I only know the names of two angels,
Hark and Harold. ~Gregory, age 5

Everybody's got it all wrong.
Angels don't wear halos anymore.
I forget why, but scientists
are working on it. ~Olive, age 9

It's not easy to become an angel!
First, you die. Then you go to Heaven,
and then there's still the flight
training to go through. And then you
got to agree to wear those angel clothes.
~Matthew, age 9

Angels work for God and watch
over kids when God Has to go do
something else. ~Mitchell, age 7

My guardian angel helps me with
math, but he's not much good for
science. ~Henry, age 8

Angels don't eat, but they drink
milk from Holy Cows! ~Jack, age 6

Angels talk all the way while
they're flying you up To heaven.
The main subject is where you
went wrong before you got dead.
~Daniel, age 9

When an angel gets mad, he takes
a deep breath and counts to ten.
And when he lets out his breath
again, somewhere there's a
tornado. ~Reagan, age 10

Angels have a lot to do and they
keep very busy. If you lose a
tooth, an angel comes in through
your window and leaves money
under your pillow. Then when it
gets cold, angels go south for
the winter. ~Sara, age 6

Angels live in cloud houses
made by God and His Son, who's
a very good carpenter.
~Jared, age 8

All angels are girls because
they gotta wear dresses and
boys didn't go for it.
~Antonio, age 9

My angel is my grandma who
died last year. She got a big
head start on helping me
while she was still down
here on earth. ~Ashley, age 9

Some of the angels are in
charge of helping heal sick
animals and pets. And if they
don't make the animals get
better, they help the child
get over it. ~Vicki, age 8

What I don't get about angels
is why, when someone is in love,
they shoot arrows at them.
~Sarah, age 7

No One Say's it Better Than A Child!

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Special THANKS Goes To GENIANN For Sharing This With Us.

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