This is a poem being sent from a Marine to his Dad.
It makes one truly thankful for ALL of our troops. Enjoy! :)


Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

We all came together,
Both young and old
To fight for our freedom,
To stand and be bold.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

In the midst of all evil,
We stand our ground,
And we protect our country
From all terror around.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

Peace and not war,
Is what some people say.
But I'll give my life,
So you can live the American way.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

I give you the right
To talk of your peace.
To stand in your groups,
and protest in our streets.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

But still I fight on,
I don't bitch, I don't whine.
I'm just one of the people
Who is doing your time.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

I'm harder than nails,
Stronger than any machine.
I'm the immortal soldier,
I'm a U.S. MARINE!
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

So stand in my shoes,
And leave from your home.
Fight for the people who hate you,
With the protests they've shown.

Fight for the stranger,
Fight for the young.
So they all may have,
The greatest freedom you've won.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

Fight for the sick,
Fight for the poor
Fight for the cripple,
Who lives next door.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

But when your time comes,
Do what I've done.
For if you stand up for freedom,
You'll stand when the fight's done.
Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free
By: Corporal Aaron M. Gilbert,

Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

Please let this marine (and all our military)
know we care by passing his poem on to your friends
Let's help Aaron's dad spread the word ...


Someone Pays For You And Me.




Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free Shangrala's Freedom Isn't Free

For those of you who Want More FUN - Visit The Shangy Fun List! Variety is the
spice of life! The Shangy Fun List is an ezine packed full of Poems, Inspirational and
Heart Warming Stories. Jokes from G to slightly R, and Anything else that just
might make you SMILE! Join In The Free FUN!! ... :)

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If you are looking for more, here are some good places to start:

More Animation!
Why My Son?-
Dog Warriors!-
Bleed American!-
War Pics: Sleep!-
Lest We Forget 2!-
WWI Human Art!-
War Pics: Daily 3!-
Rolling Memorial!-
War Pics: Humor 3!-
Military WWII Posters!-
Proud Of Our Troops 5!-
Military Motivational Posters!-
Mesothelioma Among Veterans!
Mesothelioma Resource Online!
A-Z Animated Picture Images!-



NOTE: Special THANKS To STEVE GRANT For Sharing This.

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