>---> Easy CHICKEN Casserole By Norma Gill <---< INGREDIENTS: 3 Cups cooked Chicken, shredded 1 (10.5-Ounce) can low-fat/low sodium cream of Mushroom soup 1 (10.5-Ounce) can low-fat/low sodium cream Celery soup 1 Cup water 1/2 Cup Mushrooms, diced 1 Cup Cooked Rice 1/2 Cup chopped Almonds DIRECTIONS: Combine all ingredients, except almonds in a bowl. Mix well. Pour into a greased 9-by-13 inch casserole dish. Sprinkle almond pieces evenly on top. Bake in a preheated 350-degrees oven for 30 minutes. Serves 6 *~* Special THANKS To Our Friend Norma for this. *~*