds. What's happening is, people are receiving automated calls from someone claiming to be an employee of a certain business. Some companies they are supposedly representing are cruise lines, home security agencies, or social security firms. The criminal begins the call with a simple, "Can you hear me?" Warning: Do NOT answer that question on one of these unsolicited calls. It's a scam! If you answer that question, or any question for that matter, with a "yes," the criminal can use it against you. They are actually recording the victims' responses. If they record you saying "yes," they can use it to claim that you agreed to certain charges. They then threaten to sue the victim if they attempt to deny the charges. These calls usually show up with the local area code on the caller ID. This lets the victims' guard down, thinking it's someone local and they might know the person. What you need to do Police are urging everyone who receives a call like this to immediately hang up. It's not rude to hang up on a potential scammer. This isn't the first time this type of phone scam has been seen. Last year, a similar version was going around with the criminal asking people questions like, "Do you pay the household bills?" or "Are you the homeowner?" Taking advice from police is your best course of action here. If you get a call from someone you don't know asking an easy question where the answer is yes, hang up. Caution is always the best action, especially in today's world! --- ...Thanks for the info LouiseAu! We won't pick up on 'Sales' calls. Our answer machine handles it. ========================================================= >-->From Our Friend Bunni :) _..._ ___ .:::::::. `"-._.-''. , /:::::::::\ ': \ _._ \:-::::::::::::\ :. | /|.-' /:::\ \::::::::\:::::| ': | | / |:::| `:::::::|:::::\ ': | `\ | __ |\::/\ `-:::-|::::::| ': | .`\ .\_.' `.__/ | |::::::\ ':. | \ ';:: /.-._ , / |:::::::| :. / ,`\;:: \'./0) |_.-/ ;:::::::| ': | \.`;::. `` | | \::::::/ :' / _\::::' / / \::::| :' / ,=:;::/ | \:::| :' | (='` // / | \::\ `: / '--' | /\ | \:::. `:_|.-"""-. \__.-'/::\ | '::::.:::...:::. '. /:::| | '::/::::::::::::. '-.__.:::::| | |::::::::::::\::..../::::::| / |:::::::::::::|::::/:::::::// \:::::::::::::|'::/::::::::/ /\::::::::::::/ /:::::::/:| |::';:::::::::/ |::::::/::; |:::/`-:::::;;-._ |:::::/::/ |:::| `-::::\ `|::::/::/ jgs |:::| \:::\ \:::/::/ /:::/ \:::\ \:/\:/ (_::/ \:::;__ \\_\\___ (_:/ \::):):)\:::):):) `" `""""` `""""""` >Quickies... DID YOU KNOW........... Skunks can accurately spray their smelly fluid as far as ten feet. Q: Why did the cowboy buy a wiener dog? A: To get along little doggy! Did You Know.................. Polar bears are left-handed. A pair of jumper cables walks into a bar. The bartender says, "I'll serve you, but don't start anything!" -<>- >When God Sends You Help, Don't Ask Questions She hurried to the pharmacy to get medication, got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys inside. The woman found an old rusty coat hanger left on the ground. She looked at it and said, "I don't know how to use this." She bowed her head and asked God to send her some help. Within 5 minutes a beat-up old motorcycle pulled up, driven by a bearded man who was wearing an old biker skull rag. He got off of his cycle and asked if he could help. She said: "Yes, my daughter is sick. I've locked my keys in my car. I must get home. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?" He said, "Sure." He walked over to the car, and in less than a minute, the car door was open. She hugged the man and through tears, softly said, "Thank you, God, for sending me such a very nice man." The man heard her little prayer and replied, "lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison yesterday; I was in prison for car theft." The woman hugged the man again, sobbing, "Oh, thank you, God! You even sent me a professional." Is God great or what!?! --- ...HaHa! Absolutely! Thanks Bunni! ======================================================= >-->In The Worldly News: >From our friend Fran :) NANCY PELOSI'S JET IS GONE --- ...Interesting! Thanks Fran. It is getting harder and harder to fact check the news these days. I am unsure of this one. It gets to be a full job just to get past the hype of the far left and the far right to determine if something is actually factual or just fits their own agenda. Obama's last money shower for the UN: some $9.2 billion The new tally includes nearly $360 million for the controversial United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, or UNRWA, which is regularly accused of inculcating violent anti-Israel attitudes and even abetting terrorist attacks on Israel, which it strongly denies. (Last week, the Trump Administration froze a last-minute, $221 million donation by the Obama Administration that was intended for the Palestinian Authority.) >From Our friend and my son Victor: Lady Gaga 'Moved' by Sermon About Communion, God's Gift to Believers --- ...Interesting! Raised a Catholic means perhaps she is a born again believer - a Christian. Sometimes our faith isn't always something we can get a good handle on and while having God's spirit inside doesn't mean our mind will be renewed with it - God gives us freedom of will and leaves the renewing of our mind from our old man carnal ways to His way to us. There's hope for Lady Gaga yet! She gave an unusually heartwarming Patriotic halftime show - a must see for pop fans and for once an OK one for the kids to watch - the way our entertainment should be! What an awesome game! Neither team have anything to be ashamed of - they played a Super Game for the Super Bowl! Tom Brady, Patriots rewrite Super Bowl record book with epic, 34-28 OT win Forget the redemption tour. Forget the revenge. Forget the vitriol against the NFL and its commissioner.. The problem with schools today Schools are supposed to teach kids HOW to think for themselves, not WHAT to think! --- ...I was just reflecting on this. It seems as if the left has it all figured out and actually has done a great job dominating the 'teaching' field so that our children and young adults are being indoctrinated by them. I find it interesting too that with our 'global' policy and Pres. Clinton signing in NAFTA, that caused 70,000 of our good factory jobs to leave the US, this got Pres. Obama to instruct our youth that they needed to train their brain and get a college education if they wanted to be able to succeed in today's job market society. So many signed up and Pres.Obama even made it easier for them to get government student loans that by the way they would always owe to the government as students can't back out of them or file bankruptcy to free themselves from their enormous student loan debts. So our youth go in to a college today where if any conservative is invited to speak, the students feel they are threatened and like in CA and NY this weekend, they protest. The left even hires a hundred or so thugs in black ninja outfits to protest with the kids and make the protest full of hate and violence. The teachers give extra credit for the kids to protest at these hate filled riots. These young adults then graduate and many become teachers themselves. They spread the hate they have learned in college to the kids and young adults they teach and the cycle continues until the left has full dominance of our country. Sad that the right didn't see this coming. It may be too late to change. Stopping funding to these radical hate inspiring colleges may help but I think that would include most of them and be considered unconstitutional in the long run. Something else to pray for! God help them and us! President Trump’s Super Bowl Sunday Interview with Bill O’Reilly --- ...Many may be surprised that Pres. Trump's order involving sanctuary cities is only for those illegals who commit a crime and are locked up. Cities are suppose to report to ICE if they have a person who has committed a crime that lands them in jail and is found to not be a citizen. CRIMINALS Only! Not just any illegal they come across and ticket on the street. Sanctuary cities refuse to report their illegal CRIMINALS they have in their jail cells to ICE so they can be deported. They endanger all our legal citizens by harboring these illegal criminals. How sanctuary cities work... Melania Trump Steals The Show in HOT PINK Ball Gown for 60th Annual Red Cross Gala [VIDEO] - (So Proud of our first family!) -<>- >From BizarreNews: It seems like I run across one of these stories every couple of months, but apparently the crooks never learn! Police in California arrested an alleged bad-luck burglar who ended up trapped inside a home's chimney and abandoned by his accomplices. The Ridgecrest Police Department said officers were dispatched to a home Sunday on a report of a triggered burglary alarm, and police received a phone call moments later from a woman who reported her friend was trapped in a chimney at the same address where the alarm was triggered. Officers arrived on the scene and discovered Keith Schultz, 28, trapped in the chimney. They said the woman who called police was gone by the time they arrived. Police said Schultz apparently became trapped in the chimney while trying to break into the residence. Investigators found signs of forced entry and an open back door, indicating Schultz' accomplices broke into the home in an attempt to free him from the chimney, but they were unsuccessful. The soot-covered suspect was rescued from the chimney by firefighters and booked on a charge of burglary. -<>- Police in Oregon said a man who arranged a rendezvous on dating app Tinder was left naked without his wallet and cellphone in a motel room. Springfield Police Sgt. Rich Charboneau said the man, a Mapleton resident, exchanged messages with a female Tinder user for months before they arranged to meet at the Village Inn in Springfield. The man said the woman, who used the name Lacey on the dating app, suggested he leave the door to his room unlocked while he showered so she could come in and join him. The old 'Why don't you grab a shower and leave me alone with your wallet' trick. Charboneau said the man instead found that when he got out of the shower, his clothes, wallet, and phone had been taken. The wallet contained his debit card, police said. "He's never seen her, he doesn't know who this is--we don't know either. We have some leads we're following up, but obviously we're telling people that if you're going to meet people, via that app, then I'd recommend meeting them some- place in public during the daylight hours," Charboneau said. Police said the woman deleted her Tinder profile after the theft. So apparently a second date is not likely. -<>- *-- Teacher Arrested for Doing Cartwheel --* Nothing emphasizes a middle school anti-drug talk like a quick p%$@#y flash. That really cements the message that drugs are bad in the minds of 14-year-old boys. Maybe that is what was in the mind of 34-year-old Oklahoma teacher Lacey Sponsler. Either that or she just forgot she wasn't wearing any panties. But the fact is that after speaking to her students about using illegal drugs, Sponsler did a cartwheel exposing her backside and privates. Unfortunately for her (but fortunately for us) a student recorded the incident. Sponsler has been charged with indecent exposure. Sponsler denied the allegations, saying that she just wanted to be the "cool" teacher. Her bail has been set at $5,000 (and the boys in her school have taken up a collection to raise the money). *----- Pickup Driver Parks On Top of Camry -----* A bizarre case of road rage in Florida took an even stranger turn when a pickup driver backed his vehicle onto the car behind it. Ocala police said witnesses reported Adalberto Aponte, 53, was "driving recklessly" in his Toyota Camry before being stopped at a traffic light in Ocala, where he got out of his vehicle to confront the driver of the pickup truck in front of him. Witnesses said Aponte got violent while confronting the 18-year-old driver of the pickup truck, who was accompanied in his vehicle by his girlfriend and their baby. "The guy reaches in the vehicle and starts punching him in the face," a witness reported. Police said the 18-year-old then threw the truck into reverse and parked the vehicle atop Aponte's Camry. Aponte, who was found to have had his license suspended in August for failing to pay child support, was arrested on charges of burglary of an occupied conveyance, battery, driving while license was suspended or revoked, and criminal mischief. The pickup driver was not charged. *---------- Stupid Is As Stupid Does ----------* Sometimes you have to own up to being an idiot. Take the example of Sheriff's deputy Adam J. Brown. Brown was a resource officer for a school in Auburn, Michigan. Last year he brought a firearm to the school so a teacher in the school's robotics lab could test the trigger pull on the classroom's force machine. That experiment went uneventfully. But then Brown returned alone later in the day and tried the experiment with a different firearm. This one he accidentally left loaded. When the firearm discharged it passed through a wall and injured a teacher in the next classroom. Now, instead of admitting a stupid mistake Brown tried to cover the accident up, claiming he did not fire the gun and intentionally throwing the bullet away. Unfortunately for him, the bullet was found. Now, instead of a misdemeanor charge of careless discharge of a firearm, Brown is ALSO charged with a felony count of tampering with evidence; a four-year offense. Probably should have just owned up to the 90-day misdemeanor. *--- Kind of Sounds Like My Workout Routine ---* Security cameras at a Tennessee gym were recording when a deer crashed through a window and ran a few laps before locking itself in the women's bathroom. The footage recorded Saturday at Quik Fit in Greenbrier shows the buck running around the facility after it and two other deer rammed the gym's storefront windows. The deer eventually runs into the women's restroom, knocking the door closed behind itself. "He got his cardio in," gym owner Eric Lee Beddingfield said. "Thank God he stayed off the treadmill." Greenbrier police and officers from the Department of National Resources caught the deer in the bathroom and dragged it out of the gym's back door. ========================================================= >-->From CleanLaffs: .======================================. | ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ | | \_/ \_/ \_/ C|||C|||C||| |-| |-| |-| | | _|_ _|_ _|_ ||| ||| ||| |_| |_| |_| | '===================================== ,sSSSs DUFFY'S WATERING HOLE SSSS "( .:. SSS@ =/ \~/ C|||' SSSS_(_ _Y_ ___|||______________________________SS/ _)_) /.- [____________________________________] \ /\// | ____ ____ ____ ____ | \|==(\_/ | (____) (____) (____) (____) | (/ ; | | | | | | | | | | |____| | | | | | | | | | | \ |\ | | | | | | | | | | ) ) ) | |____| |____| |____| |____| | ( |/ | I====I I====I I====I I====I | /\ | jgs | | | | | | | | | /.(=\ Y\_\ Two fellows stopped into an English pub for a drink. They called the proprietor over and asked him to settle an argument. "Are there two pints in a quart or four?" asked one. "There be two pints in a quart," confirmed the proprietor. They moved back along the bar and soon the barmaid asked for their order. "Two pints please, miss, and the bartender offered to buy them for us." The barmaid doubted that her boss would be so generous, so one of the fellows called out to the proprietor at the other end of the bar, "You did say two pints, didn't you?" "That's right," he called back, "two pints." -<>- It was time for the final and the student depending upon getting at least one right answer on the chemistry test. The question was "If H2O if water, what is H2O4?" This was a quick question for most, but it took the student some thinking time. Finally, he wrote down his answer: For drinking, washing, and cleaning. -<>- Pauly walks into a bar and says "Bartender, one round for everyone, on me!" The bartender says, "Well, Pauly, seems you're in a really good mood tonight, eh?" Pauly says, "Oh, you can bet on it! I just got hired by the city to go around and remove all the money from parking meters. I start on Monday!" The bartender congratulates the man and proceeds to pour the round. Monday evening arrives. Pauly comes back into the bar and says "Bartender, TWO rounds for everyone, on me!" The bartender says, "Well now! If you're so happy just over having this new job, I can just imagine how happy you'll be when you get your paycheck!" Pauly looks at the bartender with a confused look on his face, pulls out quite a handful of quarters from his pocket, and says "You mean they'll PAY me on top of it?" -<>- A prospective juror in a Dallas District Court was surprised by the definition of voluntary manslaughter given the panel: "An intentional killing that occurs while the defendant is under the immediate influence of sudden passion arising from an adequate cause, such as when a spouse's mate is found in a 'compromising position.'" "See, I have a problem with that passion business," responded the jury candidate. "During my first marriage, I came in and found my husband in bed with my neighbor. All I did was divorce him. I had no idea that I could have shot him." She wasn't selected for the jury. -<>- The heaviest element known to science is Managerium. This element has no protons or electrons, but has a nucleus made up of 1 neutron, 2 vice-neutrons, 5 junior vice-neutrons, 25 assistant vice-neutrons, and 125 junior assistant vice- neutrons all going round in circles. Managerium has a half-life of three years, at which time it does not decay but institutes a series of reviews leading to reorganization. Its molecules are held together by means of the exchange of tiny particles known as morons. -<>- You know how in first grade they used fruits to explain stuff like "one banana plus two bananas make three bananas"? Here's a list of high school math courses based on bananas: ----- Algebra I - A You have a negative banana (possibly made of antimatter). Add two bananas to it and you get one banana. Algebra I - B You have a banana. Factor it, or solve for apples using the quadratic formula. Geometry Prove: Bananas are not vegetables. Given: Bananas are fruits. Algebra II You have an imaginary banana. Square it, and you get one of those weird anti-matter bananas. The student learns that their dreams will become reality if they only raise them to the fourth power. Pre-Calculus What is the cosecant of Pi over 2 bananas in a unit apple? Calculus AB The student learns to find the slope of a banana. Calculus BC The student learns to find the slope of a banana and also to find the area under the banana. ========================================================= >-->From Our Friend Linda :) _______ ______ ' ' ' ' ( BUD ) _______ ( WISE ) ,_ _____, / \ ,___ __, | | ER | | \ | | / oO)-. \___ ___/ .-(Oo /__ _\ | /_ __\ \ \( | / | )/ / \__|\ | ()~() | /|__/ ' '--' (-___-) '--' ' ==`-'== Steve >QUOTES * Business one-liners: A President of a democracy is a man who is always ready, willing, and able to lay down your life for his country. A backscratcher will always find new itches; a brown-noser will always find new sense. A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work. A bird in the bush usually has a friend in there with him. A bird in the hand is always safer than one overhead. A bird in the hand is dead. A bird in the hand makes it hard to blow your nose. A boss with no humor is like a job that is no fun. A clean tie attracts the soup of the day. A closed mouth gathers no foot. After all is said and done, usually more is said than done. After any unit has been completely assembled, extra components will be found on the bench. Afternoon: that part of the day we spend worrying about how we wasted the morning. Aiming for the least common denominator sometimes causes division by zero. All American cars are basically Chevrolets. All general statements are false; think about it. All generalizations are false, including this one. All generalizations are useless, including this one. All good things must come to an end, I just want to know when they start! All great discoveries are made by mistake. Consciousness: that annoying time between naps. Create a need and fill it. Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster. Creativity is no substitute for knowing what you’re doing. Creditors have better memories than debtors. Crime wouldn’t pay if the government ran it. Dare to be average. Defeat is worse than death because you have to live with defeat. Definition of an elephant: A mouse built to government specifications. Don’t bite the hand that has your paycheck in it. Don’t blame me; nobody asked my opinion. Don’t do today that which can be put off till tomorrow. Don’t force it, get a bigger hammer. Don’t get lost in the shuffle, shuffle along with the lost. Don’t lend people money…it gives them amnesia. Don’t let your mouth write no check that your tail can’t cash. – Bo Diddley Don’t look back, something may be gaining on you. Don’t make your doctor your heir. Don’t mess with Mrs. Murphy! Don’t permit yourself to get between a dog and a lamppost. -<>- : ;; / | / | .' : .-' ' _.-' / .-*" / _ .-' .' _.-*?' .' .' .-" .' __ .' , .-' .-+. .' _.-*".' / \ .-' _.--**""**-. .-' _.y-:-" .' : `+. .*""*. `. :-. -. \ .' ; .--*""*--. / __ ` _.--. \ |$| -.` -.;/ _.-+. : .' :*" "*..*" y`-' $| ;*" _( \ / +----/ / .'.-'---+ .-._.+' `. -'_.--. :- "_( `*-: | \/\/\/ | /) ` .'___ ' "_( ; `._| | \ )` .'.' `./_" ( : \| No Reading | (`._..--**" : .- ; `"' \ | Allowed | `----**"T"" " `+. | `. | | ' .' : _.-*"*- | | / / ' .-*" _ | GOTCHA! | __..-'\ / bug "+,'___..--| |--**"" `-.__.' "" +----------------+ >AND NOW GET READY FOR SOME HOWLER SIGNBOARDS -SIGNBOARDS OF OUR TIMES – On the trucks of a local plumbing company in NE Pennsylvania "Don’t sleep with a drip, call your plumber." – Pizza shop slogan "7 days without pizza makes one Weak." – At a tire shop in Milwaukee: "Invite us to your next blowout." – Door of a plastic surgeons office: "Hello, can we pick your nose?" – Sign at the psychic’s Hotline: "Don’t call us, we’ll call you." – At A Laundry Shop: "How about we refund your money, send you a new one at no charge, close the store and have the manager shot. Would that be satisfactory?" – At a Towing Company: "We don’t charge an arm and a leg. We want tows." – Billboard on the side of the road: "Keep your eyes on the road and stop reading these signs." – On an Electricians truck: "Let us remove your shorts." – In a Nonsmoking Area: "If we see smoking we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action." – On Maternity Room Door: "Push, Push, Push." – At an Optometrists Office: "If you don’t see what your looking for you’ve come to the right place." – On a Taxidermist’s window: "We really know our stuff." – In a Podiatrist’s office: "Time wounds all heels." – On a Butchers window: "Let me meat your needs." – On a fence: "Salesman Welcome, Dog food is expensive." – At a car Dealership: "The best way to get back on your feet – miss a car payment." – Outside a Muffler Shop: "No appointment Necessary, we hear you coming." – Outside a Hotel: "Help! We need inn-experienced people." – On a desk in a reception room: "We shoot every 3rd salesman, and the 2nd one just left." – In a Veterinarians waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes, Sit! Stay! " – At the Electric Company: "We would be de-lighted if you send in your bill. However, if you don’t you will be." – On the door of a Computer Store: "Out for a quick byte." – In a Restaurant window: "Don’t stand there and be hungry, come on in and get fed up." – Inside a Bowling Alley: "Please be quiet, we need to hear a pin drop." – In the front yard of a funeral home: "Drive carefully, we’ll wait." My class on quotes of the day is over friends. --- ...LOL! What a Hoot! Thanks Linda! ========================================================= >-->FUN Places To Net Visit :) Mug Shots Inspiring Seniors Beautiful Starfish Big Hearts In Nature Telephone Sheep Art Hand Painting Art 2 Wall Mural Art 3! Christ's Life Ice Sculpture Art 3! Hybrid Big Cats Funny Animal Facts Look Who's Talking 5 You And Me Together -<>- >Follow Me On StumbleUpon: -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) The captivating dance of shadows by El Gamma Penumbra, performed on the grand finale of Asia's Got Talent was an ode to Mother Nature, and man's folly. The performance is truly a masterpiece of movement and shadow manipulation. We always knew there was a big difference between how men and women's brains work. But Mark Gungor explains the difference between the male and the female brain in a way that will make you laugh out loud while still agreeing with every word! Get ready to watch one of the freakiest videos on the Internet - and that's saying a lot! This woman was just floating on her surfboard near Santa Cruz when something truly amazing happened. And it was all caught on video! --- ...Sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! ======================================================= >-->Quotes & Thunkers: "The CEO of Starbucks has pledged to hire 10,000 refugees. So if you think they're writing your name incorrectly on the cups now..." -Conan O'Brien "The world's first supermarket chain to only sell vegan foods, which was called Veganz with a 'z,' has announced they will have to declare bankruptcy and shut all their stores. When asked what went wrong, the vegan supermarket said, 'We're a vegan supermarket.'" -James Corden "According to a new poll, Chris Christie currently has the lowest approval rating for any governor in any state, in over 20 years. 'Wow,' said former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich from prison." -Seth Meyers "The Dallas Public Library displays one of the original copies of the Declaration of Independence - also the only copy stained with barbecue sauce." -Conan O'Brien "Tostitos is coming out with a limited-edition bag that actually doubles as a breathalyzer. Here's how it works: If you're breathing into a bag of Tostitos, you're probably drunk." -Jimmy Fallon "An art gallery in Finland recently put on an exhibition of paintings created by a brown bear named Juuso. The exhibition sold 15 of the bear's paintings, raising $8,500. Fifteen paintings - that is 14 more paintings than Van Gogh sold in his entire lifetime." -James Corden "Engineers have begun trying to find a way to brew beer on the moon. Which means we'll soon have astronauts calling into Mission Control saying, 'Houston, we have a drinking problem.'" -Conan O'Brien "According to a new report, 67 percent of millennials use Netflix, which must really tick off whoever owns the account they're using." -Seth Meyers "Wildlife officials in India are now putting wild monkeys on birth control to help curb the recent population spike. This is good for wildlife, and even better for female monkeys who want to focus on their careers." -Jimmy Fallon >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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