Meet Africa's natural salt miners. Large herbivores such as elephants often seek out natural mineral deposits such as rocks and soil to supplement their dietary intake of sodium whenever the mineral is not obtained in adequate quantities from woody plants and natural water which elephants consume.
      It is not uncommon to find elephants devouring soil and licking rocks high in sodium content. Here are some of nature's best salt miners. Enjoy! :)

Shangrala's Elephant Salt Miners
      In Mount Elgon National Park on the Kenya-Uganda border, however, elephants have taken this activity a step further - they have learned to quarry sodium-rich rocks on the base of a 24-million-years-old extinct volcano called Mount Elgon.

Shangrala's Elephant Salt Miners
      Mount Elgon is believed to be the oldest extinct volcano in East Africa. Because of its unusually large form - an 80 kilometer wide base and a peak that rises 3,000 meters from the surrounding plains - Mount Elgon doesn't have the typical sharp rise of a volcanic mountain.

Shangrala's Elephant Salt Miners
      The elephants prefer to stay in the lower slopes, where there are a number of caves and salt is plenty. These caves are quite voluminous, with up to 150 meters long, 60 meters wide, and some 10 meters high. There is evidence that these caves have been artificially expanded by thousands of years of mining - not by humans, but by the pachyderms.

Shangrala's Elephant Salt Miners
      The elephants use their tusks to break off pieces of the cave wall, which they then chew and swallow, leaving long scratch marks all over the cave walls. The elephants chisel the rocks for several hours and eat large quantities of salt at a time, since they usually do not return until several weeks later.

Shangrala's Elephant Salt Miners
      The elephants have a voracious appetite for salt. From An observation of a young calf feeding himself rocks inside Kitum Cave in Mount Elgon, researchers estimate that on average, an elephant excavate about two liters volume of rocks from the cave.

Shangrala's Elephant Salt Miners
      Aside from elephants, other animals such as bushbuck and buffaloes are also drawn to the salt in the caves. It's unlikely the animals know they need salt in their diet. The behavior is mostly instinctive, developed over thousands of years, and by leading their young into the caves, the knowledge has been passed on through the generations.

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Amazing Salt Miners

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SEE ALSO: Elephant Hotel!


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Special THANKS Goes To LOUISE AUSTIN For Sharing This With Us.

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