Cuddle Up With Some SMILES... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to To UnSubscribe send a blank email to Group home page: or Web Site: Group email address: or email me here: ================ *~* Please Consider Giving To The cost of the website has gone up dramatically due to the ever increasingly wonderful pages and photos being added each week to entertain you and our fellow Christian families. If every one would chip in $25 or more, we'd be good for the whole year! So Please - I need your help today! "We are each of us angels with but one wing, and can only fly by embracing each other" -Luciano Decrescenzo ~ CALLING ALL CARING ANGELS ~ *~* WE NEED CARING And SHARING Angels *~* >Do You Want To Be A Shangrala Angel? If you'd like to help and be counted as a Shangrala Angel, the easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure. Please visit the site, scroll down and click on the donate button. A Secure PAYPAL form page comes up. NOTE: Paypal will generate a 'Quantity 1' and 'Price per item' form. Just ignore the price per item and put whatever it is you desire to give in there. With Paypal, you will have your normal receipt for your 'payment' donation in USD (United States Dollars). You can put a memo in there if you'd like. EVERY LITTLE BIT WILL HELP! Any amount is greatly appreciated and needed! PLEASE Visit Shangrala to Help: OR If you'd rather send us a donation, Please MAIL it here: Elrhea Bigham 502 S. Harrison Van Wert, OH 45891 *~* THANK YOU! MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY FOR YOUR GIFT! ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Like Me here... AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! -<>- * NOTE: An easy way to adjust the size of print in email or any page is to hold down the Ctrl tab while moving the scroll button on the mouse. You can also use the keyboard to change the font size in your web browser or emails. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the + key for larger text or the - key for smaller text! ================ _,__ .: Darwin <* / | \ .-./ |. : :, / '-._/ \_ / ' \ .' *: Brisbane .-' ; | | \ / | / Perth \* __.--._ / \ _.' \:. | >__,-' \_/*_.-' Melbourne snd :--, '/ *~* Our Hearts And Prayers go out to all those affected by the wild- fires in Australia. May God Bless and Help Australians now through Christ Jesus our Lord! So Sad for the people and the wildlife! U.S. sends more than 100 firefighters to help Australia battle flames. Multiple groups of firefighters are being sent on 30-day deployments to help fight the wildfires that have killed 17 people - Jan 2, 2020 -<>- >-->3 HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press These first sizzling hot new pages are from our friend Linda. This new page lets you take a quick 4 minute trip around the world. From Tahiti to the South Pole in one glorious virtual vacation. Sit back and relax on your world trip. :) | --====|====-- | .-"""""-. .'_________'. /_/_|__|__|_\_\ ;'-._ _.-'; ,--------------------| `-. .-' |--------------------, ``""--..__ ___ ; ' ; ___ __..--""`` jgs `"-// \\.._\ /_..// \\-"` \\_// '._ _.' \\_// `"` ``---`` `"` Trip Around The World --- ...Wow, so peaceful! Thanks Linda! Our next super hot new page is a heartwarming poem with some of the cutest little wrinkle dogs around. Be sure to check this one out here... Life's Tug Of War --- ...Awww, So adorable! Thanks Linda! Our last flaming hot new page is from my daughter Tammy. With the koalas having such a time surviving in these horrible wildfires in Australia right now, this one is quite sweet and a most welcomed positive story. Be sure to check it out here and its two darling videos as well... ) ( | ) ( / .- _ ,---. _ ( / / (~-| . . |-~) V / \._ 0 _,/ / / `-^-'`-._ / ' `-. ( : )E : ,---' ( . )E ( gpyy '._____,---' ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( Dog Saves Baby Koala ======================================================= >-->From SmileZilla: A handsome young lad went into the hospital for some minor surgery, and the day after the procedure a friend stopped by to see how the guy was doing. His friend was amazed at the number of nurses who entered the room in short intervals with refreshments, offers to fluff his pillows, make the bed, give back rubs, etc. "Why all the attention?" the friend asked, "You look fine to me." "I know!" grinned the patient. "But the nurses kind of formed a little fan club when they all heard that my circumcision required twenty-seven stitches." -<>- .--. .-..-..-..-. .--. .--. .-. .--. _.-._ : .--': `: :: :: :: .--': .--': : : .--' _.-._ : ` ' :`. `. : .` :: :: :: : _ : : _ : : : `; : ` ' : ,' '. _`, :: :. :: :; :: :; :: :; :: :__ : :__ ,' '. `-:_:-'`.__.':_;:_;`.__.'`.__.'`.__.':___.'`.__.'`-:_:-' unknown Recently, the "Love Bug" Virus circled the globe, damaging computers in it's path. There have recently been some new mutations or variations of this virus that you should be aware of. 1. The "I Love You, But I'm Shy" virus never actually invades your computer, but collects data about it worshipfully from afar. 2. The "Love The One You're With" virus hangs around your computer, but the whole thing is just temporary until it can find the computer that it really wants to invade. 3. The "Happily Married" virus invades only one computer and stays with it for life. 4. The "Unhappily Married" virus spends a long time negotiate – ting with a computer, finally invades it, and then strays to other computers from time to time. 5. The "I Want A Divorce" virus sends repeated, hard-to-read messages that your computer isn't working and takes half of your computer's best data in an ugly network session. 6. The "Stalker" virus spends unnatural amounts of time monitoring your computer, collecting data your computer has thrown away and tries to record all of its functions. And it writes rude messages to any other computer with which yours connects on any regular basis. 7. The "Forever Single" virus causes your computer to focus solely on other computers with which it is totally incompatible or prove generally unavailable. 8. The "Deadbeat" virus invades your computer, spawns an entirely new database, then refuses to help update it as it grows. ======================================================= +------------ BIZARRE HOLIDAYS ------------+ January 6 is Bean Day and Cuddle Up Day January 7 is Old Rock Day January 8 is Bubble Bath Day, Male Watcher's Day and National Take the Stairs Day January 9 is Play god Day January 10 is Bittersweet Chocolate Day, Houseplant Appreciation Day and Peculiar People Day January 11 is Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day and Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend's Day January 12 is Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day and National Pharmacist Day ======================================================= >-->From MikeysFunnies: *umph* | _ \ / _ _|#| .-. .-. |#|_ |#|#|______/ /_ .-'-. _\ \______|#|#| [|#|#|------| ( || | || ) |------|#|#|] |#|#| |__|_.-'''-._|__| Pr|#|#| "|#| 59|#|" " " >15 EXERCISES WE'D BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT IN 2020... ~ Jumping on the bandwagon ~ Wading through paperwork ~ Running around in circles ~ Pushing your luck ~ Playing in traffic ~ Spinning your wheels ~ Adding fuel to the fire ~ Beating your head against the wall ~ Climbing the walls ~ Beating your own drum ~ Dragging your heels ~ Jumping to conclusions ~ Grasping at straws ~ Fishing for compliments ~ Throwing your weight around ~ Passing the buck ~ Running with scissors -<>- A father and his son were looking at a nativity scene in a London gallery. It was Titian's world-famous painting of the scene at Bethlehem. The boy said, “Dad, why is the baby lying in such a crude cradle in a pile of straw?” "Well, son,” explained the father, “they were poor, and they couldn't afford anything better.” Said the boy, "Then how could they afford to have their picture painted by such an expensive artist?” -<>- A guy gets shipwrecked and washes up on a beach. The sand is dark red. He can't believe it. The sky is dark red. He walks around a bit and sees there is dark red grass, dark red birds and dark red fruit on the dark red trees. He's shocked when he finds that his skin is starting to turn dark red, too. "Oh no!!" he says. "I've been marooned!!" ========================================================= >-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :) How many b'ger do you need to change a lightbulb? \ Get lost Ralf. \ \ \ `, ___ # /_,/\ |/ ? /" ( | , )\ .Y___ / /__/\ \____ \(__ ,- / \_/ \ / (\ |/| / < _____ _> \ |. ||\ -|.|--/___/ ,___/___\------'-----' '-' |\/ b'ger >SMILES A man has been drinking all day at a bar. Late at night, he suddenly checks his clock. 1:30 am, darn. I need to go home now or the wife is going to kill me, he says to the bartender. But as he is trying to get up, he falls awkwardly to the floor. I am just way too drunk right now, I need to sober up. So he asks the barman for a coffee, he drinks it up and 30 minutes later he tries to stand up, but again he falls to the floor, this time even harder. At this point, he realizes this won't work, but he needs to get home no matter what, so he starts crawling towards his house. After 40 minutes he gets there, lays down next to his(blissfully sleeping) wife and passes out. The next morning his wife wakes him up, not kindly. So how was last night, huh? Was it fun drinking all day? The man is 100% sure his wife was asleep when he got home, so he tries to play it cool: Not really, just hanging with some coworkers... we didn't drink much just a couple of beers. His wife starts nodding understandably: Ah ha, makes sense. She starts to turn and then stops and turns back to him: Oh, by the way, the bar owner called this morning, you left your wheelchair there, idiot. ---------- "I always worry when you leave for a weekend with the guys," sobbed the pretty young wife. "Don't worry about me, babe, " he soothed her. "I'll be back before you know it." "I know," she sighed. "That's what worries me." ---------- A guy gets set up on a blind date and he takes her out for dinner to a very expensive restaurant to make a good impression. The waiter approaches the table and asks to take their order. The lady begins ordering practically everything on the menu, shrimp cocktail, pate, Caesar Salad, lobster, crepes Suzette, with no regard to the price. The guy is getting very upset, as he never thought she would order so much. She then stops, and looks across at him, and asks, "What do you suggest I wash it down with?" "Well my dear, I can think of nothing so fitting as the Mississippi River." ---------- A customer called his car-rental company and said he needed a tow. The driver named the highway where he was stranded -- but he didn't know the make of the car he was driving. The representative asked for a more detailed description beyond "a blue four-door." After a pause, the driver replied: "It's the one on fire." ---------- On New Year’s Eve, at five minutes till midnight, Mary stood up at the local pub and said that it was time to get ready. At the stroke of midnight, she wanted every husband to be standing next to the one person who made his life worth living. Well, The bartender was almost crushed to death. --- ...LOL! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- (.,------...__ _.'" `. .' .' `, `. `. ` . .' .'/''--...__`. \ . .--.`. ' "-. '. | '' .' _.' .()) .--":/ ''( \_\ ' (()( ''._' ( \ ' ' `. `--' ' `.: . `-.___.' ' `. . _ _ .' ) .____.-' .'`. (--.. .' \ /\ / / `. .' \( \ /|/ `. .' \__/ `. / | o | \ | | | jro >Politics... Hillary Clinton goes to a gifted-student primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand. Hillary asks him what his name is. "Kenneth," he says. "And what is your question, Kenneth?" she asks. "I have three questions," he says. "First -- whatever happened in Benghazi? "Second -- why would you run for president if you are not capable of handling two e-mail accounts? "And, third -- whatever happened to the missing six billion dollars while you were Secretary of State?" Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess. When they resume Hillary says, "Okay, where were we? Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?" A different boy -- little Johnny -- puts his hand up. Hillary points to him and asks him what his name is. "Johnny," he says. "And what is your question, Johnny?" she asks. "I have five questions," he says. "First -- whatever happened in Benghazi? "Second -- why would you run for president if you are not capable of handling two e-mail accounts? "Third -- whatever happened to the missing six billion dollars while you were Secretary of State? "Fourth -- why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? "And, fifth -- where's Kenneth?" --- ...HaHaHa~ Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' Something we learned in bible study... In this crazy political season, I decided a little religion might be appropriate so here is a short Bible study. Remember what Jesus said: 'Goats on the left, sheep on the right' (Matthew 25:33). Jesus also told Peter that if he wanted to catch fish do it from the right side of the boat. They did and filled the boat with fish. John 21:6 (NIV) ... He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. ” Origin of Left & Right...I have often wondered why it is that Conservatives are called the right" and Liberals are called the "left”. By chance I stumbled upon this verse in the Bible: Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV) - "The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.” Thus, sayeth the Lord. Amen. It surely can't get any simpler than that. Spelling Lesson: The last four letters in American..........I Can The last four letters in Republican....... I Can The last four letters in Democrats........ Rats End of lesson! ...Test to follow on November 3, 2020. So Remember, November 2020 is to be set aside as Rat removal month. Please share this Bible Lesson with all your friends and email buddies to help achieve that goal. Never grow a wishbone where a backbone ought to be. --- ...TeeHee! Thanks LouiseAu! ========================================================= >-->From HandyHints: .-. // \\ _||___||_ / \ |___________| / ====== \ / _||_ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | |__|_FILL LINE_|__| \ '----' / \___________/ m1a Lift the worst carpet stains... It's dish liquid to the rescue. Dissolve one tablespoon of dish liquid into two cups of warm water, and blot the stain with a clean white cloth dipped into the solution. Repeat until the stain absorbs into the cloth and disappears from the carpet. Then sponge with cold water, and blot dry with a clean cloth. Dish Soap + Baking Soda The next time your elbow grease isn't enough to scrub off baked-on food, sprinkle baking soda on top of your dish detergent to pump up your cleaner and add more friction to your scrubbing situation. Make a stove simmer My crafty and cleaning obsessed mother taught me this great hint that I'd like to share. Simmy water in a small saucepan and add orange, lemon, or lime slices with some herbs like mint or lavender. The heat permeates the sweet scent throughout the house. It is an easy trick that is handy before parties or just because it's Saturday and you are cleaning. Get creative with your scents as are some other things you can add to simmering water: Cinnamon sticks Fresh ginger Pine sprigs Whole cloves Chai tea bags Vanilla or Almond extract Stop heartburn and deepen sleep with melatonin Taking 3mg of melatonin prevents heartburn flares as effectively as prescription PPIs. Melatonin heals the valve that keeps stomach acid from splashing up into your throat. Bonus: this natural sleep hormone cuts your risk of insomnia in half. Banish bloat and speed slimming with a sip of ACV Bloat and burping are often triggered by too little stomach acid. To ease symptoms, sip unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (1 tbs. diluted in a glass of water). UCLA researchers say ACV's natural acids help quash gas formation. Bonus: ACV stimulates the stomach nerve that makes you feel full sooner, helping you slim down 55% faster - on any diet. -<>- >'Go Green' Hints: Quit buying bottled water! Bottled water is usually no better than your typical tap water-it just costs more, contains plastic toxins from the bottles and leaves a trail of waste everywhere. Get a faucet water filter and a reusable water bottle to save money and help the environment. When it comes to skin care, look no further than your kitchen for lots of DIY remedies that can be as effective as the chemical versions. Honey, avocado, coconut oil, sugar, and fresh fruit can all be concocted into DIY skin and hair masks, moisturizers, and other treatments. Not only are these ingredients free of the toxic chemicals and preservatives lurking in many commercial products, but they're eco-friendly from a waste-reduction standpoint, especially if you compost peels and other scraps as you're preparing them. ======================================================= >-->In The Worldly News: Soleimani Was Planning ‘Imminent Attacks’ That Could Have Killed Hundreds Of Americans, Top US Official Says ‘$1.7 Billion In Unmarked Bills’: Ted Cruz Tells Off Former Obama Official Over Iran Terrorist Strike Biden Says Iran Is An Issue ‘Our Administration Had Solved And Put On the Back Burner’ Trump Campaign Strikes Back At Biden Over Iran Comments: ‘He Even Opposed Taking Out Osama Bin Laden’ Trump Increases Pressure on Iran With Appeal to Iranians Here Are Young America’s Foundation’s ‘Best Of The Worst’ 2019 Campus Protests ‘It’s Time For A Lesson’: Betsy DeVos Fires Back At Teacher Union Head Video- Fox News: Conservatives punched, spray painted in the face on college campuses across America Westwing News: WhiteHouseNews: Latest From AFA: Students For Life Latest From OperationRescue: Latest Product Alert: Soup, Fish, Cheese Latest Health Alert: Click to Give Free -<>- >From BizarreNews: Kids have come a long way from the old bowl cut. When I was a younster my mother would cut my hair in the winter and every summer my dad would run a pair of electric clippers over my head. I was a senior in high school before I saw the inside of a hair salon. But apparently everyone's become a lot more sensitive about their hair, especially in Texas where a bad haircut is apparently a shootin' offense. Texas law enforcement officials are searching for a suspect accused of shooting a barber over his 13-year-old son's haircut, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office. Deputies responded to the barber shop in Katy, near Houston, where a male employee was apparently shot around 5 p.m. by a customer. The customer fled the scene, the sheriff's office said. Harris County Det. Wallace Wyatt reported that the argument was over the haircut given to the suspect's 13-year-old son. "He went home, came back. They fixed the haircut for free and then that's when the altercation occurred," Wyatt told local news. "That is one of the worst ones I've heard," he added, "especially with your son being here, witnessing what you're doing." The barber is expected to survive. -<>- Police say a drunk man at San Francisco International Airport posed as a TSA agent and patted down two women in a screening area. The 53-year-old was a ticketed passenger who had passed through a security checkpoint and began drinking at an airport lounge. After a few hours, he approached a female traveler and convinced her to go into a private booth with him. The man somehow obtained plastic blue gloves, and he looked the part of a TSA agent because he was wearing khaki pants and a blue polo shirt. Officers said it is unclear what exactly happened inside the private booth but they think he may have groped the woman. TSA agents later spotted the man as he took another unsuspecting female into the booth. They confronted and detained him until police arrived. Somebody needs to give this guy a job. If he can talk not one but two women into letting him feel them up, and all after he drank 5 or 6 Manhattans, that is a skill that need to be put to productive use. Maybe the TSA should have drinks at every checkpoint. Might make everyone relax and things run much smoother. He was arrested for public drunkenness but may face additional charges. I'm not sure why, he was working pro-boner after all. *--- Boy, 7, accidentally swallows AirPod ---* A Georgia mother shared an X-ray photo showing the new location of the Apple AirPod her son received for Christmas -- his stomach. Kiara Stroud said her 7-year-old son received a new set of AirPods, wireless Bluetooth earbuds, as a Christmas gift, and he ended up in the emergency room when he told her he had accidentally swallowed one. The boy told his mother he had been holding the AirPod in his mouth when he swallowed. An X-ray image taken at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egelston shows the device inside the boy's stomach. Stroud said the doctors decided to leave the AirPod where it is and told her it will pass through his body naturally. The mother said her son will be using wired headsets until he gets a little older. *-- They Take Their Dr. Pepper Seriously in This House --* A Louisiana man has been arrested and charged with holding a gun to the head of his 9-year-old son because he was angry with the boy for drinking the last Dr. Pepper in the house. Chad Kinnaird, 39, was arrested on New Year's Day by deputies with the Ouachita Parish Sheriff's Office. The arrest affidavit states that the boy went with his mother to the sheriff's office and told investigators his father "became angry at him because he consumed the last Dr. Pepper." It says Kinnaird pushed the barrel of the gun against his son's head. The affidavit also said that deputies were told Kinnaird had been consuming alcoholic beverages at the time of the incident. *--- Woman leaves purse behind after dine-and-dash ---* A Canadian woman who attempted to dine-and-dash was arrested after she was forced to return to the scene of the crime because she left her purse behind. Kyla Anne MacMillan had to return to an Alberta pub after skipping out on a $160 bar tab that she had rung up with two female friends. After bailing on the bill, MacMillan returned to the bar because she had left her purse containing her medication. MacMillan's hefty tab included a pitcher of beer, chicken wings, nachos and 23 shots. According to the tab, the ladies slugged down six shots of tequila, 10 B-52s, six Dirty Hookers and one vodka shooter, the Star reported. She initially claimed that she had simply stepped outside to use an ATM, but that excuse didn't fly. The suspect pleaded guilty to fraudulently obtaining food and was fined $325, in addition to being ordered to pay the bill. MacMillan is unemployed and only had $5.35 on her during her court appearance. *--- Man uses jail phone call to order pizza ---* According to Kentucky police, a shoplifting suspect who was arrested on suspicion of stealing $36 worth of beer didn't call someone to come bail him out during booking -- he called Domino's. While Corbin police were booking Michael Harp for shoplifting and alcohol intoxication in public, he allegedly asked to use his cellphone. A short while later, a Domino's deliveryperson showed up with five pies. According to police, they were able to link the call back to Harp's cellphone. Harp reportedly told the pizzeria that his name was "Captain Wilson," one of the officers who helped arrest him. He denies ordering the pizzas. "I'm wrongfully accused on this here. They've charged me with two felonies over this pizza deal because I had my phone inside the holding cell," Harp told local news. "There was about 10 people who probably used the phone, so it's hard to say. Like I said, I never heard anyone say a word about Domino's pizzas." Thanks to the pizza prank, Harp is facing additional charges of theft of identity and impersonating a police officer. He plans on fighting the matter in court. ========================================================= >-->From TheGroaner: HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHH'H`HHHHH'H`HHHHHHHH HHHHHbodHHHHHbodHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHH'`HHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHooHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHP`HHHHHH'`HHHHHHHH HHHHHHb """" dHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHboooooodHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Krogg >Resolutions You Can Keep Are you sick of making the same resolutions year after year that you never keep? Why not promise to do something you can actually accomplish? Here are some resolutions that you can use as a starting point: Gain weight. At least 30 pounds. Stop exercising. Waste of time. Read less. Makes you think. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff. Procrastinate more. Starting tomorrow. Spend more time at work, surfing with the T1. Stop bringing lunch from home: I should eat out more. Get in a whole NEW rut! Personal goal: bring back disco. Buy an '83 Eldorado and invest in a really loud stereo system. Speak in a monotone voice and only use monosyllabicwords. Only wear jeans that are 2 sizes too small and use a chain or rope for a belt. Get further in debt. Break at least one traffic law. Get wired with high-speed net connections at home. Associate with even worse business clients. Spread out priorities beyond my ability to keep track of them. Wait around for opportunity. Focus on the faults of others. Mope about my faults. Never make New Year's resolutions again. -<>- >It's So Clean! Two roaches were munching on garbage in an alley when one engages a discussion about a new restaurant. "I was in that new restaurant across the street," said one. "It's so clean! The kitchen is spotless, and the floors are gleaming white. There is no dirt anywhere--it's so sanitary that the whole place shines." "Please," said the other roach frowning. "Not while I'm eating!" -<>- >Stuck In An Elevator The guys down at the barber shop asked me what Hollywood bombshell actress I'd like to be stuck in an elevator with. I thought for a minute and said, "Any one of 'em that knows how to fix elevators." -<>- >Use Your Imagination A therapist told a woman to use some imagination while making love with her husband to spice things up. She replied, "You mean like imagine that it's good?" -<>- >Q and A Quickies /////' ' # o C - | ___ ' =__' ___ (` _ \_ | | _/ ') \ (__\ ,---- _ |----. /__)- | \__ ( ( / ) ) __/ |_X_\/ \. # _.| \/_X_| | \ /( / /\ / | \ / ( , / \ _/ /______/ [:::::::] /*%*%*%*%*\ >%*%#%*%*%| /%*%*#*%*%*\ ######^###### b'ger Q: What is a boxer's favorite drink? A: Punch. Q: What is the noisiest game? A: Tennis, you can't play it without raising a racket. Q: What kind of school does a carpenter go to? A: Boarding school. Q: What is the best day to go to the beach? A: Sunday, of course! Q: What sound do porcupines make when they kiss? A: Ouch! Q: What do the letters D.A.M. stand for? A: Mothers Against Dyslexia. ========================================================= >-->From CleanLaffs: .-. _.--"""".o/ .-.-._ __' ."""; { _J ,__ `. ; o\.-.`._.'J; ; / `- / ; `--i`". `" .'; `._ __.' | \ `""" \ `; : `."-. ; ____/ / `-.` `-.-' `"-..' ___ `;__.-'" `. .-{_ `--._ /.-" `-. / ""T ""---...' _.-"" """-. `. ; / __.-"". `. `, _.. \ / __.-"" '. \ `.,__ .'L' } `---"`-.__ __." .-. j `. : `. .' ,' / """" / \ : `. | F' \ ; ; `-._,L_,-""-. `-, ; ` ; / `. 7 `-._ `.__/_ \/ \ _; \ _.' `-. / `---" `.___,, ;"" \ .' _/ ; `" .-" _,-' { ""; ;-.____.'`. fsc `. \ '. : \ : : / Rushing to get to the movies, my husband and I told the kids we had to leave "right now" at which point our teenage daughter headed for the bathroom to apply makeup. Her dad yelled for her to get in the car immediately, and headed for the garage grumbling. On the way to the multiplex my husband glanced in the rearview mirror and caught our teen applying lipstick and blush, which produced the predictable lecture. "Look at your mom," he said. "She didn't put on any makeup just to go sit in a dark movie theater." >From the back I heard, "Yeah, but Mom doesn't need makeup." My heart swelling with the compliment, I turned back to thank this sweet, wonderful daughter of mine just as she continued, "Nobody looks at her." -<>- A teenager brings her new boyfriend home to meet her parents. They are appalled by his haircut, his tattoos, his piercings. Later, the girl's mom says, "Dear, he doesn't seem to be a very nice boy." "Oh, please, Mom!" says the daughter. "If he wasn't nice, would he be doing 500 hours of community service?" -<>- A Missouri farmer passed away and left 17 mules to his three sons. The instructions left in the will said that the oldest boy was to get one-half, the second oldest one-third, and the youngest one-ninth. The three sons, recognizing the difficulty of dividing 17 mules into these fractions, began to argue. Their uncle heard about the argument, hitched up his mule and drove out to settle the matter. He added his mule to the 17, making 18. The oldest therefore got one-half, or nine, the second oldest got one-third, or six, and the youngest son got one-ninth, or two. Adding up 9, 6 and 2 equals 17. The uncle, having settled the argument, hitched up his mule and drove home. -<>- An inveterate horseplayer paused before taking his place at the betting windows, and offered up a fervent prayer to his Maker. "Dear Lord," he murmured, "I know you don't approve of my gambling, but just this once, Lord, just this once, please let me at least break even. I need the money so badly!" -<>- A lady is having a bad day at the roulette tables in Vegas. She's down to her last $50. Exasperated, she exclaims, "What rotten luck I've had today! What in the world should I do now?" A man standing next to her suggests, "I don't know... why don't you play your age?" He walks away. Moments later, his attention is grabbed by a great commotion at the roulette table. Maybe she won! He rushes back to the table and pushes his way through the crowd. The lady is lying limp on the floor, with the table operator kneeling over her. The man is stunned. He asks, "What happened? Is she all right?" The operator replies, "I don't know. She put all her money on 29, and 36 came up. Then she just fainted!" -<>- .-. , .-' ,c'. __rK _)a 7 ; / ~,) (_, ( _; /a( |_. :'\ L/\.'__/ \ ' )nnnK-. S / (_ .- L,-' .dHHHb | S( '\_\\ / dHb'----'dHHHHb \ S \ , ) _,-._ / dHHHb"x.dHHHHHHb \ S |'. '.______/_U/_ '.-z/dHHHp 'dHHHHHb\ | [H | '..___.--'._C__ ) | dHHHHHHb\ _ \ /| |_ | \ L/'--._/_ ; k ' / |//- '-. ---.__ '| / | ( '-. '. | _'-. _/ .."' `., _ , : | \ _\ ,/ , '/ ." ': . : | .-' '', : |/(/\]/ \ /: ' | : /_ '...... .'/ | | | : / .' '--.__, __.'\ / | : ; |/ | '----'L, | / \ : . \ '-.________ / ] |____/ snd L_____'..' _.7' _/ <, > <___.' / \ \____/ ____ _____ As e-mail (and blogs and texts and Tweets) continue to erode the written language, perhaps it is time for an English language lesson. So, with tongue firmly in cheek, here are some rules to keep in mind when using the Queen's Engerlish: 1. Verbs has to agree with their subjects. 2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. 3. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction. 4. It is wrong to ever split an infinitive. 5. Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat). 6. Always avoid annoying alliteration. 7. Be more or less specific. 8. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are (usually) unnecessary. 9. Also, too, never, ever use repetitive redundancies. 10. No sentence fragments. No comma splices, run-ons are bad too. 11. Contractions aren't helpful and shouldn't be used. 12. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos. 13. Do not be redundant; do not use more words than necessary; it's highly superfluous. 14. One should never generalize. 15. Comparisons are as bad as cliches. 16. Don't use no double negatives. 17. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc. 18. One-word sentences? Eliminate. 19. Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake. 20. The passive voice is to be ignored. 21. Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words however should be enclosed in commas. 22. Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice. 23. Kill all exclamation points!!!! 24. Use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them. 25. Understatement is probably not the best way to propose earth shattering ideas. 26. Use the apostrophe in it's proper place and omit it when its not needed. 27. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know." 28. If you've heard it once, you've heard it a thousand times: resist hyperbole; not one writer in a million can use it correctly. 29. Puns are for children, not groan readers. 30. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms. 31. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed. 32. Who needs rhetorical questions? 33. Exaggeration is a million times worse than understatement. 34. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out. ========================================================= >-->From AndyChaps: \\ ///// | | (| _ _ |) |` | '| | __ | >>>___/\_^__/\___<<< / ||| \ Mike Hertz >A Question Posed To Colin Powell The Secretary of State, the Honorable Colin Powell, during a recent trip to the UN in New York was approached by an Iraqi news reporter, who asked: "Is it true that only 13 percent of young Americans can even find Iraq on the map?" The Secretary turned to the reporter with a smile and said: "Yes, that's true. But the sad news for Iraq is that the 13 percent are all United States Marines! -<>- >The Secret Of How To Away From It All Getting away from their high-stress jobs, a couple spends relaxing weekends in their motor home. When they found their peace and quiet disturbed by well-meaning, but unwelcome, visits from other campers, they devised a plan to assure themselves some privacy. Now, when they set up camp, they place this sign on the door of their RV: "Insurance agent. Ask about our term-life package." -<>- >A Groaner For Sure In a small business office they have an answering machine that instructs callers to leave their name and address, and to spell any difficult words. Early one Monday the secretary was reviewing the weekend messages and she heard an enthusiastic young woman recite her name and address and then confidently offer, "My dif- ficult word is reconciliation. R-E-C-O-N-C-I-L-I-A-T-I-O-N." -<>- .-"""-"""-"""--.--"""-"""-""""-. -" I I I I I I I I "-. " MMMMMMMMMMn)))).(((((nMMMMMMMMM " " M .-''''-. "MMM MMM" .-'''-. M " I M' .-'''''-. -MM MM- .'.-''''-. M I I M 'MMMMMMMMM .'''''. 'MMMMMMMMM' M I I M M M$M MM : MM M$M M M I I M MMM M -"".""- M MMM M I I """""" MMMMMMMMM """""" . I I '-....-' : MMMMMMM : '-...-'.' I " . '-....-' - - '-...-' " , '. : .'" " '....' '.....' " "-'...;' : : '....'-" "- ".-----....--." -" "- . -" "- '-...- '.' -" "-.; '-....-' .-" I"-......I" I I I '-- --'I I I I '-- --'I I I I '-- --'I I I TAG I '-- --'I "E.T." >Geezer Exam 1. In the 1940's, where were automobile headlight dimmer switches located? a. On the floor shift knob b. On the floor board, to the left of the clutch c. Next to the horn 2. The bottle top of a Royal Crown Cola bottle had holes in it. For what was it used? a. Capture lightning bugs b. To sprinkle clothes before ironing c. Large salt shaker 3. Why was having milk delivered a problem in northern winters? a. Cows got cold and wouldn't produce milk b. Ice on highways forced delivery by dog sled c. Milkmen left deliveries outside of front doors and milk would freeze, expanding and pushing up the cardboard bottle top. 4. What was the popular chewing gum named for a game of chance? a. Blackjack b. Gin c. Craps! 5. What method did women use to look as if they were wearing stockings when none were available due to rationing during W.W.II? a. Suntan b. Leg painting c. Wearing slacks 6. What postwar car turned automotive design on its ear when you couldn't tell whether it was coming or going? a. Studebaker b. Nash Metro c. Tucker 7. Which was a popular candy when you were a kid? a. Strips of dried peanut butter b. Chocolate licorice bars c. Wax coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside 8. How was Butch wax used? a. To stiffen a flattop haircut so it stood up b. To make floors shiny and prevent scuffing c. On the wheels of roller skates to prevent rust 9. Before inline skates, how did you keep your roller skates attached to your shoes? a. With clamps, tightened by a skate key b. Woven straps that crossed the foot. c. Long pieces of twine 10. As a kid, what was considered the best way to reach a decision? a. Consider all the facts b. Ask Mom c. Eeny-meeny-miney-mo 11. What was the most dreaded disease in the 1940's? a. Smallpox b. AIDS c. Polio 12. "I'll be down to get you in a ________, Honey" a. SUV b. Taxi c. Streetcar 13. What was the name of Caroline Kennedy's pet pony? a. Old Blue b. Paint c. Macaroni 14. What was a Duck-and-Cover Drill? a. Part of the game of hide and seek b. What you did when your mom called you in to do chores c. Hiding under your desk, and covering your head with your arms in an A-bomb drill 15. What was the name of the Indian Princess on the Howdy Doody show? a. Princess Summerfallwinterspring b. Princess Sacajewea c. Princess Moonshadow 16. What did all the really savvy students do when mimeographed tests were handed out in school? a. Immediately sniffed the purple ink, as this was believed to get you high b. Made paper airplanes to see who could sail theirs out the window c. Wrote another pupil's name on the top, to avoid your failure 17. Why did your Mom shop in stores that gave Green Stamps with purchases? a. To keep you out of mischief by licking the backs, which tasted like bubble gum b. They could be put in special books and redeemed for various household items c. They were given to the kids to be used as stick-on tattoos 18. Praise the Lord, and pass the _________? a. Meatballs b. Dames c. Ammunition 19. What was the name of the singing group that made the song "Cabdriver" a hit? a. The Ink Spots b. The Supremes c. The Esquires 20. Who left his heart in San Francisco? a. Tony Bennett b. Zavier Cugat c. George Gershwin ANSWERS 1. b) On the floor, to the left of the clutch. Hand controls, popular in Europe, took till the late '60s to catch on. 2. b) To sprinkle clothes before ironing. Who had a steam iron? 3. c) Cold weather caused the milk to freeze and expand, popping the bottle top. 4. a) Blackjack Gum. 5. b) Special makeup was applied, followed by drawing a seam down the back of the leg with eyebrow pencil. 6. a) 1946 Studebaker. 7. c) Wax coke bottles containing super-sweet colored water. 8. a) Wax for your flat top (butch) haircut. 9. a) With clamps, tightened by a skate key, which you wore on a shoestring around your neck. 10. c) Eeny-meeny-miney-mo. 11. c) Polio. In beginning of August, swimming pools were closed, movies and other public gathering places were closed to try to prevent spread of the disease. 12. b) Taxi. Better be ready by half-past eight! 13. c) Macaroni. 14. c) Hiding under your desk, and covering your head with your arms in an A-bomb drill. 15. a) Princess Summerfallwinterspring. She was another puppet. 16. a) Immediately sniffed the purple ink to get a high. 17. b) Put in a special stamp book, they could be traded for household items at the Green Stamp store. 18. c) Ammunition, and we'll all be free. 19. a) The all male, all black group: The Inkspots. 20. a) Tony Bennett, and he sounds just as good today. (or bad, depending on your taste) See scoring below: 17- 20 correct: You are not only older than dirt, but obviously gifted with mind bloat. Now if you could only find your glasses. 12 -16 correct: Not quite dirt yet, but your mind is definitely muddy. 0 -11 correct: You are a sad excuse for a geezer or you are younger than springtime! -<>- >Just A Day At The Airport Working as a secretary at an international airport, my sister had an office adjacent to where security temporarily holds suspects. One day security officers were questioning a man when they were suddenly called away on another emergency. To the horror of my sister and her colleagues, the man was left alone in the unlocked room. After a few minutes, the door opened, and he began to walk out. Summoning up her courage, one of the secretaries barked, "Get back in there, and don't come out until you're told!" The man scuttled back inside and slammed the door. When the security people returned, the woman reported what had happened. Without a word, an officer walked into the room and released one very frightened telephone repairman. -<>- ______ ,-~ _ ^^~-., ,^ -,____ ^, ,/\/\/\, / (____) | S~ ~7 ; .---._ | | || _| S I AM THE Z | | ~-.,\ | |!/ | /_ LAW! _\ ( | ~<-.,_^\|_7^ ,| _//_ _\ | | ", 77> (T/| _/' \/\/\/ | \_ )/<,/^\)i(| ( ^~-, |________|| ^!,_ / /, ,'^~^',!!_,..---. \_ "-./ / (-~^~-))' =,__,..>-, ^-,__/#w,_ '^' /~-,_/^\ ) /\ ( <_ ^~~--T^ ~=, \ \_,-=~^\ .-==, _,=^_,.-"_ ^~*.(_ /_) \ \,=\ ) /-~; \,-~ .-~ _,/ \ ___[8]_ \ T_),--~^^) _/ \,,..==~^_,.=,\ _.-~O ~ \_\_\_,.-=} ,{ _,.-<~^\ \ \\ () .=~^^~=. \_\_,./ ,{ ^T^ _ / \ \ \ \ \) [| \oDREDD > ^T~ ^ { \ \ _\.-|=-T~\\ () ()\<||>,' ) + \ |=~T ! Y [|() \ ,' / -naughty >MISCELLANEOUS LAWS Perkin's postulate: The bigger they are, the harder they hit. First Law of Laboratory Work: Hot glass looks exactly the same as cold glass. Gold's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly. Lewis' Law: People will buy anything that's one to a customer. Allen's Law: Almost anything is easier to get into than out of. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs, maybe you just don't understand the situation. Thoreau's Law: If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life. -<>- >How Do You Feel Two cows were reading the ad on the side of a passing milk truck: Pasteurized, Homogenized, Standardized - Vitamin A Added. One looked at the other and said, "Make's you feel rather inadequate, doesn't it?" -<>- >Oh Noooo, Where are You Danny "Oh, No!" he gasped as he surveyed the disaster before him. Never in his 40 years of life had he seen anything like it. How anyone could have survived he did not know. He could only hope that somewhere amid the overwhelming destruction he would find his 16- year-old son. Only the slim hope of finding Danny kept him from turning and fleeing the scene. He took a deep breath and proceeded. Walking was virtually impossible with so many things strewn across his path. He moved ahead slowly. "Danny! Danny!" he whispered to himself. He tripped and almost fell several times. He heard someone, or something, move. At least he thought he did. Perhaps, he was just hoping he did. He shook his head and felt his gut tighten. He couldn't understand how this could have happened. There was some light but not enough to see very much. Something cold and wet brushed against his hand. He jerked it away. In desperation, he took another step then cried out, "Danny!". From a nearby pile of unidentified material, he heard his son. "Yes, Dad," he said, in a voice so weak it could hardly be heard. "It's time to get up and get ready for school," the man sighed, "and, for heaven's sake, clean up this room. -<>- >Mine's Better Than Yours A couple of F-15's fighters are escorting a C-130 Hercules, and their pilots are chatting with the pilot of the old transport plane to pass the time. Talk comes around to the relative merits of their respective aircraft. The fighter pilots contend that their airplanes were better because of their superior speed, maneuverability, weaponry, and so forth, and pointed out the Hercules deficiencies in these areas. After taking this for a while, the C-130 pilot says, "Oh yeah? Well, I can do a few things in this old girl that you'd only dream about." Naturally, the fighter pilots challenge him to demonstrate. "Just watch," comes the quick retort. And so they watch. But all they see is that C-130 continuing to fly straight and level. After several minutes the Hercules pilot comes back on the air, saying "There! How was that?" Not having seen anything, the fighter pilots reply, "What are you talking about? What did you do?" And the Hercules pilot replies, "Well, I got up, stretched my legs, got a cup of coffee, then went into the back and used the restroom, Let's see you do that". -<>- .---------------. / oLo \ O/_____/________/____\O /__________+__________\ / (#############) \ |[**](#############)[**]| \_______________________/ |_""__|_,-----,_|__""_| | | '-----' | | APC'97 '-' '-' >My Vanity License Plate While working as an agricultural inspector at the Arizona state line, I found that addressing people in an informal manner relieved their nervousness and minimized problems. One day when a car with the vanity license plate "TVECL" stopped for inspection, I approached the driver and said, "How are you, Mr. Tvecl?" "Your pronunciation is fine," he replied, "but that's not my name. I'm an optometrist, and those are the letters on the bottom line of my eye chart." -<>- ___ ,--[___]--, / \ |,.--'```'--.,| , |'-.,_____,.-'| || |'-.,_____,.-'| || | | _||_ | P A I N T | ///\\\ | | HHHHHH |'-.,_____,.-'| |||||| jgs `'-.,_____,.-'' |||||| >What If I Need More After an hour of "Just a little more white, two squirts of blue, a dash of black, perhaps a tad more white," the paint- store clerk got my gallon to the exact shade I wanted. With a sigh of relief, he pounded the lid on. "Now what do I do if I need more paint?" I asked. "Don't come back here," he begged. -<>- |..| ? ? c >| ? \'/ /><\ >Seven Degrees of Blondness FIRST DEGREE A married couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2 in the morning. The wife (undoubtedly blonde), picked up the phone, listened a moment and said, "How should I know, that's 200 miles from here!" and hung up. The husband said, "Who was that?" The wife said, "I don't know, some woman wanting to know if the coast is clear." SECOND DEGREE: Two blondes are walking down the street. One notices a compact on the sidewalk and leans down to pick it up. She opens it, looks in the mirror and says, "Hmm, this person looks familiar." The second blonde says, "Here, let me see!" So the first blonde hands her the compact. The second one looks in the mirror and says, "You dummy, it's me!" THIRD DEGREE: A blonde suspects her boyfriend of cheating on her, so she goes out and buys a gun. She goes to his apartment unexpectedly and when she opens the door she finds him in the arms of a redhead. Well, the blonde is really angry. She opens her purse to take out the gun, and as she does so, she is overcome with grief. She takes the gun and puts it to her head. The boyfriend yells, "No, honey, don't do it!!!" The blonde replies, "Shut up, you're next!" FOURTH DEGREE: A blonde was bragging about her knowledge of state capitals. She proudly says, "Go ahead, ask me, I know all of them." A friend says, "OK, what's the capital of Wisconsin?" The blonde replies, "Oh, that's easy: W." FIFTH DEGREE: What did the blonde ask her doctor when he told her she was pregnant? "Is it mine?" SIXTH DEGREE: Bambi, a blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA freshman, sat in her US government class. The professor asked Bambi if she knew what Roe vs. Wade was about. Bambi pondered the question then finally said, "That was the decision George Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware." SEVENTH DEGREE: Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the radio, and a K-9 unit, patrolling nearby was the first to respond. As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps. Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, "I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman." -<>- >The Class In CPR Toward the end of our senior year in high school, we were required to take a CPR course. We used the well known mannequin victim, Resusci-Annie, to practice. Typical of most models, this Resusci-Annie was only a torso to allow for storage in a carrying case. The class went off in groups to practice. As instructed, one of my classmates gently shook the doll and asked, "Are you all right?" He then put his ear over the mannequin's mouth to listen for breathing. Suddenly he turned to the instructor and exclaimed, "She said she can't feel her legs!" -<>- >My Boyfriend Meets My Parents One night a teenage girl brought her new boy- friend home to meet her parents, and they were appalled by his appearance: leather jacket, motorcycle boots, tattoos and pierced nose. Later, the parents pulled their daughter aside and confessed their concern. "Dear," said the mother diplomatically, "he doesn't seem very nice." "Mom," replied the daughter, "if he wasn't nice, why would he be doing 5000 hours of community service?" -<>- .------------------------. .-----.----.-----. ( Thank you for making a ) / /-.| |////| |.-\ \ /_ simple door very happy / / /|_|| |////| ||_|\ \ `----------------------' / : : |////| : : \ / /___: |////| :___\ \ / : |_ |////| _| :___\ Imperial Door (GPP enhanced) / / |_||////||_| \ \ (c) Syrius Cybernetics Corp. / : |_||////||_| : \ /____/____ |_||////||_| ____\____\ / : | |////| | : \ / / | _ |////| _ | \ \ \ : || ||////|| || : / \ / .'-\ ||////|| /-`. \ / -----'-'---------'-'----'-'---------'-'------------------------------ dd >Problem Solving When I worked for the security department of a large retail store, my duties included responding to fire and burglar alarms. A side door of the building was wired with a security alarm, because it was not supposed to be used by customers. Nevertheless they found the convenience of the exit tempting. Even a sign with large red letters, warning "Alarm will sound if opened," failed to deter people from using it. One day, after attending to a number of shrieking alarms, I placed a small handmade sign on the door that totally eliminated the problem: "Wet paint." ========================================================= >-->FUN Places To Net Visit REAL Fantasy Trees 2! 90/10 Principle Advice For The New Year Chapel Oak Just Thinking! Playing With Words Hand Painting Art 2 Typewriting Art 2 Auto Motorplex Black Deer Fawn Look Who's Talking 3 When Sandman Attacks What Your GPS Won't Show You Paper Sculpture Art! Niagara Falls In Neon! Wave Frozen In Time! Akiane Thru The Years! Building Advertising Art! Full New Years Index! -<>- Revisiting... >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) You have to hand it to the Australians. And they had such a great time carrying this out. This is one of the best pranks I've seen, what a lot of work! Music video by Elvis Presley & Martina McBride performing Blue Christmas. This is modern technology at it's finest as someone has done a GREAT job of editing and putting these two singers together for this all time great song. If you are a fan of Elvis you might enjoy Elvis and Celine Dion and King Creole. Two adorable newborn polar bear cubs play with their mother on their journey to the frozen sea in northern Manitoba, Canada. Chuck Norris doing a split between two Air Force planes with 11 special forces agents balanced on his head. --- ...Awesome! Love these! Thanks LouiseAu! -<>- >From Our Friends Geniann And Melody :) He lives down in alligator country, and has become the "GUARD DOG" of the territory! Cats do have very quick reflexes, but I can't help thinking that one of these times, he's gonna be a fraction of a second off, and will suddenly become snack food for a quicker alligator! Meet Mugsy - wonder how many of his "cat-lives" he's already used up? --- ...Oh My! Love watching this! Thanks Ladies! -<>- >From Our Friend Melody ILHAMA feat. DJ OGB - Bei mir bist du scheen --- ...Old Time Fun! Thanks Melody! ======================================================= >-->Quotes & Thunkers: "My New Year's resolution this year was to get a gym membership, use it twice, and then never use it again. I'm already halfway there." -Jimmy Kimmel "A seventh grade teacher in California was arrested for teaching while drunk. Which is why an entire Earth Science class now thinks hurricanes are formed when rum collides with lime juice, passion fruit, and crushed ice in a hot pink souvenir cup from Senor Frog's." -Jimmy Fallon "New research came out that reveals that being attractive in high school leads to success later in life. So finally some good news for hot, popular teenagers." -Conan O'Brien People born in the year 2000 never have to remember how old they are." -Nick Offerman Today, the stock market hit an all-time high. Which is great news, because if there's one thing we've learned over the past decade it's that if Wall Street executives are doing well, regular Americans are doing well. " -James Corden "Two Connecticut residents stole over $1,000 worth of candles from the Yankee Candle Village. The suspects are being described as white." -Conan O'Brien "Starbucks is planning to open Italian bakeries in New York City and Chicago that will serve pizza. Good, because if there's anywhere you can't get a good slice of pizza, it's NEW YORK CITY and CHICAGO." -Jimmy Fallon Honestly must be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second best policy." -George Carlin "When I'm in a slump, I comfort myself by saying if I believe in dinosaurs, then somewhere, they must be believing in me. And if they believe in me, then I can believe in me. Then I bust out." -Mookie Wilson (baseball player) >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $20 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all self-subscribed readers and $5 more will give you the same message also put up for all web site readers. Email me to secure dates. 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