Happy Early Thanksgiving SMILES... :) Shangy!
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>-->3 HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :)
Our first smoking hot new page is from our friend SharonA.
It is a heartwarming story sure to give you your aww quota
for the day. Be sure to watch the video here too...
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Lion And Tiger Sheep Herders
...Such a cute adorable one! Thanks SharonA!
Our next two sizzling hot new pages come from our friend
LouiseAu. She twisted my arm to get these two done! HaHa.
No. Actually, the two go so perfectly together that once I
got the one done, I couldn't resist doing up the other.
We never get a good look into the lives of the rich and
famous until, that is, they decide to sell their homes.
Then we often are treated to an insiders look! So it is
with this famous man. Check out his gorgeous home here:
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Amazing Athlete Homes 2
This last page, goes right along with the above one. It's
been a while since we had a good troop page and this one
sure does fit that bill! Enjoy the video here too...
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An Open Letter
...Wow! Most eye-opening! Thanks LouiseAu!
I sure am thankful for our veterans! No words can express
our gratitude for their sacrifice and service to our country.
We owe our freedom to them. We look at communist and dictatorship
countries like North Korea and realize just how blessed we are!
>-->From SmileZilla:
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Young Larry stopped by the corner grocery store and read the following
list to the clerk:
10 pounds sugar at $1.25 a pound
4 pounds coffee at $1.50 a pound
2 pounds butter at $1.10 a pound
2 bars soap at $.83 each
"How much does that come to?" asked Larry.
"Twenty-two dollars and thirty-six cents."
"If I gave you three ten dollar bills, how much change would I get?"
said the boy.
"Seven dollars and sixty-four cents," stated the clerk who appeared to
be irritated by all the questions.
Larry said, as he disappeared through the door, "I don't want to buy the
items...that's our arithmetic lesson for tomorrow, and I needed some
help with it."
Fred took a friend driving on a narrow mountain road. After a while
the friend said, "I feel very scared whenever you go around one of
those sharp bends."
"Then do what I do," said Fred, "Close your eyes."
A group of prosperous businessmen were dining at the Sam's Hotel in
Las Vegas.
"Seems to me you are getting a little slimmer," remarked one.
"I should be!" replied the other, "I went on one of those high
protein diets. Nothing but expensive steaks and chops. And would you
believe it - in just two weeks I lost three hundred dollars!"
+------------ BIZARRE HOLIDAYS ------------+
November 20 is Absurdity Day, Beautiful Day and Universal Children's
November 21 is False Confession Day and World Hello Day
November 22 is Go For a Ride Day
November 23 is Eat a Cranberry Day, National Cashew Day, National
Espresso Day, National Tie One On Day and Thanksgiving - Eat, drink,
and be thankful.
November 24 is All Our Uncles are Monkeys Day, Black Friday, Buy
Nothing Day, and You're Welcome Day
November 25 is National Parfait Day
November 26 is Shopping Reminder Day
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>-->Happy Thanksgiving SMILES :)
Josh: Why did the farmer run a steamroller over his potato field
on Thanksgiving Day?
Phil: Why?
Josh: He wanted to raise mashed potatoes.
Joke submitted by John W., Hoschton, Ga.
Biff: Why did the turkey cross the road?
Bob: I don’t know.
Biff: It was Thanksgiving Day, and he wanted people to think he was
a chicken!
Joke submitted by Rachy Y., Waianae, Hawaii
Charles: What is a turkey’s favorite dessert?
Mary: I haven’t a clue.
Charles: Peach gobbler!
Joke submitted by Charles S., Gilbert, Ariz.
Tom Swiftie: “May I say the prayer before Thanksgiving dinner?” Tom
asked gracefully.
Joke submitted by Eric Z., Spokane,Wash.
A lady was picking through the frozen turkeys at the grocery store
for Thanksgiving Day, but couldn’t find one big enough for her
family. She asked a stock boy, “Do these turkeys get any bigger?”
“No, ma’am. They’re dead.”
Joke submitted by Grant W., San Diego, Calif.
Danny: Why did the cranberries turn red?
Jake: Beats me.
Danny: Because they saw the turkey dressing!
Joke submitted by Danny Z., Sandwich, Mass.
Billy: Why do pilgrims’ pants always fall down?
Joe: Beats me.
Billy: Because they wear their belt buckles on their hats!
Joke submitted by Billy S., Dover, Mass.
Luke: What did the turkey say to the computer?
Will: What?
Luke: “Google, google, google.”
Joke submitted by Luke C., College Station, Tex.
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Q: If pilgrims travel on the Mayflower, then what do college
students travel on?
A: The Scholar Ships.
Q: How did the Pilgrams bring their cows to America?
A: On the Mooooo-flower.
Q: What would you get if you crossed a turkey with an ghost?
A: A poultrygeist!
Q: What was the turkey in jail?
A: Fowl play.
Q: What kind of music did the Pilgrims like to listen to?
A: Plymouth Rock.
Q: Who is never hungry on Thanksgiving?
A: The turkey because he’s already stuffed!
Q: What kind of cars would pilgrims drive today?
A: Plymouth.
Q: Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?
A: Because he was out standing in his field!
Q: Why did the turkey cross the road?
A: To get to the other side.
Q: Why shouldn’t you look at the turkey dressing?
A: Because it will make him blush.
Q:What kind of tan did pilgrims get?
A: Puritan.
Q: What do you call Thanksgiving for selfish people?
A: Thanks-taking.
Q: Why don’t you put the turkey near the corn?
A: Because it will gobble, gobble, gobble it up.
Q: What kind of face do pilgrims make when they’re in pain?
A: Pil-grimace.
Q: What do comedians call thanksgiving?
A: Pranks-giving.
Q: What do pilgrim’s learn in school?
A: Pilgrammar.
Q: What do vampires call Thanksgiving?
A: Fangs-giving.
Q: Where did the first corn come from?
A: The stalk brought it.
Q: What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner?
A: The turKEY.
Q: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
A: Pilgrims!
Q: If fruit comes from a fruit tree, where does turkey come from?
A: A poul-tree.
Q: What did one turkey say to the other when they saw the Pilgrims
land at Plymouth rock?
A: They look nice. Maybe they’ll have us over for dinner.
>-->From GoodCleanFun:
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>Nest of Ants
As my husband and I moved some patio stones in the backyard, we
unearthed a nest of ants. Our youngest son was fascinated with the
thousands of ants scurrying madly around.
After watching for a few minutes, he glanced up. "It looks just like
----------- Today's saying or thought -------------------------
I can almost always tell if a movie doesn't use real dinosaurs.
>Trivial Pursuit
My sister along with the rest of the family were playing Trivial
Pursuit one night. It was her turn. She rolled the dice and she
landed on Science & Nature.
Her question was, "If you are in a vacuum and someone calls your
name, can you hear it?"
She thought for a time and then asked, "Is the vacuum on or off?"
>No Good Deed
No good deed goes unpunished. I had volunteered to tar the roof on my
father's shed. I was about halfway done when I slipped and fell flat
on my face getting black goop all over my shirt, my pants, even my
Hearing the thud, Dad looked up. "What happened?"
I got up and began to say, "All I did was..." when my feet shot out
from under me and I flipped into the tarry mess a second time.
"You know," Dad said dryly, "you could have just told me."
>Freezing Process
My son's teacher was explaining the freezing process to his twelfth
grade class and mentioned that his grandfather, a few days before,
had told him he beat frost by watering his vegetables just before
nightfall. One of his students looked at him. "I don't believe it!"
he exclaimed.
Ready to defend the technique, he asked him what he didn't believe.
"That your grandfather's still alive," the astonished boy replied.
>Credit Card Sale
I was standing in line at a restaurant, waiting to pay my bill behind
two women who handed the young waitress a credit card. After swiping
the card through the card reader, she loudly called out to her
manager, "Mr. Calvet, what do I do if it says REJECTED?"
As the women's faces reddened and customers turned to look,
Mr. Calvet walked out from the kitchen.
"Well," he answered, wiping his hands, "the first thing you do is
shout it out loud enough to embarrass the customer, who might have
been thinking of leaving you a tip."
----------- Today's saying or thought -------------------------
It's amazing how the sentence "don't believe everything you
read on the Internet" is the same backwards as it is forwards.
>-->From Our Friend LouiseAu :)
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>Why We Need Lawyers
A "zero tolerance" bonehead award, goes to the Struthers Elementary
School in Ohio for seeking the suspension of a 6-year-old student on
a "dangerous weapons violation" because he took a plastic butter
knife FROM THE SCHOOL CAFETERIA and put it in his backpack so he
could take it home and show his mother that he can butter his toast
by himself. Now the boy faces a 6-month suspension.
Why We Need Lawyers
In response, the parents have hired a lawyer and say that if the
school continues to seek a suspension then they will seek, in return,
to have criminal charges brought against the school for supplying
weapons to children.
Just read that 4,153,237 people got married last year, not
to cause any trouble but shouldn't that be an even number?
Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation
towards the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water.
If I had a dollar for every girl that found me unattractive,
they would eventually find me attractive.
I find it ironic that the colors red, white, and blue stand for
freedom until they are flashing behind you.
Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at
your X and wondered Y?
America is a country which produces citizens who will cross the
ocean to fight for democracy but won't cross the street to vote.
You know that tingly little feeling you get when you like
someone? That's your common sense leaving your body.
Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks
of captivity, they can train people to stand on the very edge of
the pool and throw them fish?
My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We'll see
about that.
I think my neighbor is stalking me as she's been googling my
name on her computer. I saw it through my telescope last night.
Money talks ...but all mine ever says is good-bye.
You're not fat, you're just... easier to see.
If you think nobody cares whether you're alive, try
missing a couple of payments.
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Jolene was only 8 years old and lived with family in the country
with her parents and brother.
Consequently they did not often have visitors from the city. One
day Jolene's mother said that father was bringing two guests home
for Thanksgiving supper.
After they had enjoyed the turkey, Jolene went to the kitchen to
help her mother, and proudly brought in the first piece of pumpkin
pie and gave it to her father.
He then passed the plate to a guest. When Jolene came in with the
second piece and gave it to his father, he again gave it to a guest.
This was too much for Little Jolene, who blurted out, 'It's no use,
Daddy. The pieces are all the same size.'
A couple trying to break into society hosted an elegant and expensive
dinner party. As the guests were enjoying their dinner salad, the maid
called the hostess from the table. The maid informed her that the cat
had climbed on the kitchen table and eaten a large portion of the
salmon's mid-section.
The hostess decided to fill the eaten portion with some canned salmon
and other camouflage. As the guests were enjoying the fish, the maid
called the hostess into the kitchen and announced while wringing her
hands, "Madam, the cat is dead."
The hostess and her husband informed the guests and suggested it might
be best if everyone went to the hospital and had their stomachs pumped
Not wishing to risk food-poisoning, all the guests rushed to the
hospital emergency ward and underwent the unpleasant task of having
their stomachs pumped.
Returning home, the couple asked the maid where she had put the cat.
"It is still out on the road where the car ran over it."
As dessert was served to the visiting pastor, the hostess apologized
for not having any cheese to go with the apple pie.
Hearing this, her little son slipped down from his chair and left the
room, then returned with a small piece of cheese which he shyly placed
on the pastor's plate.
"Why, thank you, son," said the guest as he popped the cheese in his
mouth, "You must have found the last piece! Where did you find it?"
Flushing with pride, the little boy said, "Oh, it was in the
"I'm so worried," the nervous patient said as the nurse plumped up
his pillows.
"Last week, I read about a man who was in the hospital because of
heart trouble, and he died of influenza."
"Don't worry," the nurse said smiling. "I am telling you, Star of
David is a first-rate hospital .
When we treat someone for a heart problem, believe me, he dies from
a heart problem!"
The judge read the charges, then asked, "Are you the defendant in
this case?"
"No sir, your honor, sir," replied Bob, "I've got a lawyer to do
the defendin'. I'm the guy who done it."
Ma and Pa where rocking on the front porch when Pa turned and
slapped Ma. Ma asked, "What was that for?"
Pa replied, "For 40 years of bad love making!"
Ma answered, "Oh," and continued rocking.
Then Ma reached over and slapped Pa. Pa asked, "What was that for?"
Ma Replied, "For knowing the difference!”
Mildred was a 93 year-old woman who was particularly despondent over
the recent death of her husband, Earl. She decided that she would
just kill herself and join him in death.
Thinking that it would be best to get it over with quickly, Mildred
took out Earl's old Army pistol and made the decision to shoot
herself in the heart, since it was so badly broken in the first place.
Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become a vegetable and a
burden to someone, she called her doctor's office to inquire as to
just exactly where the heart was located. "On a woman," the doctor
answered, "your heart would be just below your left breast."
Later that night, Mildred was admitted to the hospital -- with a
gunshot wound to her knee!
Melvin's mother asks, "Why are you crying, Melvin?"
He replies, "Because my new sneakers hurt."
She looks down at them, shakes her head, then tells him, "That's
because you put them on the wrong feet."
Melvin exclaims, "But these are the only two feet I have!"
A four-year-old son was eating an apple in the back seat of the
car, when he asked, "Daddy, why is my apple turning brown?"
"Because," his dad explained, "after you ate the skin off, the flesh
of the apple came into contact with the air, which caused it to
oxidize. That changes the molecular structure and turns it into a
different color."
There was a long silence.
Then the son asked softly, "Daddy, are you talking to me?"
...HaHaHa! Thanks LouiseAu!
>-->From Our Friend KarenF :)
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>Ole the Norvegian knows everybody.
Ole was bragging to his boss one day, "You know, I know everyone
der is to know. Just name someone, anyone, and I know dem."
Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, "OK, Ole how
about Tom Cruise?"
"Sure, yes, Tom and I ver old friends, and I can prove it."
Ole and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom Cruise's
door, and sure enough, Tom Cruise, shouts, "Ole! Great to see
you! You and your friend come right in and join me for lunch!"
Although impressed, Ole's boss is still skeptical. After they
leave Cruise's house, he tells Ole that he thinks Ole's knowing
Cruise was just lucky.
"No, no, just name anyvon else," Ole says. ''Former President Obama,"
his boss quickly retorts.
"Ya sure," Ole says, "I know him. We’ll fly out to his new home in
Washington, DC to see him."
Off they go. At his home, Obama says, "Ole, what a surprise, I was
just on my way to a meeting, but you and your friend come on
in and let's have a cup of coffee first and catch up."
The boss is shaken now, but still not totally convinced. After they
Obama's home, he expresses his doubts to Ole, who again implores him
to name anyone else. "The Pope," his boss replies.
"Sure!" says Ole. "I've known the Pope a long time."
The unconvinced boss flies them off to Rome. Ole and his boss are
assembled with the masses in Vatican Square when Ole says; "This
will never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye among all these
people. Tell you what, I know the guards so let me just go upstairs
and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope."
And he disappears into the crowd headed toward the Vatican. Fifteen
minutes later Ole emerges with the Pope on the balcony.
By the time Ole returns, his boss has had a heart attack and is
surrounded by paramedics.
Working his way to his boss's side, Ole asks him, "What happened?"
His boss looks up and says, "I was doing fine until you and the Pope
came out on the balcony and the Japanese tourist next to me asked,
'Who's that on the balcony with Ole?'
...LOL! Oh Gee! Thanks KarenF!
>-->In The Worldly News:
White House Latest:
Almost 300 MS-13 Gang Members Arrested in Nationwide Bust
- The Washington Free Beacon
On Tax Reform, This Communications Giant Puts $1B Where Its Mouth Is
- The Daily Signal
President Trump Prays with Oklahoma Softball Team on Day NCAA Champs
Visit White House - The New York Daily News
3 UCLA Basketball Players Thank Donald Trump, Apologize for
Shoplifting in China - Associated Press
Dowd: GOP ‘Empowered’ Clinton’s Predatory Behavior With ‘Tainted’
Justice Thomas
NBC Downplays Bill Clinton Allegations With Family’s Talking Points
CBS, NBC Hype ‘Controversy’ and ‘Cloud of Suspicion’ Over Museum of
the Bible
All The Latest At TrueDailyNews:
>From BizarreNews:
Officials with the Naval Air Station Whidbey Island said one
of their aircraft was involved in the obscene skywritings
spotted in Okanogan County, Washington. Photos by multiple
sources show skydrawings of what people are saying is male
A mother who lives in Okanogan said she was upset she might
have to explain to her young children what the drawings were.
Navy officials said, "The Navy holds its aircrew to the
highest standards and we find this absolutely unacceptable,
of zero training value and we are holding the crew
FAA officials said unless the act poses a safety risk, there
is nothing they can do about. The official said they "cannot
police morality."
But you have to admit, if you've seen the pictures, and by
now I'm sure you have, that's some pretty impressive flying.
It can't be easy to use an airplane to draw mile-wide
privates in the sky like that.
I'm not sure if this is a blessing or a curse, but an Oregon
man claims his body turns food calories directly into alcohol!
48-year-old Ray Lewis says he has auto-brewery syndrome (ABS).
He began experiencing symptoms about 5 years ago, feeling
inexplicably nauseous, sweaty, and completely forgetting about
conversations he had. But Ray didn't realize something was
seriously wrong until he crashed his truck in 2014, right
after eating his lunch.
His wife Sierra feared he was a closet alcoholic and put him
on a strict detox diet, banning him from having access to
his bank account to buy alcohol. But even after swearing he
had not let a single drop of booze past his lips, Ray's blood
alcohol readings could measure above the legal limit.
It wasn't until a friend mentioned something they had seen
on television about ABS that Ray and Sierra suspected it was
a medical condition.
After researching the condition they decided that however
rare and unlikely it sounded, ABS was the only explanation
for Ray's sudden drunkenness. In 2015 they were referred to
a doctor in Ohio who diagnosed his condition. Since his
diagnosis Ray has been struggling to adapt to life as an
Ray said: "Most people have laughed at us when we say the
words 'auto-brewery'. They only stop making jokes when they
realise it is not a joke and that we are both suffering."
It has the same physiological effects on the body as life-
long binge drinking. The body's organs don't know or care
where the alcohol originates.
Ray is restricted to a diet of protein, vegetables and nuts,
and is not allowed to touch chocolate, chips, or any other
sugars or carbohydrates.
"I'm getting better at noticing when flare-ups are starting,"
Ray says, "but I have to self-test for blood alcohol levels
ten times a day."
*--------- Another Monday in Michigan ---------*
A man was arrested Monday afternoon after police found him
acting "extremely bizarre" in a parking lot in Northern
Michigan. Police were called to an BP Gas Station in
Scottville, Michigan, for a man walking around the parking
lot covered in blood and sitting in a car that did not
belong to him. When police approached, the 62-year-old man
rushed at them, screaming and began trying to attack the
deputies. The man, identified as Roy Purple, was arrested
for the attempted attack. Witnesses described Purple as
extremely intoxicated. The blood was from a deer that was
hit by a car. "Sometimes all you can do is just shake your
head and walk away, you can't make this stuff up." the
sheriff said. Police said alcohol was a factor in the
*---------------- When Pigs Fly ----------------*
A woman was kicked off an airplane when her hog began causing
problems in the aisles. And no, that's not a euphemism. One
shocked onlooker said the brown swine looked around 70 pounds
as it was tossed over the unidentified woman's shoulder and
marched off. Others initially thought it was a duffel bag -
but were given the shock of their lives when it began oinking
on board the US Airways flight out of Connecticut. One
passenger said, "She tethered it to the arm rest next to me
and started to deal with her stuff, but the pig was walking
back and forth. I was terrified, because I was thinking I'm
gonna be on the plane with the pig." American Airlines, the
parent company of US Airways, confirmed it was taken on board
as an emotional support animal.
+--- I'm Sure This Went Differently In The Kid's Mind ---+
A teenager in Oklahoma was injured while trying to prank his
friend. The teenager in Tulsa was rushed to a hospital after
he tried to pull the prank on his coworker by scaring him
after he returned from work. It all started when the 18-year-
old man hid under his friend's car outside a Braum's
restaurant. The friend left the fast food restaurant, got
into his vehicle without knowing that the teenager was under
the car. The prankster did not act fast enough. As his friend
began driving away, he ran over the teenager. Police said
that the 18-year-old man was taken to a nearby hospital with
head and leg injuries.
*--------- Emotional Support Squirrel? ---------*
A Florida man is fighting his condo association for the
right to keep his pet, a squirrel he registered as an
emotional support animal. Ryan Boylan, who lives at Island
Walk Condominiums in Clearwater Beach, said he rescued
Brutis the squirrel last year in the aftermath of Hurricane
Matthew. "Ever since then I mean, oh my god, I can't imagine
not being around her," Boylan said. Brutis came to property
management's attention when she was chased up a tree on the
property by a dog. Boylan's condo association sent him a
notice last month telling him to get rid of the squirrel
or find a new place to live. Boylan registered Brutis as an
emotional support animal at website
RegisterMyServiceAnimal.com after obtaining a note from his
doctor in July. The doctor's note says Boylan suffers from
post-traumatic stress disorder stemming from a car accident.
The Office of Human Rights, which was contacted by Boylan,
sent a letter to the association stating that emotional
support animals are protected under the Fair Housing Act.
>-->From Our Friend Geniann :)
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You are driving down the road in your Corvette on a wild, stormy
night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting
for the bus:
1. An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
2. An old friend who once saved your life.
3. The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.
Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there
could only be one passenger in your car?
Think before you continue reading.
This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part
of a job application.
You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and
thus you should save her first.
Or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life,
and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back.
However, you may never be able to find your perfect mate again.
The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicants) had no trouble
coming up with his answer. He simply answered:
'I would give the car keys to my old friend and let him take the
lady to the hospital. I would stay behind and wait for the bus with
the partner of my dreams.'
Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn
thought limitations.
Never forget to 'Think Outside of the Box.'
The correct answer is to run the old lady over and put her out of
her misery because Obama's health care won't pay for her hospital
visits and Congress isn't going to fix Obamacare any time soon,
make love with your perfect partner on the hood of your car,
then drive off with your old friend for a few beers.
Man, I just love happy endings!
...Oh Gee! Giggles! LOL! Thanks Geniann!
>-->From CleanLaffs:
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A young college girl came running in tears to her father.
"Dad, you gave me some terrible financial advice!" she cried.
"I did? What did I tell you?" said the dad.
"You told me to put my money in that big bank, and now that
big bank is in trouble."
"What are you talking about? That's one of the largest banks
in the world," he said. "Surely there must be some mistake."
"I don't think so," she sniffed. "They just returned one of
my checks with a note saying, 'Insufficient Funds'."
A couple go for a meal at a Chinese restaurant and order the
"Chicken Surprise". The waiter brings the meal, served in a
lidded cast iron pot.
Just as the wife is about to serve herself, the lid of the
pot rises slightly and she briefly sees two beady little eyes
looking around before the lid slams back down.
"Good grief, did you see that?" she asks her husband. He
hadn't, so she asks him to look in the pot. He reaches for
it and again the lid rises, and he sees two little eyes
looking around before it slams down..
Rather perturbed, he calls the waiter over, explains what is
happening, and demands an explanation.
"Please sir," says the waiter, "what did you order?"
The husband replies, "Chicken Surprise."
"Ah! So sorry," says the waiter, "I bring you Peeking Duck."
A weeping woman bursts into her hypnotherapist's office and
declares, "Doctor, I have been faithful to my husband for
15 years, but yesterday I broke that trust and had an
affair! The guilt is killing me. I just want to forget that
it ever happened!"
The hypnotherapist shakes his head and says. "Not again..."
A blind man was describing his favorite sport, parachuting.
When asked how this was accomplished, he said that things
were all done for him: "I am placed in the door and told
when to jump. My hand is placed on my release ring for me,
and out I go."
"But how do you know when you are going to land?" he was
"I have a very keen sense of smell and I can smell the trees
and grass when I am 300 feet from the ground" he answered.
"But how do you know when to lift your legs for the final
arrival on the ground?" he was again asked.
The man quickly answered. "Oh, the dog's leash goes slack."
A member of a diet club bemoaned her lack of will-power.
She had made her family's favorite cake over the weekend,
she explained, and they had eaten half of it. The next
day, however, the uneaten half beckoned. She cut herself
a slice. Then another, and another. By the time she had
polished off the cake, she knew her husband would be
"What did he say when he found out?" one club member asked.
"He never found out," she said. "I made another cake and
ate half."
One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his
sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room,
he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing
"It depends," I replied. "What does it say on your shirt?"
"University of Oklahoma," he yelled back.
What the Doctor says and what he really means.
Doctor: "This should be taken care of right away."
Translation: I'd planned a trip to Hawaii next month, but
this is so easy and profitable that I want to fix it before
it cures itself.
Doctor: "Let me check your medical history."
Translation: I want to see if you've paid your last bill
before spending any more time with you."
Doctor: "We have some good news and some bad news."
Translation: The good news is, I'm going to buy that new BMW.
The bad news is, you're going to pay for it.
Doctor: "Let me schedule you for some tests."
Translation: I have a forty percent interest in the lab.
Doctor: "I'd like to prescribe a new drug."
Translation: I'm writing a paper and would like to use you
for a guinea pig.
Doctor: "If it doesn't clear up in a week, give me a call."
Translation: I don't know what it is. Maybe it will go away
by itself.
Doctor: "I'd like to run some more tests."
Translation: I can't figure out what's wrong. Maybe the kid
in the lab can solve it.
"Did you give the prisoner the third degree?" the police
captain asked the detective.
"Yeah, we browbeat him pretty good," nodded the other.
"Asked him every question and made every threat we could
think of."
"And did you get a confession?" asked the sergeant.
"Not exactly," explained the officer. "All he'd say was,
'Yes dear,' and dozed off."
>-->From ScreamOfTheCrop:
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(For those who might not know, a malapropism is a verbal blunder in
which one word is replaced by another similar in sound but different
in meaning.)
Here are a few:
- He's a wolf in cheap clothing.
- It was a case of love at Versailles.
- He's got one of those sight-seeing dogs.
- In Algiers, they spend most of their time at the cash bar.
- My sister has extra-century perception.
- A fool and his money are some party.
- All's fear in love and war.
- Nip it in the butt.
- Some viruses can lie doormat for years.
- To each his zone.
- Michelangelo painted the Sixteenth Chapel.
- No more negotiating - it's a dumb deal.
- It's a long road to hold.
- All I want from you kids is a little piece of quiet.
A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his
faithful pet dachshund along for company. One day the dachshund
starts chasing butterflies and before long the dachshund discovers
that he is lost. So, wandering about he notices a leopard heading
rapidly in his direction with the obvious intention of having lunch.
The dachshund thinks, "OK, I'm in deep trouble now!" Then he noticed
some bones on the ground close by, and immediately settles down to
chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the
leopard is about to leap, the dachshund exclaims loudly, "Boy, that
was one delicious leopard. I wonder if there are any more around
Hearing this the leopard halts his attack in mid-stride, as a look
of terror comes over him, and slinks away into the trees.
"Whew," says the leopard. "That was close. That dachshund nearly
had me."
Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a
nearby tree figures he can put this knowledge to good use and
trade it for protection from the leopard. So, off he goes.
But the dachshund saw him heading after the leopard with great
speed, and figured that something must be up. The monkey soon catches
up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself
with the leopard. The leopard is furious at being made a fool of and
says, "Here monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to
that conniving canine."
Now the dachshund sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back,
and thinks, "What am I going to do now?" But instead of running, the
dog sits down with his back to his attackers pretending he hasn't
seen them yet ... and just when they get close enough to hear, the
dachshund says,
"Where's that monkey? I sent him off half an hour ago to bring me a
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>"What does love mean?"
A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4
to 8-year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were
broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you
"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint
her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time,
even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."
-Rebecca - age 8
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
You know that your name is safe in their mouth."
-Billy - age 4
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving
cologne and they go out and smell each other."
-Karl - age 5
"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your
French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
-Chrissy - age 6
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
-Terri - age 4
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a
sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
-Danny - age 7
"Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop
opening presents and listen."
-Bobby - age 5
"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a
friend whom you hate."
-Nikka - age 6
"There are two kinds of love. Our love. God's love. But God makes
both kinds of them."
-Jenny - age 4
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it
-Noelle - age 7
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still
friends even after they know each other so well."
-Tommy - age 6
"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don't see anyone else
kissing me to sleep at night."
-Clare - Age 5
"Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken."
-Elaine - age 5
"Love is when mommy sees daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he
is handsomer than Robert Redford."
-Chris - age 8
"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him
alone all day."
-Mary Ann - age 4
"I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old
clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."
-Lauren - age 4
"I let my big sister pick on me because my Mom says she only picks
on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I
love her."
-Bethany - age 4
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little
stars come out of you."
-Karen - age 7
>-->FUN Places To Net Visit :)
Thank You God!
Maxine On Thanksgiving!
Give Praise!
90/10 Principle!
Thanksgiving Story!
Thanksgiving Through The Years!
Easy Yummy DESSERTS!
Thanksgiving Animations!
Historical Color Photos!
Journey Through Life!
Making A Difference!
Ohio Indians!
Old 1917 Blackboards!
Old Barns, Old People, Old Friends!
Obama After White House!
Rescued Squirrel!
>Please Follow/Visit Me on StumbleUpon:
>From TruthOrTraditon.com:
1 of 2 Thanks: The Joy of Thanksgiving
2 of 2 Thanks: The Benefits of Thanks Living
A Key to Being Thankful: You Can Never Go Back,
Don't Live in the Past, Be Present Minded
The Sower Magazine Online:
>From Our Friend Geniann :)
What is under all that makeup? - Amazing Transformations!
Gallery: Supermodels Without Makeup or Photoshop
...Wow! What a difference! Thanks Geniann!
Great to see children playing and singing MUSIC, no sheet music
no conductor. There is still hope for the world. And not one of
them is waving a gun or a severed human head.
Civilization makes a difference!
...Sweet! Love it! Thanks Geniann!
This had me in stitches. It's one of those "candid camera" things.
Check out the looks on the faces of the young girls.
Turn Up The Sound and Listen To The Classic Song Only You...
...LOL! Thanks Geniann!
>From Our Friend Linda :)
She sent us one we have here...
Whale Rescue 2
...Such a heartwarming one! Thanks Linda!
>-->Quotes & Thunkers:
"In Philadelphia, police are looking for a man who robbed a
Dunkin' Donuts, and was caught on a surveillance camera doing
some stretches in the parking lot just beforehand. Police are
on the lookout for the only health-conscious person to ever
enter a Dunkin' Donuts." -Conan O'Brien
"United Airlines is investigating a report that a giant
rabbit died on a flight from London to Chicago. He was
survived by his wife and 167 children." -Seth Meyers
"Chris Christie says that he'd give Trump a 'B' on his first
100 days. Then said he'd give him an 'A' on immigration, and
a 'C' on healthcare, and long story short, he ended up just
spelling 'bacon.'" -Jimmy Fallon
"The salad dressing company Hidden Valley is now offering
actual kegs of ranch dressing. When you buy one of these
kegs, the cashier is legally required to put their hand on
your shoulder and go, 'Everything OK, man?'" -James Corden
"Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz recently said that despite
rumors, he is not considering running for president in
2020. He wanted to, but they keep misspelling his name on
the banner." -Seth Meyers
"There's a lot of talk about how global warming will be a
disaster for future generations. When you think about it,
it's hard to care. What have these future generations ever
done for us?" -Jimmy Kimmel
"Researchers say that they've figured out how to get around
Apple's new face-scanning security feature. They did it by
using a mask that mimics the user's face. The mask they used
is made of plastic, silicone, and makeup. Or as they call
that here in Los Angeles, a face." -James Corden
"A new study found that ancient cave art from 40,000 years
ago was mostly done by women. So even back then men didn't
have a say in decorating." -Jimmy Fallon
"A South Carolina elementary school's lunch program has
added a food truck that serves the kids buffalo wings,
tacos, and mac-and-cheese. It's all in keeping with the
school's motto: 'It's Never Too Early To Give Up.'"
-Conan O'Brien
"In the world of healthcare, the FDA has approved the first
pill with a digital sensor that signals doctors when
patients have taken their medicine. The doctors say they
invented the pill to make sure that their patients are taking
their medication. I still think it would be more effective
if they went with my plan of making all pills taste like Cool
Ranch Doritos." -James Corden
"A Florida man is refusing to give up his 'emotional support
squirrel' even though his condo association is threatening
to evict him. Of course it's stressful times like these when
the comforting embrace of a squirrel helps the most."
-Seth Meyers
"A federal court just ruled that sharing your Netflix password
is now a federal crime. So if you've been looking for a way
to send your parents to prison, here's your chance."
-Jimmy Fallon
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