Historical Trivia And More... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our Yahoo ShangyFunList: To Subscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-subscribe@yahoogroups.com To UnSubscribe send a blank email to ShangyFunList-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com Group home page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ShangyFunList Through no fault of my own we suddenly became an adult club in the love and romance directory so you will have to confirm that you are an adult when you go here. I still have no idea how to change this back as it sends me around in a circle when I try! or Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: ShangyFunList@yahoogroups.com or email me here: bcrsystems@earthlink.net ================ *~* A REMINDER: For Facebook Users: Please Friend Me / Like Me here... http://tinyurl.com/cma6all AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! :) ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This too hot to handle one comes from our friends Karen, Linda and Geniann. Amazing what this artist can do with just a sheet of paper! Check this out here... _.----._ ,'.::.--..:._ /::/_,-;._.:._.;,-=_(.-' __ `._ ,;' _..-(((('' .,-'' `-._ _,'<.-'' _..``'.'`-'`. ` _.-((((_..--'' \ \ `.`. -' _.``' \ ` SSt Bird Sculpture Art http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/birdart.html --- ...Most Beautiful! Thanks Ladies! ======================================================= >-->From TheFunnyBone: The Whole Lot A father was reading Bible stories to his young son. He read, "The man named Lot was warned to take his wife and flee out of the city, but his wife looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt." The son asked, .-"-. "What happened to the flea?" .-"-. @@/ \ / \@@ Y '-<<<-' '->>>-' Y ''' jgs ``` _ _ (_'-----------------------------------------------'_) (_.===============================================._) The Painter There was a world famous painter who, in the prime of her career, started losing her eyesight. Fearful that she might lose her life as a painter, she went to see the best eye surgeon in the world. After several weeks of delicate surgery and therapy, her eyesight was restored. _....,_ _,...._ The painter was so grateful that _.-` _,..,_'. .'_,..,_ `-._ she decided to show her grati- _,-`/ o \ '. .' / o \`-,_ tude by repainting the doctor's jgs '-.\___/.-` `-.\___/.-' office. Part of her work included painting a gigantic eye on one wall. When she had finished her work, she held a press conference to unveil her latest work of art: the doctor's office. During the press conference, one reporter noticed the eye on the wall, and asked the doctor, "What was your first reaction upon seeing your newly painted office, especially that large eye on the wall?" To this, the eye doctor responded, "I said to myself... Thank the Lord, I'm not a gynecologist." }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} {{ + + + @ {{ }} | * o + . }} {{ -O- o . . + {{ }} | _,.-----.,_ o | }} {{ + * .-'. .'-. -O- {{ }} * .'.-' .---. `'.'. | * }} {{ . /_.-' / \ .'-.\ {{ }} ' -=*< |-._.- | @ | '-._| >*=- . + }} {{ -- )-- \`-. \ / .-'/ {{ }} * + `.'. '---' .'.' + o }} {{ . '-._ _.-' . {{ }} | `~~~~~~~` - --===D @ }} {{ o -O- * . * + {{ }} | + . + }} {{ jgs . @ o * {{ }} o * o . }} {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ ======================================================= +------------ BIZARRE HOLIDAYS ------------+ May 12 is Limerick Day May 13 is Frog Jumping Day, Leprechaun Day May 14 is Dance Like a Chicken Day May 15 is National Chocolate Chip Day, National Bike to Work Day May 16 is National Sea Monkey Day May 17 is Pack Rat Day May 18 is No Dirty Dishes Day, Visit Your Relatives Day ======================================================= >-->From GoodCleanFun: >High School Reunion My wife and I were at my high school reunion. Looking around, I noticed the other men in their expensive suits ... and their bulging stomachs. Proud of the fact that I weighed just five pounds more than I did when I was in high school, the result of trying to beat a living out of a rocky hillside farm, I said to my wife, "I'm the only guy here who can still wear the suit he wore when he graduated." She glanced at the well-dressed crowd, then back at me, and said, "You're the only one who HAS to." -<>- >Learner's Permit My daughter had just received her learner's permit and was eager to drive our car. She got in the driver's side and adjusted her seat and shoulder belt. After glancing at all the mirrors, she turned to me with a puzzled look and complained, "I can't see myself in any of these!" -<>- >Tales of Heros Down at the Veteran's hospital, a trio of old timers ran out of tales of their own heroic exploits and started bragging about their ancestors. "My great grandfather, at age 13," one declared proudly, "was a drummer boy at Shiloh." "Mine," boasted another, "went down with Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn." "I'm the only soldier in my family," confessed vet number three, "but if my great grandfather was living today he'd be the most famous man in the world." "What'd he do?" his friends wanted to know. "Nothing much. But he would be 165 years old." -<>- >The Tip My sister-in-law works as a waitress at an Atlanta restaurant. One day, a large family came in to eat. In accordance with the restaurant's policy of serving large parties, the tip was automatically added to the bill. After she presented the bill to the father, she heard him bellow, "Gratuity? Who ordered the gratuity? I told you kids that we weren't going to order any dessert!" -<>- >Wedding Gifts As a newlywed pair opened their wedding gifts, they admired them with enthusiasm. The groom said, "We can really use these towels!" The bride said, "We'll love dining off these dishes!" Then they unwrapped a vacuum cleaner and bride teased, "Look what YOU got, honey!" ========================================================= >-->From Our Friend Fran :) ,"=-. / _),`'". ( /a( ), ) ) C = = ?/ ( )) (_ o-< ) ( `-' \; ( \_ ( | \ ) )| \_/} \ \ \(_;/-|_) )/) `._,--/ / / `!__!! ( (_o)) ---`-._, )--- ------( / |---- | ( | :__/|\_; \ |/ )(\_ /_)--` gpyy \_! >A Mothers day email This is from a young man I trained in OSP engineering in Anaheim in 2007 and 2008 when I was 73 and 74 years old. Most of the contractors who were outstanding in the computer CAD work had absolutely no idea how to field the work they had to design and engineer. That was what I was hired for. AT&T gave me a crash course on CAD and turned me loose. Immediately Sal was 25 years old, a sweetheart, intelligent, and quick to learn. He was not biased against a "old Lady" teaching him. One day when we were at lunch he told me he was the youngest in his family and both of his grandmothers had passed on before he was born. I told him if he wanted I would be his surrogate grandma. Outside of work he called me gramma. When the recession came and laid us off, we kept in touch. He would email me on advice. I would email him with advise and he even lost over fifty pounds because I told him he would be more successful at a normal weight. He was one of my supporters through my cancer. It is now 2014 and I am still getting his emails telling me how his life is in 2014. He is now 32 and just last month sent me a picture of his cat with a shamrock. He calls me at times, grama, grams, granny and of course Grandma. I love this young man like he is my son. He has kept his weight down and is a good looking guy and is successful in his career. I thank God each time I hear from him. Below is the email he sent me today. ------------------ Subj: Happy Grandma-mothers day I hope that your enjoying the day full of sunshine and spring. That when you see a breeze, its because I sent you a kiss. When you see the birds fly by, Im sending my hugs. And when you see the stars at night, I wish you the greatest of Gods treasures. We are heading to my sisters. I made peach cobbler, just need the ice cream. Mmmmm. Many kisses and hugs. Happy Mothers day Grandma Frances Sal Love you. --- ...Awww, so sweet! thank you for sharing this Fran! You are both so blessed to have each other! You are an awesome inspiring woman! I am most thankful to God that you found our little group and enrich our lives with your sharing. Speaking of enriching... On with our SMILES... ========================================================= >-->From Our Friend LouiseA :) ( ) ) _.(--"("""--.._ /, _..-----).._,\ | `'''-----'''` | \ / '. .' jgs '--.....--' >SMILES Mr. Gable had a leak in the roof over his dining room, so he called a repairman to take a look at it. "When did you first notice the leak?" the repairman inquired. Mr. Gable scowled. "Last night, when it took me two hours to finish my soup!" -------- At the height of a political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney attacked a witness. "Isn't it true," he bellowed, "that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?" The witness stared out the window, as though he hadn't hear the question. "Isn't it true that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?" the lawyer repeated. The witness still did not respond. Finally, the judge leaned over and said, "Sir, please answer the question." "Oh," the startled witness said, "I thought he was talking to you! -------- Little Johnny was having problems in English class, so his teacher decided to stop by on her way home to speak with his parents. When she rang the bell, Little Johnny opened the door. The teacher said, "Hello, Johnny. I would like to talk to your mother or your father." Little Johnny said, "Sorry, but they ain't here." The teacher said, "Johnny, what is it with your grammar?" "Beats me," said Little Johnny, "but Dad sure was mad that they had t'go bail her out again." ------- A man was sitting in a bar and noticed a group of people using sign language. He also noticed that the bartender was using sign language to speak to them. When the bartender returned to him, the man asked how he had learned to use sign language. The bartender explained that these were regular customers and had taught him to speak in sign. The man thought that was great. A few minutes later the man noticed that the people in the group were waving their hands around very wildly. The bartender looked over and signed "Now cut that out! I warned you!" and threw the group out of the bar. The man asked why he had done that and the bartender said, "If I told them once I told them 100 times - NO SINGING IN THE BAR!" -------- A beautiful young girl is about to undergo a minor operation. She's laid on a hospital trolley bed with nothing on, except a sheet over her. The nurse pushes the trolley down the corridor towards the operating theatre, where she leaves the girl on the trolley outside, while she goes in to check whether everything is ready. A young man wearing a white coat approaches, lifts the sheet up and starts examining her naked body. He puts the sheet back and then walks away and talks to another man in a white coat. The second man comes over, lifts the sheet and does the same examinations. When a third man does the same thing, but more closely, she grows impatient and says: "All these examinations are fine and appreciated, but when are you going to start the operation?" The man in the white coat shrugged his shoulders: "I have no idea. We're just painting the corridor." -------- A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson in logic. "Here is the situation: A man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yelling for help. His wife hears the commotion, knows he can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she did that?" A girl raised her hand and offered, "To draw out all his savings?" ------- Two men were sitting at a bar recounting their dreams. "I dreamed I was on vacation," one man said fondly. "It was just me and my fishing rod and this big beautiful lake. What a dream." "I had a great dream too," said the other. "I dreamed I was in bed with two beautiful women and having the time of my life." His companion looked over and exhorted, "You dreamed you had two women, and you didn't call me?" "Oh, I did," said the other, "but when I called, your wife said you'd gone fishing. -------- A blond carpenter was fixing some wooden window frames on a fifty-story building. He was using an electric saw and accidentally cut off one of his ears. A guy was walking along the street below him, so he called out, "Hey, you! On the street, can you see my ear down there?" The man on the street picks up an ear, saying, "Is this it?" "No," was the reply from the blond carpenter. "Mine had a pencil behind it." -------- One morning Emma woke up with a start. Her husband Jim asked what was the matter. She told him, "I just had a dream that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What do you think it means?" "You'll know tonight," Jim said. That evening, Jim home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, Emma opened it, only to find a book entitled "The Meaning of Dreams." --- ...Oh Gee! LOL! Thanks LouiseA! ================================================================ >-->From Our Friend Linda :) _____ .---...-. ,' -. `. ,' _____...' / - _ - \ : .' _ _ \\ : ' _)' : | :-(_).(_):: (_ ;) | | -' || \ _ / ; | _ || `..___..' `-'..____.'`' ;._: _; :_ / \ SSt ,' `' `. SSt >KIDS AND RELIGION LOT'S WIFE The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, when little Jason interrupted, 'My Mommy looked back once while she was driving,' he announced triumphantly, 'and she turned into a telephone pole!' GOOD SAMARITAN A Sunday school teacher was telling her class the story of the Good Samaritan. She asked the class, 'If you saw a person lying on the roadside, all wounded and bleeding, what would you do?' A thoughtful little girl broke the hushed silence, 'I think I'd throw up.' DID NOAH FISH? A Sunday school teacher asked, 'Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was on the Ark?' 'No,' replied Johnny. 'How could he, with just two worms.' HIGHER POWER A Sunday school teacher said to her children, 'We have been learning how powerful kings and queens were in Bible times. But, there is a Higher Power. Can anybody tell me what it is?' One child blurted out, 'Aces!' MOSES AND THE RED SEA Nine-year-old Joey was asked by his mother what he had learned in Sunday School. 'Well, Mom, our teacher told us how God sent Moses behind enemy lines on a rescue mission to lead the Israelites out of Egypt . When he got to the Red Sea , he had his army build a pontoon bridge and all the people walked across safely. Then he radioed headquarters for reinforcements. They sent bombers to blow up the bridge and all the Israelites were saved.' 'Now, Joey, is that really what your teacher taught you?' his mother asked. 'Well, no, Mom. But, if I told it the way the teacher did, you'd never believe it!' THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD A Sunday School teacher decided to have her young class memorize one of the most quoted passages in the Bible - Psalm 23. She gave the youngsters a month to learn the chapter. Little Rick was excited about the task - but he just couldn't remember the Psalm. After much practice, he could barely get past the first line. On the day that the kids were scheduled to recite Psalm 23 in front of the congregation, Ricky was so nervous. When it was his turn, he stepped up to the microphone and said proudly, 'The Lord is my Shepherd, and that's all I need to know." UNANSWERED PRAYER The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day, she asked him why. 'Well, Honey,' he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages. 'I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good sermon.' 'How come He doesn't answer it?' she asked. BEING THANKFUL A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, 'So your mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very commendable. What does she say?' The little boy replied, 'Thank God he's in bed!' UNTIMELY ANSWERED PRAYER During the minister's prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from one of the back pews. Tommy's mother was horrified. She pinched him into silence and, after church, asked, 'Tommy, whatever made you do such a thing?' Tommy answered, soberly, 'I asked God to teach me to whistle, and He did!' TIME TO PRAY A pastor asked a little boy if he said his prayers every night. 'Yes, sir,' the boy replied. 'And, do you always say them in the morning, too?' the pastor asked. 'No sir,' the boy replied. 'I ain't scared in the daytime.' ALL MEN/ ALL GIRLS When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would bless very family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, 'And all girls.' This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing. My curiosity got the best of me and I asked her, 'Kelli, why do you always add the part about all girls?' Her response, 'Because everybody always finish their prayers by saying 'All Men'!' SAY A PRAYER Little Johnny and his family were having Sunday dinner at his Grandmother's house. Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served. When Little Johnny received his plate, he started eating right away. 'Johnny! Please wait until we say our prayer.' said his mother. 'I don't need to,' the boy replied. 'Of course, you do,' his mother insisted. 'We always say a prayer before eating at our house.' 'That's at our house,' Johnny explained. 'But this is Grandma's house and she knows how to cook!' --- ...TeeHee! Good Ones! Thanks Linda! ========================================================= >-->In The Worldly News: >From BizarreNews: You would think this story happened right here in the good, 'ol United States of Bureaucracy, but this bit of governmental stupidity happened north of the border. It seems Mike Defazio of Saint John in New Brunswick, Canada recently blew a tire driving over one of several large potholes in his neighborhood. Sick and tired of his local government's failure to repair the street he took matters into his own hands and spent half a day filling in the potholes using his tractor. Of course, if you know anything about government you know that infrastructure, law, order, justice, education and everything else can just go to hell, but heaven help the individual who bucks the bureaucracy and tries to solve a problem by himself. Three days later Defazio got a call from the city's deputy commissioner of transportation informing him he had broken the city's bylaws and could face a fine. Apparently they were afraid that a rock could be kicked up and chip a windshield or scratch paint. Defazio says he was told city crews would be out to remove his work and he would have to cover the costs. That's right, the city was going to dig up pot holes in the street and charge him for the labor to do it. Brilliant. So he was forced to hire a crew and return the street to its original pot-holed state himself. The lesson here is; never do anything. *-- 'Serial pooper' making a mess of Woodland Heights neighborhood in Houston --* HOUSTON (UPI) - Houston police are trying to wipe out a recurring crime wave by flushing out the identity of a man who has been caught on surveillance cameras going No. 2 on lawns and driveways in the city's Woodland Heights neighborhood. The disgruntled dumper has been leaving messes all over the neighborhood, and has pooped at one house at least six times. "It's definitely not a nice thing to do to people," said Patrick Reese, who lives nearby. "Going to the bathroom in their driveway is not nice. That's definitely not something that's supposed to go on in polite society." It is believed that the "serial pooper" usually strikes late at night or early in the morning under the cover of darkness. The man usually cleans himself up with a paper towel and then leaves the soiled sheet on the sidewalk for someone else sanitize. "This is our neighborhood," area resident Aimee Parsons told Click 2 Houston. "Whatever people think should go on around here -- pooping is not okay. We don't want dogs pooping in our yards why would we want a human? It is very strange." Deputies with the Precinct One Constable's Office say the man will be charged with indecent exposure or criminal mischief charge when he is caught. *-- Canadiens 'jersey day' canceled at Montreal school because of girl's Bruins shirt --* MONTREAL (UPI) - An elementary school in Montreal was apparently so concerned about the fallout from a student wearing a Boson Bruins hockey sweater that it opted to cancel Canadiens jersey day. The event was supposed to happen on Thursday prior to the game between the two teams that night. Officials at Honoré-Mercier Elementary School canceled the event after a parent complained that an 11-year-old girl was asked to remove her Bobby Orr Bruins jersey on a prior Canadiens jersey day. "She's been a Boston Bruins fan all her life, so she kinda felt really bad. She felt kind of excluded from the school," her father, Tony Pasquale, told CBC News. Pasquale did not make the complaint himself and he was critical of the decision to cancel. "It teaches respect, sportsmanship. We can't all be from the same thread," he said. English Montreal School Board spokesman Mike Cohen defended the school's decision. "We don't think it's prudent for a student to wear a Boston Bruins jersey in a school during this very intensive playoff play," Cohen said. "At this stage in the game, with the Canadiens leading the series 2-1, why ignite things, why create a controversy?" Unfortunately for the administrators at Honoré-Mercier Elementary School, the Bruins won Thursday night's game 1-0 in overtime and the series is now tied up at two games apiece. Game 5 will be on Saturday night in Boston. *-- Hot pizza classified as 'dangerous weapon' during arrest of James Vincent Grass --* CHICOPEE, Mass. (UPI) - During the arrest of a Massachusetts man, a police officer classified a piece of hot pizza as a "dangerous weapon" after it caused first- and second-degree burns. James Vincent Grass allegedly shoved a piece of freshly-microwaved pizza into a 6-year-old girl's face and was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and reckless endangerment of a child. The 21-year- old denied the charges against him during his arraignment. In his incident report, Officer Terry Dec wrote the girl said Grass "threw a piece of pizza in her face" when she stopped the microwave because it was steaming. When she tried to explain, Grass grabbed the pizza and asked "Do you think this is done?" before allegedly shoving the slice in her face and saying "Is that hot enough?" According to Grass the girl asked to smell the pizza and he then "pushed her face into it." When her mother picked her up, the girl had already popped a blister on her chin and was holding a wet towel to her face. *-- Cabbages used by Chinese teens to battle depression? --* BEIJING (UPI) - According to some reports, Chinese teenagers have taken to walking heads of cabbage on leashes as if they were dogs in order to battle depression and loneliness. The vegetable walkers were spotted at the Midi Music Festival in Beijing. Apparently walking a cabbage is a good way to strike up a conversation with another person who has decided to make a vegetable their pet. "It's not about finding a boyfriend or girlfriend, just about having someone to talk to and share things with, a statement of youth isolated in the big cities," said Beijing University psychiatrist Wen Chao, the Austrian Times reported. "The idea is simple -- you feel as lonely and as simple as a cabbage, so you begin to act like one and befriend one. And in that acceptance comes change." It could be said the teens are stopping themselves from feeling blue by going green. "I feel I can transfer my negative thoughts about myself to the cabbage, go for a walk with it and come home feeling better about myself," said cabbage-walker Lui Ja Chen. "In fact afterwards, I can throw the cabbage away and feel that I have tossed my feelings out with it." Other media outlets say they cabbage walkers were just engaging in performance art. The Culture Trip reports that the cabbage walk was simply an art project by Chinese artist Han Bing. Han's website reports the Chinese cabbage is "a quintessentially Chinese symbol of sustenance and comfort for poor Chinese turned upside down." ========================================================= >-->From Our Friend Geniann :) >SMILES _"_ % (< ? ` " __||___ |\___//_\ (' | ') \\ __|\ , / |/ /: / \ :: \| ######o /| ######## \) ######## \ : / \: / -- %%% %% % /:\ |/|, b'ger An older Man approached an attractive younger Woman at a Shopping Mall. 'Excuse me; I can't seem to find my Wife. Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?' The woman, feeling a bit of compassion for the old fellow, said, 'Of course, Sir. Do you know where your wife might be?' 'I have no idea, but every time I talk to a woman like you, she seems to appear out of nowhere' -<>- If I can do it, so can you. _ ( ) ,,,,, \\ . . , \\ | - D (._) \__- | | | \\|_ , ,---- _ |----. \__ ( ( / ) _ | \/ \. ' _.| \ ( ) | \ /( / /\_ \ // \ / ( / / ) // ( , / / , (_.) |......\ | \, / / ) \--- b'ger /___/___^// >EXERCISE FOR PEOPLE OVER 50 Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side. With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax. Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags. Then try 50-lb potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.) After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag. And repeat above. --- ...HAHA! :) -<>- I just received an audit on my tax return from the IRS. It puzzles me!!! They are questioning how many dependents I claimed. I guess it was because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?" I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployed people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; Half of Mexico; and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate." 1 useless President. Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer. I KEEP ASKING MYSELF, WHO The Heck DID I MISS? --- ...TeeHee! Thanks Geniann! -<>- ,--, |__ _ ___/ /\| :__|_|__/ __ ;( )__, ) /-\|__/-\_/ ; // '--; \'/ \'/ \ | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >HISTORICAL TRIVIA Did you know the saying "God willing and the Creek don't rise" was in reference to the Creek Indians and not a body of water? It was written by Benjamin Hawkins in the late 18th century. He was a politician and Indian diplomat. While in the south, Hawkins was requested by the President of the U.S. to return to Washington . In his response, he was said to write, "God willing and the Creek don't rise." Because he capitalized the word "Creek" it is deduced that he was referring to the Creek Indian tribe and not a body of water. ********************************* In George Washington's days, there were no cameras. One's image was either sculpted or painted. Some paintings of George Washington showed him standing behind a desk with one arm behind his back while others showed both legs and both arms. Prices charged by painters were not based on how many people were to be painted, but by how many limbs were to be painted. Arms and legs are 'limbs,' therefore painting them would cost the buyer more. Hence the expression, 'Okay, but it'll cost you an arm and a leg.' (Artists know hands and arms are more difficult to paint) ****************************** As incredible as it sounds, men and women took baths only twice a year (May and October) Women kept their hair covered, while men shaved their heads (because of lice and bugs) and wore wigs. Wealthy men could afford good wigs made from wool. They couldn't wash the wigs, so to clean them they would carve out a loaf of bread, put the wig in the shell, and bake it for 30 minutes. The heat would make the wig big and fluffy, hence the term 'big wig... ' Today we often use the term 'here comes the Big Wig' because someone appears to be or is powerful and wealthy. ********************************* In the late 1700's, many houses consisted of a large room with only one chair. Commonly, a long wide board folded down from the wall, and was used for dining. The 'head of the household' always sat in the chair while everyone else ate sitting on the floor. Occasionally a guest, who was usually a man, would be invited to sit in this chair during a meal.. To sit in the chair meant you were important and in charge. They called the one sitting in the chair the 'chair man.' Today in business, we use the expression or title 'Chairman' or 'Chairman of the Board.' ********************************* Personal hygiene left much room for improvement.. As a result, many women and men had developed acne scars by adulthood. The women would spread bee's wax over their facial skin to smooth out their complexions. When they were speaking to each other, if a woman began to stare at another woman's face she was told, 'mind your own bee's wax.' Should the woman smile, the wax would crack, hence the term 'crack a smile'. In addition, when they sat too close to the fire, the wax would melt . .. . Therefore, the expression 'losing face.' ********************************* Ladies wore corsets, which would lace up in the front. A proper and dignified woman, as in 'straight laced' wore a tightly tied lace.. ********************************* Common entertainment included playing cards. However, there was a tax levied when purchasing playing cards but only applicable to the 'Ace of Spades...' To avoid paying the tax, people would purchase 51 cards instead. Yet, since most games require 52 cards, these people were thought to be stupid or dumb because they weren't 'playing with a full deck..' ******************************** Early politicians required feedback from the public to determine what the people considered important. Since there were no telephones, TV's or radios, the politicians sent their assistants to local taverns, pubs, and bars. They were told to 'go sip some Ale and listen to people's conversations and political concerns. Many assistants were dispatched at different times. 'You go sip here' and 'You go sip there.' The two words 'go sip' were eventually combined when referring to the local opinion and, thus we have the term 'gossip.' ********************************** At local taverns, pubs, and bars, people drank from pint and quart-sized containers. A bar maid's job was to keep an eye on the customers and keep the drinks coming. She had to pay close attention and remember who was drinking in 'pints' and who was drinking in 'quarts,' hence the phrase 'minding your 'P's and Q's'. ********************************** One more: bet you didn't know this! In the heyday of sailing ships, all war ships and many freighters carried iron cannons. Those cannons fired round iron cannon balls. It was necessary to keep a good supply near the cannon. However, how to prevent them from rolling about the deck? The best storage method devised was a square-based pyramid with one ball on top, resting on four resting on nine, which rested on sixteen. Thus, a supply of 30 cannon balls could be stacked in a small area right next to the cannon. There was only one problem....how to prevent the bottom layer from sliding or rolling from under the others. The solution was a metal plate called a 'Monkey' with 16 round indentations. However, if this plate were made of iron, the iron balls would quickly rust to it. The solution to the rusting problem was to make 'Brass Monkeys.' Few landlubbers realize that brass contracts much more and much faster than iron when chilled.. Consequently, when the temperature dropped too far, the brass indentations would shrink so much that the iron cannonballs would come right off the monkey; Thus, it was quite literally, 'Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.' (All this time, you thought that was an improper expression, didn't you.) If you don't send this fabulous bit of historic knowledge to any and all your unsuspecting friends, your hard drive will kill your mouse. --- ...LOL! Thanks Geniann! This should be called 'The Gullible Test' - So How Gullible Are YOU? How many Do You Believe are true? Check it out here... http://www.snopes.com/language/phrases/lesson.asp ========================================================== >-->From CleanLaffs: .========. .========. // I .'..' \ // VI.'.,".\ || II .'..'| || VII..'..| || III .'."| || VIII,'.'| || IV ,','.| || IX.'".'.| || V '..'.'| || X .'..',| jgs .\_________/ .\_________/ The Ten Commandments display was recently removed from the Alabama Supreme Court building. There was a good reason for the move. You can't post Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, and Thou Shall Not Lie in a building full of lawyers and politicians without creating a hostile work environment. -<>- During my freshman year at East Texas State University in Commerce, I worked nights as a waiter. The following year, wanting my evenings free, I applied for a dormitory main- tenance job and was asked, "How are you on punctuality?" "Oh, I'm good at that," I blurted out without thinking. "I'm an English major." -<>- As he was standing in line at the grocery store checkout counter, a friend of John's noticed he was purchasing a dozen roses and a card. "You in trouble with Jill?" the friend asked John. "Nope!" was John's reply. "Preventive maintenance." -<>- Driving along the freeway in Southern CA, I spied two land- scaping trucks loaded with sod and bearing these slogans: "Instant Grassification" and "Sodisfaction Guaranteed." -<>- The teen boyfriend said, "We're going to have a GREAT time Saturday. I've got three tickets for the movies." "Why do we need three?" asked the girl. "They're for your father, mother and kid sister," he replied. -<>- The day I immigrated to the United States, I was given an alien ID card that featured a cute photo of me at age 15. Years later, when I went to the courthouse to become a citizen, a clerk confiscated my card. "What will you do with it?" my wife asked. "We burn it," was the answer. "Could you please cut the photo off and let us keep it?" asked my wife. "Certainly not," said the clerk. "This card is official U.S. government property. As such it cannot be mutilated before it's destroyed." ========================================================= >-->From The MouthPiece: __...__ .;:`""```"":;-. .:`L I B E R T Y`:. // _._--. \\ // .' .-' `\ \\ ;: / | | ;: || /\ '., -. | || || '- (__)))) || :; |_ \ | ;: \\ `| \=8 // \\ /__..--'`-' // ':_ 2001 _:' jgs '-:;.._..;:-' >-- 10 Reasons Why You Should Ask Your Boss For A Raise -- 10. You take your paycheck to the bank and the teller bursts out in hysterical laughter. 9. The Red Cross calls and offers you emergency assistance. 8. Your only charge cards are for the Salvation Army, ARC, and DAV thrift stores. 7. You work full time and you still qualify for food stamps. 6. You empty out your piggy bank and then cook the bank and serve it for your Easter ham. 5. All you can think about morning, noon and night is clipping grocery coupons. 4. You file your income taxes and the IRS returns them stamped, "Charity Case -- Return To Sender." 3. You set the world record for mailing $1.00 rebate requests to Young America, Minnesota. 2. You pay all your bills, put your remaining $1 bill into your billfold and it goes into shock. 1. You get arrested for taking the coins out of the fountain in the mall. -<>- .-----------------. .-----------------. / \ / \ ---|_____________________|-|_____________________|--- ___|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|_|/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/|___ |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| |"""""""""""""""""""""| |"""""""""""""""""""""| | ____ ____) | | ____ ____) | | (_/ / / | | (_/ / / | | /__/ ' | | /__/ | | / / / /| | | / / /) /-, /| | | (___/ (_/_/_)__, | | (__/ (_(/_/ (_/_)_,| |_____________________| |_____________________| j/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| |/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/| g\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| |\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\| s"""""""""""""""""""""| |"""""""""""""""""""""| | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||| >Top 10 Strange Competitions 1. Extreme Ironing 2. Cheese Rolling 3. Curling 4. Rock Paper Scissors World Championship 5. Air Guitar Championships 6. Nettle-eating Championships 7. The World Beard and Mustache Championships 8. World Pea Shooting Championships 9. World Gurning Championship 10. Wife Carrying [Courtesy of toptenz.net] ========================================================= >-->FUN Places To Net Visit :) Extreme Camping! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/camp.html Amazing Stairways! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/stairs.html Willis (Sears) Tower! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/willist.html Awesome Tree Houses! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/treehouses.html City That Time Forgot! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/city.html Miniature Wonderland! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/modeltrain.html Thoughts Into Action 6! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/action6.html Arrows Across America! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/arrows.html Germany's Water Bridge! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/wbridge.html Lighthouses Of The World! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/lighthouses.html -<>- >From Our Friends Karen And Melody :) Squirrel Steals Airplane! - Unexpected Entertainment http://unexpectedentertainment.net/squirrel-steals-airplane/ --- ...LOL! Fun one! Thanks Ladies! -<>- >From Our Friend Karen :) (VERY STRANGE) 1963 Bicycle Safety Film entitled "One Got Fat". A group of monkey-masked kids decide to ride their bikes to the park for a picnic. Along the way, one by one, the kids are knocked out of the ride due to careless or unsafe riding. Narration by Edward Everett Horton of "Fractured Fairytales" (Old Rocky and Bullwinkle) fame. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQgAMkMmsfg#t=107 --- ...Yes, Teehee! but kids would like and benefit from it. Thanks Karen! OFFICIAL: Incredible First Flight of the AT Black Knight Transformer This is the official video of the Advanced Tactics Black Knight Transformer first driving and flying tests. The Black Knight Transformer is a "flying truck" that combines the best aspects of a helicopter and an automobile. It is a robust and inexpensive aircraft that can perform autonomous casualty evacuation and cargo resupply missions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDay5OWDPn4#t=55 --- ...Whoa! Thanks Karen - Shows why we use CGA for our Transformer Movies! See what I mean - this CGA rendition is - a little strange and funny... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_EIko4KehM Dogs Play Bluegrass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SleYHOcLjOg UFO destroys Taliban base in devastating attack THIS extraordinary video shows a UFO hovering over a Taliban base before blowing it up. The short clip – reportedly filmed by U.S. Marines in March this year – shows a triangular-shaped object hovering above the camp in Afghanistan before unleashing a devastating attack. Flashing lights from the object can clearly be seen as it fires on the ground below. Explosions and huge clouds of smoke quickly emerge as the UFO destroys the area while a Nato armoured vehicle watches on. Hidden behind the smoke from the explosions, the UFO soon comes back into view and we soon get a close-up shot of the object. Mystery surrounds the origins of the object with some believing it is an actual alien spacecraft giving the boys a hand with the enemy. More down-to-earth theories range from a drone strike to a piece of top secret U.S. Technology. Others have labelled the whole thing as a well-crafted fake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQWqiI0jlQc --- ...Interesting! Reminds me of a silver stealth bomber. Thanks Karen! The Cat & The Ducklings http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=570khFoaE4s --- ...Awww, so adorably cute! Love it! Thanks Karen! -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseA :) Remember thelittle girl who astounded the entire Internet with her flawless opera performance? She's back with another sensational aria. This time she sings "Ave Maria" and let me tell you: It is phenomenal! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMY5PCCjdlE&feature=player_embedded Here's the problem with pools: They're a nice warm refuge for little ducklings, but they can't get out once the jump in. They were too scared and too fast for one guy to rescue them by hand, so he came up with a brilliant solution you just have to see! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpz9USr1RHg&feature=player_embedded In a show that takes us back somehow to more primitive times, when man toiled to make useful tools and construct new things, this interesting act makes use of careful thinking, strong muscles and incredible balance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jJrzIdDUfT4 --- ...Sweet Links! Thanks LouiseA! ========================================================= >-->Quotes & Thunkers: "A new study shows that teens who mix alcohol and marijuana are more likely to have a bad driving record. Also, you can take out the word 'driving' and replace it with anything." -Seth Meyers "The United States used to make all the steel for the world. But here's what we do now. In Chicago, a restaurant came up with something called a wonut: a combination waffle and donut. They've been working on it at the University of Chicago for years." -Dave Letterman "A Beverly Hills podiatrist makes his living by giving women the 'Cinderella Procedure,' a surgery that alters the shape of feet so they can fit into designer shoes more comfortably. One day, God willing, technology will advance to where it's easier to alter a shoe than a human foot." -Seth Meyers "An old tour bus used by Willie Nelson is for sale on eBay for $36,000. That makes sense - 6 grand for the bus, 30 grand for whatever you find in the seat cushions." -Craig Ferguson "The new 'Spider-Man' movie opened this weekend. You know, whenever there is mortal danger, what you want is a teenager in spandex." -Dave Letterman "There's a new trend of people calling 'Find My iPhone' to confront thieves who have stolen their iPhone. They use the app 'Find My iPhone' to find the thief. And this explains the app called 'Find My Stupid Friend Who Went After the Criminal Who Stole My iPhone.' Way to get murdered." -Conan O'Brien "Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." --A.H. Weiler "Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the hell happened." --Cora Harvey Armstrong "Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbor to compromise whenever you can. As a peace-maker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough." --Abraham Lincoln "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest." - Mark Twain "The penalty for laughing in a courtroom is six months in jail; if it were not for this penalty, the jury would never hear the evidence." - H. L. Mencken "Inside every older person is a younger person -- wondering what the hell happened." --Cora Harvey Armstrong "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx "If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still be eating frozen radio dinners." - Johnny Carson >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah :) Shangy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class http://www.truthortradition.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=61 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. These are Tried and True, Yummy to the Tummy, good old fashioned home cooking recipes that are EASY to do :) Visit Shangy's Easy-Does-It Home Recipes: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/easy.html Home Recipes >Got A good Recipe? 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