See Y.O.D.A & More ... :) Shangy!
>-->From The FunnyBone:
.' `'.
/ ____ \
| .'_ _\/ Answer To Technical Malfunction
/ ) a a|
/ ( > |
( ) ._ / To End User:
) _/-.__.'`\
( .-'`-. \__ ) This is a very common problem men
`/ `-./ `. complain about but is mostly due to a
| \ \ \ primary misconception. Many people
jgs | \ \ \ \ upgrade from Girlfriend 7.0 to Wife 1.0
|\ `. / / \ with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a
Wife 1.0 is an
OPERATING SYSTEM and designed by its creator to run everything. It
is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and still convert
back to Girlfriend 7.0. Hidden operating files within your system
would cause Girlfriend 7.0 to emulate Wife 1.0 so nothing is gained.
It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program files
from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 7.0
because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this. Some have tried to
install Girlfriend 8.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than
the original system. Look in your manual under "Warnings-Alimony and
Child Support."
I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and just deal with the situation.
Having Wife 1.0 installed myself, I might also suggest you read the
entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPFs). You must
assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur,
regardless of their cause. The best course of action will be to enter
the command C:\APOLOGIZE. In any case avoid excessive use of the
"Esc" key because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE
command before the operating system will return to normal. The
system will run smooth as long as you take the blame for all the
GPFs. Wife 1.0 is a great program, but very high maintenance.
Consider buying additional software to improve the performance of
Wife 1.0. I recommend Flowers 2.1 and Chocolates 5.0. Do not, under
any circumstances, install Secretary With Short Skirt 3.3. This is
not a supported application for Wife 1.0 and is likely to cause
irreversible damage to the operating system.
Best of luck
Tech Support
>-->STAR WARS -- The Musical
oo__ _ _ __oo Jussi Hannula
___--""" (_)\__/(_) """--___ Incom's T-65B X-wing Space
oo"" ""oo Superiority Starfighter (6)
** Y.O.D.A (To the Village People's "Y.M.C.A")
** (As sung by master Yoda, on meeting Luke Skywalker).
YOUNG MAN, I saw your ship come down. I said
YOUNG MAN, now it's muddy and brown. I said
YOUNG MAN, put your weapon away, 'cause I
*MEAN* *YOU* *NO* *HARM* *I* *SAY*
YOUNG MAN, There's no need to feel fear. I am
WONDERIN', tell me why are you here? How you
GROWIN', from this food on the plate, I say
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|___| /|\ |___| R2 Astromech Droid (1)
`---' |___| `---' - Front View -
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A.
He's 900 years old!
He's so strong in the Force!
Do your Jedi Diploma course!
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
Come and get yourself clean!
Come and have a good meal!
Pretty soon now, the Force you'll feel!
YOUNG MAN, you fell out of the sky, into
SOMETHIN' brown that smells like a sty, and this
TIN CAN started swimming and then, he got
YOUNG MAN, Welcome to Dagobah. He is
COMIN', master Yoda not far. I'll be
HAVIN' this bright thing that ain't hot. It is
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A.
He's 900 years old!
He's so strong in the Force!
Do your Jedi Diploma course!
_,.-Y | | Y-._
.-~" || | | | "-.
I" ""=="|" !""! "|"[]""| _____
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]--[ ]--[
[_L] [_L] -Row
/|..|\ /|..|\
`=}--{=' `=}--{='
.-^--r-^-. .-^--r-^-. Imperial AT-AT (1)
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
You must be here to see Y.O.D.A
Don't just stand in the rain!
You're all covered with mud!
come and sample my homemade crud!
OLD BEN, Are you listenin' to me? I can't
TRAIN HIM, he's so reckless you see! Like his
OLD MAN, he's so angry but brave! Betcha
YOUNG MAN, If you start will you end, or be
GOING, off to save all your friends? To be
TRAINING, needs commitment and work, if you
You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A
You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A
You should stay here and train!
You don't have to save Han!
If you do so, you'll lose your hand!
_.' : `._
.-.'`. ; .'`.-.
__ / : ___\ ; /___ ; \ __
,'_ ""--.:__;".-.";: :".-.":__;.--"" _`,
:' `.t""--.. '<@.`;_ ',@>` ..--""j.' `;
`:-.._J '-.-'L__ `-- ' L_..-;'
"-.__ ; .-" "-. : __.-"
L ' /.------.\ ' J
"-. "--" .-"
.-j/'.; ;"""" / .'\"-.
.' /:`. "-.: .-" .'; `.
.-" / ; "-. "-..-" .-" : "-.
.+"-. : : "-.__.-" ;-._ \
; \ `.; ; : : "+. ;
You gotta stay here with Y.O.D.A.
(repeat and fade).
>-->A Timely Tip from Our friend Bob :)
Please take a minute to read this. This is very scary and could
happen to any of us.. Seems like every nice thing people do for one
another can be perverted. A new twist on kidnapping from a very smart
About a month ago there was a woman standing by the mall entrance
passing out flyers to all the women going in. The woman had written the
flyer herself to tell about an experience she had, so that she might
warn other women. The previous day, this woman had finished shopping,
went out to her car and discovered that she had a flat. She got the jack
out of the trunk and began to change the flat. A nice man dressed in a
business suit and carrying a briefcase walked up to her and said, "I
noticed you're changing a flat tire.
Would you like me to take care of it for you?" The woman was
Grateful for his offer and accepted his help.
They chatted amiably while the man changed the flat, and then put
the flat tire and the jack in the trunk, shut it and dusted his
hands off. The woman thanked him profusely, and as she was about to get
in her car, the man told her that he left his car around on the other
side of the mall, and asked if she would mind giving him a lift
to his car. She was a little surprised and she asked him why his car
was on other side.
He explained that he had seen an old friend in the mall that he
hadn't seen for some time and they had a bite to eat, visited
for a while, and he got turned around in the mall and left through the
wrong exit, and now he was running late.. The woman hated to tell
< div>him "no" because he had just rescued her from having to change
her flat tire all by herself, but she felt uneasy. (Trust that gut
Then she remembered seeing the man put his briefcase in her trunk
before shutting it and before he asked her for a ride to his car.
She told him that she'd be happy to drive him around to his car,
But she just remembered one last thing she needed to buy.
(Smart woman!!)
She said she would only be a few minutes; he could sit down in
her car and wait for her; she would be as quick as she could be.
She hurried into the mall, and told a security guard what had
happened, the guard came out to her car with her, but the man had
left. They opened the trunk, took out his locked briefcase and
took it down to the police station.
The police opened it (ostensibly to look for ID so they could
return it to the man). What they found was rope, duct tape, and
knives. When the police checked her "flat" tire, there was nothing
wrong with it; the air had simply been let out. It was obvious
what the man's intention was, and obvious that he had carefully
thought it out in advance. The woman was blessed to have escaped
harm. (Amen?thank you, God!)
How much worse it would have been if she had children with her and had
them wait in the car while the man fixed the tire, or if she had a baby
strapped into a car seat? Or if she'd gone against her
judgment and given him a lift?
I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know. It may save
a life.!
A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle. I was going
to send this to the ladies only; but guys, if you love your mothers,
wives, sisters, daughters, etc., you may want to pass it on to them,
as well.
Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that
The world we live in has a lot of crazies in it. Better to be safe
than sorry.
>-->From The Jokester:
Father Norton
Father Norton woke up Sunday morning and realizing it was an
exceptionally beautiful and sunny early spring day, decided he just
had to play golf. So... he told the Associate Pastor that he was
feeling sick and persuaded him to say Mass for him that day.
As soon as the Associate Pastor left the room, Father Norton headed
out of town to a golf course about forty miles away. This way he knew
he wouldn't accidentally meet anyone he knew from his parish. Setting
up on the first tee, he was alone. After all, it was Sunday morning
and everyone else was in church!
At about this time, Saint Peter leaned over to the Lord while looking
down from the heavens and exclaimed, "You're not going to let him get
away with this, are you?"
The Lord sighed, and said, "No, I guess not."
Just then Father Norton hit the ball and it shot straight towards the
pin, dropping just short of it, rolled up and fell into the hole. It
St. Peter was astonished. He looked at the Lord and asked, "Why did you
let him do that?"
The Lord smiled and replied, "Who's he going to tell?"
Pray For Rain
One summer, a drought threatened the crop in a small town. On a hot and
dry Sunday, the village parson told his congregation, "There isn't
anything that will save us except to pray for rain. Go home, pray,
believe, and come back next Sunday ready to thank God for sending rain."
The people did as they were told and returned to church the following
Sunday. But as soon as the parson saw them, he was furious.
"We can't worship today. You do not yet believe," he said.
"But," they protested, "we prayed, and we do believe."
"Believe?" he responded. "Then where are your umbrellas?"
A minister decided that a visual demonstration would add emphasis to his
Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars. The first
worm was put into a container of alcohol. The second worm was put into a
container of cigarette smoke. The third worm was put into a container of
chocolate syrup. The fourth worm was put into a container of good clean
At the conclusion of the sermon, the Minister reported the following
The first worm in alcohol - Dead.
The second worm in cigarette smoke - Dead.
Third worm in chocolate syrup - Dead.
Fourth worm in good clean soil - Alive.
So the Minister asked the congregation - "What can you learn from this
A little old woman in the back quickly raised her hand and said, "As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms!"
>-->A Classic from our friend DancinGirl :)
A blonde calls her boyfriend and says, "Please come over here and help
me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle and I can't figure out how to get
it started."
Her boyfriend asks, "What is it supposed to be when it's finished?"
The blonde says, "According to the picture on the box,
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it's a tiger."
So, her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets
him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table.
He studies the pieces for a moment, and then looks at the box. He then
turns to her and says, "First of all, no matter what we do we are not
going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a
tiger." He takes her hand and says, "Second, I want you to relax. Let's
have a nice cupe of tea and then," he sighed, "We'll put all the
Frosted Flakes back in the box."
>-->From Our Friend Becky :)
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jgs (___|___) (___|___) (___|___) (___|___)
^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^
A Simple Request...
I understand the weather in Iraq is very difficult to bear right now.
Our troops need our prayers for strength, endurance and safety.
Send this on after a short prayer;
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they
perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen."
When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for
our troops around the world.
There's nothing attached; just send this, please - of all the gifts you
could give a US Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine deployed in harm's
way, prayer is the very best!!!
Thank you.
This is one of the prettiest emails I have ever received.
...I agreed, so I made it into a web page for all of us to enjoy.
You can view the pictures here:
Dreamy Ladies
Thanks Becky for sharing these pictures with us!
>-->From CleanLaffs:
I have changed my system for labeling homemade freezer
meals. I used to carefully note in large clear letters,
"Meatloaf" or "Pot Roast" or "Steak and Vegetables or
"Chicken and Dumplings" or "Beef Pot Pie."
However, I used to get frustrated when I asked my husband
what he wanted for dinner because he never asked for any
of those things. So, I decided to stock the freezer with
what he really likes.
If you look in my freezer now you'll see a whole new set
of labels. You'll find dinners with neat little tags that
say: "Whatever," "Anything," "I Don't Know," "I Don't Care,"
"Something Good," or "Food." My frustration is now reduced
because no matter what my husband replies when I ask him
what he wants for dinner, I know that it is there waiting.
A little girl asked her mother, "Can I go outside and play
with the boys?"
Her mother replied, "No, you can't play with the boys,
they're too rough."
The little girl thought about it for a few moments and said,
"If I can find a smooth one, can I play with him?"
David Beckham, the famous English soccer player, is teaching
his new son Romeo the finer points about soccer. After a
while Romeo asks his Dad what number he should have on his
uniform when he starts playing for a team.
David replied "Wear 4 out there Romeo."
[Thanks to Tom in Western Australia. Good on'ya, Mate.]
A husband and wife were involved in a petty argument, both
of them unwilling to admit they might be in error.
"I'll admit I'm wrong," the wife told her husband in a con-
ciliatory attempt, "if you'll admit I'm right."
He agreed and, like a gentleman, insisted she go first.
"I'm wrong," she said.
With a twinkle in his eye, he responded, "You're right!"
I feel like my body has gotten totally out of shape, so I
got my doctor's permission to join a fitness club and start
exercising. I decided to take an aerobics class.
I bent, twisted, gyrated, jumped up and down, and perspired
for an hour. But, by the time I got my leotards on, the
class was over.
>-->From JokeCentral:
Coach Bobby Ross had put together the perfect Lions team. The
only thing he was missing was a good quarterback. He had scouted
all the colleges, and even the high schools, but he couldn't find a
ringer quarterback who could ensure a Super Bowl win.
Then one night, while watching CNN, he saw a war-zone scene
in Bosnia. In one corner of the background, he spotted a young Bosnian
soldier with a truly incredible arm. He threw a hand grenade straight
into a 15th-story window 200 yards away -- ka-boom! He threw another
hand grenade into a group of 10 soldiers 100 yards away -- ka-blooey!
Then a car passed, going 90 mph -- bulls-eye!
"I've got to get this guy!" Ross said to himself. "He has the perfect
So, he brings him to the States and teaches him the great game
of football, and the Lions go on to win the Super Bowl for the
first time in history. The young Bosnian is lionized as the Great
Hero of football, and when Ross asks him what he wants, all the
young man wants to do is to call his Mother.
"Mom," he says into the phone, "I just won the Super Bowl."
"I don't want to talk to you," the old woman says. "You deserted us.
You are not my son."
"I don't think you understand, Mother!" the young man pleads. "I just
won the greatest sporting event in the world. I'm here among thousands
of my adoring fans."
"No, let me tell you," the mother retorts. "At this very moment, there
are gunshots all around us. The neighborhood is a pile of rubble. Your
two brothers were beaten within an inch of their lives last week, and
this week your sister was raped in broad daylight."
The old lady pauses, and then tearfully says, "...I'll never forgive you
for making us move to Detroit."
A guy takes his girlfriend to a football game for the
first time. After the game he asked his girlfriend how
she liked the game. "Oh, I really liked it," she said,
"but I just couldn't understand though why they were
killing each other for 25 cents."
"What do you mean?"
"All they kept screaming was: Get the quarter back!
Get the quarter back!"
This Texan decides to try skydiving. He jumps out of
the plane, pulls the ripcord and nothing happens.
On the way down he passes a guy going up, so he hollers,
"Hey, y'all know anything about parachutes?"
The guy says, "No, do you know anything about gas
An advertising salesman was seeking advertisements for the local
paper. He stopped in the village store to make his pitch, but the
old, grizzled proprietor was adamant. "Don't need 'em," he said.
"Been in business nearly 80 years and never advertised."
"Could you tell me what that building is on the hill?" inquired the
"That's the village church."
"Been there long?" was the next question.
"Oh, 'bout 300 years," reckoned the storekeeper.
"Well," said the persistent salesman, "they still ring the bell every
week, don't they?"
By way of Pastor Tim's Illustrations List
The Bible
Mahatma Gandhi spoke forcefully to Christians when he said, "You
Christians have in your keeping a document with enough dynamite in
it to blow the whole of civilization to bits, to turn society upside
down, to bring peace to this war-torn world. But you read it as if it
were just good literature, and nothing else."
Quick Joke:
In case you are ever at a bar and someone asks for
your number and you don't want to give it to them and
you are not interested and you don't have the heart to
reject them flat out then use the New York Rejection
number. It is too funny. Give it a try if you are
ever in desperate need.
A rich couple was going out for the evening. The lady of the house decided
to give the butler, Throckmorton, the night off. She said they would be home
very late and he should just enjoy his evening.
As it turned out, the wife didn't have a good time at the party, so she came
home early. She walked into the house and eyed Throckmorton sitting alone in
the dining room. She called for him to follow her. She led him to the master
bedroom. She closed and locked the door. She looked at him and smiled.
"Throckmorton, take off my dress." He did so, carefully.
"Throckmorton, take off my stockings and garter." He silently obeyed her.
"Throckmorton, remove my bra and panties." The tension mounted as he
Finally she looked at him and said, "Throckmorton, If I ever catch you
wearing my clothes again, you're fired.
A dietician was once addressing a large audience in Chicago. "The
material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us
sitting here, years ago. Red meat is awful. Vegetables can be
disastrous, and none of us realizes the germs in our drinking water. But
there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all eat it.
Can anyone here tell me what lethal product I'm referring to? You, sir,
in the first row, please give us your idea."
The man lowered his head and said, "Wedding cake."
(\ _ /)
/ \ hjw
/ \
One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the evil that was
going on. He decided to send an angel down to Earth to check it out.
So he called on a female angel and sent her to Earth for a time. When
she returned she told God, yes it is bad on Earth, 95% is bad and 5% is
Well, he thought for a moment and said maybe I had better send down a
male angel; to get both points of view. So God called a male angel and
sent him to Earth for a time.
When the male angel returned he went to God and told him yes, the Earth
was in decline, 95% was bad and 5% was good.
God said this was not good. He decided to E-mail the 5% that were good
and encourage them, a little something to help them keep going.
Do you know what that E-mail said?
Oh! You didn't get one either?
Pancakes-A receipe for LIFE
Six -year-old Brandon decided one Saturday
morning to fix his parents pancakes. He
found a big bowl and spoon, pulled a chair
to the counter, opened the cupboard and
pulled out the heavy flour canister,
spilling it on the floor.
He scooped some of the flour into the bowl
with his hands, mixed in most of a cup of
milk and added some sugar, leaving a floury
trail on the floor which by now had a few
tracks left by his kitten.
Brandon was covered with flour and getting
frustrated. He wanted this to be something
very good for Mom and Dad, but it was
getting very bad.
He didn't know what to do next, whether to
put it all into the oven or on the stove
(and he didn't know how the stove worked!).
Suddenly he saw his kitten licking from the
bowl of mix and reached to push her away,
knocking the egg carton to the floor.
Frantically he tried to clean up this
monumental mess but slipped on the eggs,
getting his pajamas white and sticky.
And just then he saw Dad standing at the
door. Big crocodile tears welled up in
Brandon's eyes.
All he'd wanted to do was something good,
but he'd made a terrible mess. He was
sure a scolding was coming, maybe even a
spanking. But his father just watched him.
Then, walking through the mess, he picked
up his crying son, hugged him and loved
him, getting his own pajamas white and
sticky in the process.
That's how God deals with us. We try to do
something good in life, but it turns into
a mess. Our marriage gets all sticky or we
insult a friend, or we can't stand our job,
or our health goes sour.
Sometimes we just stand there in tears
because we can't think of anything else to
do. That's when God picks us up and loves
us and forgives us, even though some of our
mess gets all over Him.
But just because we might mess up, we can't
stop trying to "make pancakes" for God or
for others. Sooner or later we'll get it right,
and then they'll be glad we tried...
Please pass some of this love on to
others....suppose one morning you were
called to God; do all your friends know you
love them?
>-->From VAJOE:
\\ /////
| |
(| _ _ |)
|` | '|
| __ |
/ ||| \
Mike Hertz
>Zip It
In a crowded city at a busy bus stop, a beautiful young woman who was
waiting for a bus was wearing a tight mini skirt. As the bus stopped and
it was her turn to get on, she became aware that her skirt was too tight
to allow her leg to come up to the height of the first step of the bus.
Slightly embarrassed and with a quick smile to the bus driver, she
reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little, thinking that this would
give her enough slack to raise her leg. Again, she tried to make the
step only to discover she still couldn't.
So, a little more embarrassed, she once again reached behind her to
unzip her skirt a little more, and for the second time attempted the
step, and, once again, much to her chagrin, she could not raise her leg.
With a little smile to driver, she again reached behind to unzip a
little more and again she was unable to make the step.
About this time a large Marine gunnery sergeant who was standing behind
her picked her up easily by the waist and placed her gently on the step
of the bus. She went ballistic and turned to the would-be Samaritan and
yelled, "How dare you touch my body!, I don't even know who you are!"
The gunny smiled and drawled, "Well, ma'am, normally I would agree with
you, but after you unzipped my fly three times, I kinda figured we was
Submitted by marine_lar0311.
>-->From ScreamOfTheCrop:
They Say You're Only Young Once.
After That, You'll Need Another Excuse.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller are retired, and Mrs. Miller insists her
husband go with her to Wal-Mart. He gets so bored with all the shopping
trips. He prefers to get in and get out, but Mrs. Miller loves to
browse. One day Mrs. Miller got this letter from Wal-Mart:
Dear Mrs. Miller,
Over the past six months, your husband has been causing
quite a commotion in our store. We cannot tolerate this behavior and may
ban both of you from our stores. We have documented all incidents on our
video surveillance equipment. All complaints against Mr. Miller are
listed below.
Things Mr. Miller has done while his spouse was shopping in
1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them
in people's carts when they weren't looking.
2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in House wares to go off
at 5-minute intervals.
3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading
to the ladies rest rooms.
4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an
official tone, 'Code 3' in house wares..... and watched what happened.
5. August 4: Went to the Service Desk and asked to put a bag
of M&M's on layaway.
6. September 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a
carpeted area.
7. September 15: Set up a tent in the camping department and
told other shoppers he'd invite them in if they'll bring pillows from
the bedding department.
8. September 23: When a clerk asks if they can help him, he
begins to cry and asks, 'Why can't you people just leave me alone?'
9. October 4: Looked right into the security camera; used it
as a mirror, and picked his nose.
10. November 10: While handling guns in the hunting
department, asked the clerk if he knows where the antidepressants are.
11. December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously loudly
humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.
12. December 6: In the auto department, practiced his
"Madonna look" using different size funnels.
13. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people
browse through, yelled "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"
14. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud
speaker, he assumes the fetal position and screams "NO! NO! It's those
voices again!!!!"
And last, but not least ...
15. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door,
waited awhile, then yelled very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in
You know how to polka, but never tried it sober...
You know what knee-high by the Fourth of July means.
You know it is traditional for the bride and groom to go bar hopping
between the reception and wedding dance.
You know the difference between "Green" and "Red" farm machinery, and
would fight with your friends on the playground over which was better!
You buy Christmas presents at Farm Supply.
You spent more on beer & liquor than you did on food at your wedding.
You hear someone use the word "oof-dah" and you don't break into
uncontrollable laughter.
You or someone you know was a "Dairy Princess" at the county fair.
You know that "combine" is a noun.
You let your older siblings talk you into putting your tongue on a steel
post in the middle of winter.
You think Lutheran and Catholic are THE major religions.
You know that "creek" rhymes with "pick."
Football schedules, hunting season and harvest are all taken into
consideration before wedding dates are set.
A Friday night date is getting a six-pack and taking your girlfriend
shining for deer.
Saturday you go to your local bowling alley.
There was at least one kid in your class who had to help milk cows in
the morning...
You have driven your car on the lake.
You can make sense of "upnort" and "batree."
Every wedding dance you have ever been to has the hokey pokey and the
chicken dance.
Your definition of a small town is one that only has one bar.
The local gas station sells live bait.
At least twice a year some part of your home doubles as a meat
processing plant.
You think that the start of deer season is a national holiday.
Pop is the only name for soda.
You actually understand these jokes and will forward them to all your
Q. Why is it called Scotland Yard if it's not in Scotland?
A. The headquarters of the London Metropolitan Police, begun
in 1829, had its original headquarters at Number 4
Whitehall Place--right next door to the buildings that
used to house kings and other important visitors from
Scotland. The surrounding area came to be known as
Scotland Yard and the name stuck to the police facility,
even after the police moved to new offices (dubbed "New
Scotland Yard") in 1890. New Scotland Yard moved in 1967
to the Westminster section of London, where it remains to
this day. It was founded by Sir Robert Peel and ever
since, police officers have been called "bobbies", after
Sir Robert's nickname.
- 1997 World Book Encyclopedia
>-->FUN Places To Net Visit :)
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>-->Quotes & Thunkers:
"According to a survey by nationwide mutual insurance, 2
percent of people actually shave while they’re driving.
They shave! How many guys would like to be in the car with
those women?
--Jay Leno
"Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while,
nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation."
--Kin Hubbard
"President Bush visited the New York Stock Exchange. It was
an awkward moment when President Bush asked, "When do I get
to meet Dow Jones?"
--Conan O'Brien
"I like to think of my behavior in the sixties as a "learning
experience." Then again, I like to think of anything stupid
I've done as a "learning experience." It makes me feel less
stupid." --P. J. O'Rourke
"Well I was bullied at school, called all kinds of different
names. But one day I turned to my bullies and said - 'Sticks
and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me',
and it worked! From there on it was sticks and stones all
the way." -- Harry Hill
"Looking through the want ads last week, I came across a job
that required a college degree or the equivalent. Finally,
I thought, my eight years of high school are paying off."
--Buzz Nutley
"One measure of friendship consists not in the number of
things friends can discuss, but in the number of things
they need no longer mention."
-- Clifton Fadiman
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-->Want to ADVERTISE in The Shangy FUN Listt Publication?
-->Missed Any of These Teachings? 'BABES INN CHRIST','IN The Beginning',
'Crossing The Line','NEVER Give Up', 'FEAR - Feeling Kind Of Buggy',
'HAUNTINGS', 'Christianity And The Renewed Mind', or 'Curse Of The Law'
--BE SURE TO Tell me which one you want or you'll get them all :)
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