God Is With You... :) Shangy! >Here are the details on our ShangyFunList: Group Web Site: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ShangyFunList.html Group email address: bcrsystems@earthlink.net Shangrala Family Fun: http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/ ================ *~* A REMINDER: PLEASE Send me sweet, interesting, funny, inspiring, family type forwards ANY TIME here... bcrsystems@earthlink.net I Need them, Love them, Use them, and Share them! THANK YOU!! AND For Facebook Users: Please Like Me here... http://tinyurl.com/cma6all AND Please Share This email with All Your Friends And Family! ^~^ May God SUPER BLESS You As You Do! THANK YOU! ================ __ __ ,-' `' \ _---``-- / _ _ ; __ `. / / `' \; /`----- ) / .-/ ,( ), \-. ; | \( \ / )/; | - _5 `7 -; / ( ___-' `-____ | ( ___`-_ \ ____| \ / `,/ \ _(\__ / \ \ ; \ .' /' `i. / | | \ _-'( _\__-/ `- | | ` ,` `_ | BP * Don't forget to follow us on social media for our latest updates and uproarious funny and inspiring pages! On Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/y8dcm8x7 On Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/n5uf3dxv ================ >-->HOT Off The 'Shangy' Press :) This too hot to handle new page is from our friends Linda and Fran. It is rib tickling fun one to amuse our feline lovers. Many of these you'll be able to relate to from your little fur baby. Be sure to check this page out here: _.---,_ .' `'. \ __..-'\ }-"` \ /__,,..---.._| \ | |---..__ | / ``"-./ .'---...__ | .' ``"-./ ,--./...,,,__ / '--.'__ __```.-. /._ / ` ` ' `=/.-.|-._) | .-. .-. "\\ / || O| | O| ""=='_\ .-' '-'o '-' ""=\` `''--/- ""=-,\--._ .---|- ( ""=-. \` \ /`)"=."=|'-. '. _.-' ' "=|\| (`----` '="=|/ `-. "=/` '. =/ \ =| .-. |` "=| ( ~._ | "==| _.-~`\ \ ~. |'"="| _.-~ ) ; ~-.|.-._|_.-~ / / _-( /-.__ ( '._..--~~`/`/-'\-._ `~~- ; jgs /"=| |" =\~-...___.-~ /=" / | "==\ / = (_ \ "==\ ;="= `\_) =="\ Cat Logic! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/catlogic.html --- ...LOL! Hilarious! Thanks ladies! This next flaming hot new page is from our friends Linda, LouiseAu and Johanna. It's full of some our most interesting bizarre aquatic life. Take some time and check it and it's video out here: \\_ ," "-. o ,- .`, /." / ./ // ," ..| / /.. /// / /.../-- | |...|\\\ | |../ \ \./ ,". \_"-,__ `_/ ctr "-.,.-" Amazing Water Creatures! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/watercreatures.html --- ...Most Stunning! Thanks Ladies! =========================================================== >-->From Heartwarmers: /\ ,'.' ',' _.,._ _,.-+`'+-._ .|. _.+'` `.' \ (___) ,' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _.-~`'~-._ _\_.-+'`'`+-._\ ag `,' `---` >MY GREATEST LESSON by Candy Chand A few years ago, when a true story I'd written about my son, Nicholas, titled Christmas Love, was publshed in Heartwarmers, I looked forward to sharing my miracle with others. After all, it was a joyous holiday season. I wanted to give something, without charge, as a present to strangers everywhere. Within hours of publication, I was blessed by an overwhelming response. Forward after forward it was sent. I was thrilled to receive lovely greetings from individuals across the United States and as far away as Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. As a writer, I was honored. As a person wishing to spread joy at Christmas time, I was humbled. Then, suddenly, everything began to spin out of control. A few readers deleted my byline. Before long, Christmas Love was being forwarded as an anonymous story. Realizing I didn't have control over the delete button of thousands of emailers, I turned it over to God. Until one night, when I'd just about had enough. Exhausted and annoyed, I emailed the webmaster of a site who'd omitted the author's credit. I tried to sound tough (which I'm not) so I told her it was nothing short of stealing to place it online, then forward it to thousands of her subscribers without first doing a proper check on the author. I angrily signed my name, hit send, and went to bed. The next morning, I woke up to over 100 new emails. "Great, more fan mail," I thought. But as I began to open them up, it hit me. This wasn't fan mail at all, but angry, furious, hate mail. As I pieced two and two together, I realized, in her frustration, she'd sent out my email to all her subscribers. And, let me tell you, several came after me with a vengeance. At first, I felt defensive. After all, I wasn't the person who did something wrong! But, as time went on, I knew better. Yes, there was no doubt about it, I was wrong too -- not in my premise, but in my tone. By responding in anger, before giving her a chance to correct the situation, I put everyone on the defense. And she chose to teach me a lesson. As much as it hurt, I must admit, I deserved it. It was a painful experience, but one that's taught me well. Person after person expressed my original story touched their soul, but my follow-up email canceled out all the prior good. How could the woman who shared such a tender story also write such angry, rude words? Clearly, they had me on a pedestal, and I'd fallen off. Wasn't I supposed to be more spiritual than that? (My family, by the way, laughs at the thought) I was devastated. I cried nonstop. I didn't eat. I hardly slept. I felt the whole world hated me. And, to make matters worse, I knew I'd hurt thousands of people, which was far from my original desire to share a heartfelt miracle. One by one, I emailed each individual an apology. I felt I owed everyone that much. Much to my amazement, most responded with kindness, offering forgiveness, even including their own apology for what they'd written to me. They now understood first hand, how easy it is to get angry, write a nasty email, and hit send before thinking it through. They were sorry. I was sorry. Everybody was sorry. Lots of tears flowed from the USA, to France and as far away as Nigeria. What did I learn, you ask? Words can be a blessing or a curse. The decision is ours. And now? Christmas Love continues to circulate, especially over the holidays. When it appears without the author's credit, I send a polite note asking for a byline. And much to my surprise, everyone's been more than agreeable. Yes, one simple story taught me the greatest lesson of all -- animosity will spread like wildfire, but love and kindness will bless the entire world. -- Candy Chand ___________________________________________ Candy Chand is the author of, Gift of Grace, available at bookstores nationwide and by clicking on this link. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1931412200/heart/ref=nosim --- ...I can relate Often I think about all the work I do with this website and how very few responses I get, and get discouraged. I remind myself that God gives the increase and I am doing this for Him - not me. One time I noticed one of my group friends forwarding one of my pages to their friends without my website getting credit. I was not happy about it, but realized as a programmer that the problem was my fault, not theirs. I went about making sure my pictures had links back to my website like they should have had so that if someone wanted to share the smiles, they would also share where they got them from too so that my website might get the traffic. When I get discouraged, I ask God to help me know if He wants me to continue doing what I am doing with the website and thank Him for His goodness and support towards me. He always makes me feel better! After all, I remember Noah and his family. God did not give up on mankind until there was only one single family on the whole earth that acknowledged and loved Him as the true one and only God Almighty. It was then that He set about hitting earth's reset button after all His selected loved ones were safe. So, as long as I am bringing smiles and blessings to at least one person, it is well worth my hours every day put forth on this website to do so. I am most thankful to God for all of you! Thank You! You are my joy and crown. :) (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•. Huggums!... :) Shangy! ============================================================ >-->From Daily Encounter: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Created For A Moment Like This "When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: ‘Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?'"1 No doubt we see the sovereign hand of the Lord at work in Esther's life when she was brought out of darkness and chosen to be the queen of Persia. She was a young woman without any high social position or power. Without the protection of her cousin Mordecai, Esther was actually very vulnerable. Can you imagine how disturbed, confused, and insecure she must have felt as events unfolded around her? We can feel that way too. God's purposes are being carried out just as He intended, but from our earthly perspective things sometimes seem confusing and unclear. That's why Esther's story is encouraging. It teaches us to trust in God's will. After all, He doesn't save us and then abandon us to our fate. On the contrary, he directs each of his children in the task he has laid out for them. Begin to seek the Lord's hand in your life. He is carrying out his plan, sometimes gently, other times with abrupt interruptions. No matter what happens, don't forget that God is present, as He works and directs every aspect of your life. You are never insignificant in His eyes. You are so special and loved that Almighty God has devised a unique calling for you. Suggested Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for today's passage, because it teaches me that no matter how adverse my circumstances may look, you have a divine plan for my life. Thank you, Lord, that you have promised to be present as you work and direct every aspect of my life. Let me see how special and beloved I am to you and that I have been created for a unique calling, for your honor and your glory. I pray in Jesus Christ's name, Amen. 1. Esther 4:12-14 (NIV). Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N. <:))))>< , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >The One Who Lifts My Head High "Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."1 When God commissioned him to lead the Israelites into the promised land, Joshua was fully aware of the difficulty of the task before him. However, he was determined to obey God no matter what. Whatever doubts and fears he faced in his heart and mind, he boldly assumed leadership. He put his faith in God, who had never let the people down, and trust without reservation that the Lord would once again be faithful to his word. Whatever challenge you face, God speaks to you the same words He lovingly addressed to His servant in today's passage: "Be strong and very courageous" (verse 7). Joshua's courage was based on years of seeing God's faithfulness. Whether you've been a Christian for five minutes or 50 years, you can have the same confidence. The Lord has everything to meet our needs. He is our "refuge and strength, our present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). Trust Him in all things, and like David, you will be able to say boldly: "But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high... the Lord sustains me. I will not fear..." (Psalm 3:3,5,6). Suggested Prayer: Dear heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me in Your Word, to be strong and courageous. Thank you for reminding me that you are with me and that all I have to do is obey you. Help me to be obedient, to be courageous, and to trust your unending faithfulness. I pray in Jesus Christ's name, Amen. 1. Joshua 1:7-9. Today's Encounter was written by: Rosina N. When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International. =========================================================== >-->From Archives InspiredBuffalo: _ _|_|_ ,|_| |_|_ || | | |_| || | | | | || | | | | _|| | | | | ||)\ ^ ^ ^ | || | | || | | || | | \\ | \\ / ejm )\ ( / \ \ / \ \ \ \ >The Complete Prayer For Protection The Light of God surrounds me. The Love of God enfolds me. The Power of God protects me. The Presence of God watches over me. The Mind of God guides me. The Life of God flows through me. The Laws of God direct me. The Power of God abides within me. The Joy of God uplifts me. The Strength of God renews me. The Beauty of God inspires me. Wherever I am, God is! This beloved prayer was written by James Dilate Freeman for all soldiers during WW II -Sharon Coles White Dove Ministries -<>- ___ .-" "-. .' . ; `. / : . ' : \ | ` .-. . ' | | : ( ) ; ` | | : `-' : | \ .` ; : / hjw `. . ' .' `-.___.-' >Story Time! - Donuts (tissues needed) There was a boy by the name of Steve who was attending school in Utah. Brother Christianson taught at this particular school. He had an open-door policy and would take in any student that had been thrown out of another class as long as they would abide by his rules. Steve had been kicked out of his sixth period and no other teacher wanted him, so he went into Brother Christianson's class. Steve was told that he could not be late, so he arrived just seconds before the bell rang and he would sit in the very back of the room. He would also be the first to leave after the class was over. One day, Brother Christianson asked Steve to stay after class so he could talk with him. After class, Bro. Christianson pulled Steve aside and said, "You think you're pretty tough, don't you?" _ ( ) ,,,,, \\ . . , \\ | - D (._) \__- | | | \\|_ , ,---- _ |----. \__ ( ( / ) _ | \/ \. ' _.| \ ( ) | \ /( / /\_ \ // \ / ( / / ) // ( , / / , (_.) |......\ | \, / / ) \--- b'ger /___/___^// Steve's answer was, "Yeah, I do." Then Brother Christianson asked, "How many push-ups can you do?" Steve said, "I do about 200 every night." "200? That's pretty good, Steve," Brother Christianson said. "Do you think you could do 300?" Steve replied, "I don't know... I've never done 300 at a time." "Do you think you could?" Again asked Brother Christianson. "Well, I can try," said Steve. "Can you do 300 in sets of 10? I need you to do 300 in sets of ten for this to work. Can you do it? I need you to tell me you can do it," BrotherChristianson said. Steve said, "Well... I think I can... Yeah, I can do it." Brother Christianson said, "Good! I need you to do this on Friday." Friday came and Steve got to class early and sat in the front of the room. When class started, Brother Christianson pulled out a big box of donuts. Now these weren't the normal kinds of donuts, they were the extra fancy BIG kind, with cream centers and frosting swirls. Everyone was pretty excited - it was Friday, the last class of the day, and they were going to get an early start on the weekend. Bro. Christianson went to the first girl in the first row and asked, "Cynthia, do you want a donut?" Cynthia said, "Yes." Bro. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten push-ups so that Cynthia can have a donut?" Steve said, "Sure," and jumped down from his desk to do a quick ten. Then Steve again sat in his desk. Bro. Christianson put a donut on Cynthia's desk. Bro. Christianson then went to Joe, the next person, and asked, "Joe do you want a donut?" Joe said, "Yes." Bro. Christianson asked, "Steve would you do ten push-ups so Joe can have a donut?" Steve did ten push-ups, Joe got a donut. And so it went, down the first aisle, Steve did ten pushups for every person before they got their donut. And down the second aisle, till Bro. Christianson came to Scott. Scott was captain of the football team and center of the basketball team. He was very popular and never lacking for female companionship. When Bro. Christianson asked, "Scott do you want a donut?" Scott's reply was, "Well, can I do my own pushups?" Bro. Christianson said, "No, Steve has to do them." Then Scott said, "Well, I don't want one then." Bro. Christianson then turned to Steve and asked, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so Scott can have a donut he doesn't want?" Steve started to do ten pushups. Scott said, "HEY! I said I didn't want one!" Bro. Christianson said, "Look, this is my classroom, my class, my desks, and my donuts. Just leave it on the desk if you don't want it." And he put a donut on Scott's desk. Now by this time, Steve had begun to slow down a little. He just stayed on the floor between sets because it took too much effort to be getting up and down. You could start to see a little perspiration coming out around his brow. Bro. Christianson started down the third row. Now the students were beginning to get a little angry. Bro. Christianson asked Jenny, "Jenny, do you want a donut?" Jenny said, "No." Then Bro. Christianson asked Steve, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so Jenny can have a donut that she doesn't want?" Steve did ten, Jenny got a donut. By now, the students were beginning to say "No" and there were all these uneaten donuts on the desks. Steve was also having to really put forth a lot of effort to get these pushups done for each donut. There began to be a small pool of sweat on the floor beneath his face, his arms and brow were beginning to get red because of the physical effort involved. Bro. Christianson asked Robert to watch Steve to make sure he did ten pushups in a set because he couldn't bear to watch all of Steve's work for all of those uneaten donuts. So Robert began to watch Steve closely. Bro. Christianson started down the fourth row. During his class, however, some students had wandered in and sat along the heaters along the sides of the room. When Bro. Christianson realized this; he did a quick count and saw 34 students in the room. He started to worry if Steve would be able to make it. Bo. Christianson went on to the next person and the next and the next. Near the end of that row, Steve was really having a rough time. He was taking a lot more time to complete each set. Steve asked Bro. Christianson, "Do I have to make my nose touch on each one?" Bro. Christianson thought for a moment, "Well, they're your pushups. You can do them any way that you want." And Bro. Christianson went on. A few moments later, Jason came to the room and was about to come in when all the students yelled, "NO! Don't come in! Stay out!" Jason didn't know what was going on. Steve picked up his head and said, "No, let him come." Bro. Christianson said, "You realize that if Jason comes in you will have to do ten pushups for him." Steve said, "Yes, let him come in." Bro. Christianson said, "Okay, I'll let you get Jason's out of the way right now. Jason, do you want a donut?" "Yes." "Steve, will you do ten pushups so that Jason can have a donut?" Steve did ten pushups very slowly and with great effort. Jason, bewildered, was handed a donut and sat down. Bro. Christianson finished the fourth row, then started on those seated on the heaters. Steve's arms were now shaking with each pushup in a struggle to lift himself against the force of gravity. Sweat was dropping off of his face and, by this time, there was not a dry eye in the room. The very last two girls in the room were cheerleaders and very popular. Bro. Christianson went to Linda, the second to last, and asked, "Linda, do you want a doughnut? Linda said, very sadly, "No thank you." Bro. Christianson asked Steve, "Steve, would you do ten pushups so that Linda can have a donut she doesn't want?" Grunting from the effort, Steve did ten very slow pushups for Linda. Then Bro. Christianson turned to the last girl, Susan. "Susan, do you want a donut?" Susan, with tears flowing down her face, asked, "Bro. Christianson, can I help him?" Bro. Christianson, with tears of his own, said, "No, he has to do it alone. Steve, would you do ten pushups so Susan can have a donut?" As Steve very slowly finished his last pushup, with the understanding that he had accomplished all that was required of him, having done 350 pushups, his arms buckled beneath him and he fell to the floor. Brother Christianson turned to the room and said. "And so it was, that our Savior, Jesus Christ, plead to the Father, "Into thy hands I commend my spirit." With the understanding that He had done everything that was required of Him, he collapsed on the cross and died. And like some of those in this room, many of us leave the gift on the desk, uneaten." -<>- ______________________________________ | | _.---------|.--. | .-' ` .'/ `` | .-' .' | /| | .-' | / `.__// | .-' _.--/ / | | _ .-' / / | | ._ \ / ` / | | ` . / ` / | | \ \ '/ / | | - \ / /| | | ' .' / | | | ' |.'| | | | | | | | |______________________________________| | |.' | / | / | / ) /| .A/`-. / | AMMMA. `-._ / / AMMMMMMMMA. `-. / / AMMMMMMMMMMMMA. `. / AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA.`. / MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA.`. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA.`. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMV' >MASTER'S CARD. Let me tell you about it. There are no finance charges, no payments due. My bill has already been covered... it's a prepaid deal. I couldn't afford the price, so Jesus stepped in and paid it for me. My Name is written on the card for all to see. It is accessible twenty-four hours a day from anywhere in the world. The MASTER'S CARD has so many benefits it's hard to list them all. Let me share some of them with you... you might want to apply for a personal card yourself. Just for starters there is UNLIMITED GRACE. That's right, there is no preset limit to the amount of grace you receive from the MASTER'S CARD. Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places? Then, look no farther than the MASTER'S CARD. It offers the greatest rate on love that has ever been offered. The MASTER'S CARD gives you access to many "members only" benefits. Want real joy despite the difficulties of life? Apply for the MASTER'S CARD. Want a lasting peace? Apply for the MASTER'S CARD. Looking for something you can always rely on in a jam? The MASTER'S CARD is perfect for you. Another great thing about the MASTER'S CARD is that it never expires. Once you're a member, you're a member for life... eternal life, that is. Membership has its privileges, you know. How do you receive the MASTER'S CARD. Dial 1-800-ROMANS10:9 "if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Jesus is standing by right now to take your call. Don't delay. This great offer won't last forever. Peace, joy and hope: Invaluable. Faith, contentment and assurance: Inestimable. Salvation: Priceless. There are some things money can't buy. For those, there's the Master's Card. Christian, why not be an advertisement for the MASTER'S CARD. Let your life be a commercial today for Jesus Christ and live it as though you expect Him to return tomorrow, for "no man knows the day, nor the hour". I await His coming with eager anticipation, how about you? --- ...See this teaching The Hope Of The Return http://www.absolutebiblestudy.com/Promises/THE_HOPE_OF_THE_RETURN.htm -<>- >Links for Your Enjoyment :) The Blue Ribbon! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/blueribbon.html Jesus Laughing Art! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/Jesusart.html Salvation Mountain! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/salvation.html Deer Rescue! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/deerrescue.html Eagle Rescue! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/eaglerescue.html Zoo Animals! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/zoo.html Odin The White Tiger! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/whitetiger.html Running Horses! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/runninghorses.html Colorful Birds 3! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/birds3.html Elephant Rescue! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/elephants.html Real Three Bears! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/bears.html Would You Care! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/care.html Freaky Art Vans! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/artvan.html God's Paintings! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/gpaints.html Maxine On Jesus!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/maxineonjesus.html Akiane - Child Prodigy!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/prodigy.html Attitude Is Everything 5!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/attitude5.html Bible Study: Our Valuable Anchor!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/ouranchor.html FULL Easter Index!- http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/easterindex.html Moms And Dads Index! http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/momsanddadsindex.html -<>- Consumed By Fire - Walk With Jesus (Official Lyric Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GPzrNxlyYo Jeremy Camp - These Days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Llk74D3FWzs TobyMac - Cornerstone ft. Zach Williams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws5Jnoq96qo Patrick Mayberry - "Lead On Good Shepherd (feat. Zahriya Zachary)" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAJ7rwJWHZE Matthew West - Don't Stop Praying (Music Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r0eA49MZ0w Casting Crowns - Nobody (Official Music Video) ft. Matthew West https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yBzIt_z8oY -<>- How to Become a Christian - How to Get Born Again / How to Get Saved / Romans 10:9 & 10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMzblR8YDQ0 Jesus Christ Our Passover http://www.absolutebiblestudy.com/Advanced/Advanced.htm Bible https://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kjv/ Bible Study Index http://www.absolutebiblestudy.com/Contents.htm The Way Bible Articles https://thewayinternational.com/english/ Truth Or Tradition.com Index: https://www.truthortradition.com/ The Lion Weekly Digest is a newsletter delivering the week's top articles from The Lion straight to your inbox. Find all of the stories: https://readlion.com/ Latest From PragerU: https://www.prageru.com/ Latest From Mommy Underground: https://mommyunderground.com/ Latest From Christian Life Daily: https://www.christianlifedaily.com/ -<>- >In The Worldly News: Tucker Carlson On Rumble https://rumble.com/c/TuckerCarlson Latest Eric Bolling: https://www.newsmaxtv.com/bolling Latest From Hannity: https://hannity.com/ Latest From American Action News: https://americanactionnews.com/ Latest From Reliable News: https://reliablenewsnow.com/ Latest From Newsmax: https://www.newsmax.com/ Latest From Expose: https://expose-news.com/ Latest From Billings Report: https://billingsreport.com/ Latest From AFA: http://tinyurl.com/j7lakqw Latest From OperationRescue: http://www.operationrescue.org/ Latest Product Alert: http://www.emergencyemail.org/products/?fmt=text Latest Health Alert: http://www.emergencyemail.org/health/?fmt=text Click to Give Free https://greatergood.com/clicktogive/ggc/home -<>- >From Hubby PB :) Dementia warning - Foil can be bad for you! --- ...I checked this out Many warn of health issues from common use of foil. I found this info on Healthline: Is It Safe to Use Aluminum Foil in Cooking? https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/aluminum-foil-cooking -<>- >From Our Friend LouiseAu :) The Vortex Fountain This cleverly built vortex water sculpture, titled Charybdis, is a work by William Pye and constitutes his largest water sculpture to date. I is made of clear polymer achieve transparency. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTvhQdZOeHI&feature=player_embedded An astounding acrobatic performance I can't stop watching and these incredible silent acrobats do an amazing job of convincing me that a great acrobatic performance needs a lot of imagination and not a pinch of fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1TiI9dnWDw&feature=player_embedded --- ...Sweet! Thanks LouiseAu! Visit Melissa's Online Store You can get anything you want (except for Melissa ) at the online store http://pdhomes.net/mall/babylissa/mySTORES/ISELL4.html ========================================================== >-->From God'sDailyWord: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >Our Privileged Responsibility God has always set aside a select group to carry forth His Word and to help guide His people. In the Old Testament times God designated the descendants of Levi to be priests. The priests were to perform the various sacrifices, give instruction regarding God's Law, and be the general interface between God and man. Since the priests were accountable to God for maintaining His standard, this great privilege also carried an enormous responsibility. Malachi served as a prophet of God approximately 900 years after the Levitical priesthood had been established. The priests had once held a deep reverence for God, but they now ceased to teach the truth and lost all sense of their calling. Through Malachi, God sent the priests a sharp rebuke. Malachi 2:7-9 "The lips of a priest ought to preserve knowledge, and from his mouth men should seek instruction - because he is the messenger of the Lord Almighty. But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble... you have not followed My ways." In one regard, this speaks directly to those called into Church leadership - those who are given the responsibility for leading a congregation in the way of truth. But it also speaks to ALL who now believe in Jesus Christ and are committed to following His ways. We must not cause others to stumble by failing to follow the ways of God! When Jesus came to earth and gave Himself as a sacrifice for our sins, a new covenant was established. No longer is there only a select group of priests who have access to God; rather, all believers are now declared "a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God" (1 Peter 2:9). The primary duty of a priest in the Old Testament was to seek God's will and effectively communicate the truth of God's Word to those placed within his care. And as members of God's New Covenant royal priesthood, we all have this same responsibility - this same privilege! We must seek His will and speak truth to whoever God places in our path. We do not have the option of watching others wander from God. Allowing someone to destroy their life and their intimate relationship with God through a life of unbelief and sin is neither gracious nor loving - it's cruel and irresponsible! We are never held accountable for the response of others, only for our presentation of the truth. We must now become faithful to our calling. We must become a priest within our family, at our work, among our friends, and even within our church. We must diligently seek His will and not stray. We must learn His truths and live by them... and speak His truth with grace and compassionate love. Let's give thanks for the opportunity to serve and for being allowed to lead others to a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father. Let's praise Him and faithfully accept our privileged responsibility. Have a Christ Centered Day! Steve Troxel God's Daily Word Ministries **** Reading Plan **** Josh. 34:1-2:24; Luke 13:23-14:6; Psalm 79:1-13; Proverbs 12:26 --- ...This is a good reminder Many think this or that is OK when they see people in their church living an ungodly life. But like Apostle Paul said... 1 Cor.6: [12a] All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: Not expedient means - Convenient but based on a concern for self-interest rather than principle - The 'principle' here that Apostle Paul is referring to is our witness of God's Word - if we are living an ungodly life, how is that going to look to those who are seeking God? We are God's priests when we became born-again. See this great teaching: GOD'S HOLY AND ROYAL PRIESTS - by John W. Schoenheit http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/BibleStudy/royalpriests.html When it comes to God, people can say what they like about me, but when they say things against God, Jesus Christ or the bible, I am compelled to correct them - unless God lets me know they are just being argumentative and are just looking for a fight. It irritates me when a church openly supports ungodly life styles to their congregation. They are supposed to be the ones who are feeding God's flock and helping them to be strong in the Lord. They will be held to account as we all will be: Matt.12 [36] But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Rom.14 [12] So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Our leaders and teachers will be held to an even higher standard: Heb.13: [17] Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: -<>- , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' >By Our Love The Church in Ephesus was established by the Apostle Paul and became one of the most prominent churches in the early days of Christianity. Paul ministered in Ephesus for three years (Acts 19:1-20), and a few years later wrote the church a special letter of encouragement and instruction (the book of Ephesians); "Ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers" (Ephesians 1:15). The Ephesians were doing most things "right." They had strong programs, an acute awareness of sin, and a work ethic which should characterize any thriving church: "I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for My name, and have not grown weary" (Revelation 2:2-3). The hard work of the Ephesian church was readily acknowledged; and yet, they had forgotten that "only one thing is {truly} needed" (Luke 10:42). Though they maintained an outward appearance of devotion, and may have actually accomplished many "Kingdom-driven" goals, the once burning love in their heart had begun to fade. Revelation 2:4 "Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love." When we first understand the ugliness of our sin, the death our sin deserves, and how Jesus died to make us clean, we cannot help but be filled with thankfulness... and love. But sadly, in our attempt to "mature," we often shift our focus to the "doing" of outward activities and forget the love which once consumed our heart. We may study more, attend more, and serve more (all of which are good), but we have forgotten how to simply be still and worship at His feet. As we mature in Christ, we must never outgrow our ability to love; "Repent and do the things you did at first" (Revelation 2:5). Dear Lord, forgive us for setting up barriers which keep us from truly loving others. Forgive us for being so busy that we forsake our intimate love for You. And forgive us for trying to work for what You so freely give. Help us to always remember the MOST important! Let's return to the place of simple devotion - the place of true worship and all-consuming love. There will always be opportunities to express our faith in good works and service to God. These should not be neglected! But as we work hard, resist sin, and possibly endure great hardship, let's remember that what Jesus truly desires is our heart. In the end, when we see Him face to face, He will look deep within and He will know us by our love. Have a Christ Centered Day! Steve Troxel God's Daily Word Ministries **** Reading Plan **** Judges 1:1-2:10; Luke 21:29-22:13; Psalm 90:1-91:16; Proverbs 13:24-25 ? --- ...Note: , , /////| ///// | ///// | |~~~| | | |===| |/| | B |/| | | I | | | | B | | | | L | / | E | / |===|/ jgs '---' The New Testament Bible: The Four Gospels break up the entire literary portrait of the Savior into four prophesied perspectives: King, Servant, Man, Son. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are written from each of these perspectives, respectively. The Church Epistles are written from the perspective of doctrine (right belief and practice), reproof (where not believing or practicing rightly) and correction (where teaching error). Romans (faith), Ephesians (love) and Thessalonians (hope) are all doctrinal epistles. 1 & 2 Corinthians and Philippians are reproof epistles. Galatians and Colossians are correction epistles. ========================================================== >-->From LaughAndLift: "Standing in the middle of the road is dangerous; you get knocked down by traffic from both sides." - Margaret Thatcher Tell me about it..... ...hiiii haaaaaan... \ /\/\ / / / _/,/ / _/` (/"/////, ( '```--.___ /' _), ,- '-. /, / \ (\ \, \_()/ \) )' =_ )) | | | .// _/) ( ( \_ // / \ >_,\ (/)= / | | | \ #\| / |=| |=|\ ( ( (=> ( >( >),) | | |=| \ ( ( / / / / ) |/ \ /_( /_( , || )/.,_ ). /\\_(\,/, //- / /_(_( / ,\. b'ger .- '-'-'-,)\/.')) >Trying to Please Everyone (By Alan Smith) The story is told of a man and his grandson traveling down the road, walking and leading a donkey. They met a man who said, "How foolish for you to be walking. One of you should be riding the donkey." So the man put his grandson on the animal. The next traveler they met frowned and said, "How dreadful for a strong boy to be riding while an old man walks." So the boy climbed off the donkey and his grandfather climbed on. The next person they met said, "I just can't believe a grown man would ride and make a little boy walk." So the man pulled the boy up and they rode the donkey together. That is, until they met another man who said, "I never saw anything so cruel in all my life -- two human beings riding on one poor defenseless donkey!" Down the road a ways, they met a couple of men. After they passed, one of the men turned to the other and said, "Did you ever before see two fools carrying a donkey?" The point is: You can't please everyone! And it can be very frustrating to even try to do so because it's impossible. The truth of the matter is, even if we could please everyone, we shouldn't. In fact, trying to please others can [easily] distract from the One we should be pleasing, if we're not careful. Though Paul was certainly mindful of the feelings of others, he wrote: "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10, NIV) Living our lives so as to receive the praise of people around us will only get us into trouble. I think of the chief rulers who "believed in Him [Jesus], but because of the Pharisees they did not confess Him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God." (John 12:42-43). When we become attached to public opinion and pleasing others around us, we will eventually end up denying God. Have you found lately that everyone isn't pleased with your decisions? Don't lose any sleep over it, as long as you're seeking to please the only ONE that really matters! SUBSCRIBE INFO Want to receive a Christian inspirational item AND great clean humor in an email to you each day of the week? It's easy and FREE! Read all about Laugh & Lift at http://www.laughandlift.com --- ...This reminds me ______ /( )\ \ \ / / \/[]\/ /\ | | | | | | | | | | \ / ejm \/ My teacher in the Word taught us about this. His example was that he was trying to please the people so he wore a tie to dress up. Some people were happy that he wore a tie while others didn't like the color of the tie, others didn't like the style of it, and some felt he was over dressed and making others feel bad if they were not as dressed up as him. In others words, no matter what he did, he realized he was not going to be able to please all the people all of the time. So he decided to make sure he pleased God and himself. That was best result. God first. We see this in social media these days. Seems any time you make a comment about this or that, someone somewhere finds fault with it and wants to argue with you about it. I came to realize that some people just enjoy arguing and fighting and getting others all riled up about nothing. They will take the opposite point of view just to see if they can get a reaction out of you. They think it is funny. Like it was when I was a kid and others made fun and bullied me or other kids just to get us upset or to feel better about themselves. I'd tell my kids that if they got bullied the best thing was to ignore the bully as best they could so the bully leaves them alone. Often it is just envy or their own troubled life that causes one to take things out on another. Give them to Father through Christ and they will be taken care of appropriately. The main thing is not to get upset or let them make you feel bad. Give it to God through Christ if you are troubled by it. Remember to always please God first and God will take care of the rest. Matt.6: [33] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. -<>- Those who live in the Lord never see each other for the last time. - German Proverb .-""-._ / ___/ \ _&_ _.--""|/ `\| // \\ .' ( ^/ ^ )'. / / \ \ / | _ | \ // / \ \\ | _\____/ | /_/_/_\_\_\ | .' \____/-._ | .-"-. | / `; /# \ | / / _|_.---\ | | |.-.; :--.-(_/.____/.-""\___/"-. / \ / ~~/ /\ \{"=.______.="} /--. ; /___/_~~/ ; .--\"=...__...="} / \-/ `\______|/ \-.______..-; | /`| | \ | |||| || | /_ | |_______/ | |||| || | \_/| |-------' |--'||'--._|| | | | | || |> |______| |____________|._ || _..-;| | [___] | `||() || |______ |\/|____________|jgs|| () (__) \__/ (__) () >Livin' With the Fear No More By Chris Long -(edited) Back before I truly gave my heart to Jesus and asked Him to be my Savior and Lord in July 1995, I had quite a number of fears. But there was one that stands out among all the others - the fear of death. The Lord was reminding me of this today as I pondered some songs I had written in that seemingly long-ago year of 1995 when I was 14-15 years old. One of those songs was called "Livin' With the Fear" and its chorus went something like this: "Livin' with the fear, every night, every night Livin' with the fear Livin' with the fear, every night, every night Livin' with the fear Cause you never know when the day will come, the day when you will die. Yes you never know when the day will come, the day when you will die" This was written in late January 1995. I can remember pondering death and feeling scared and hopeless about it. Not that these lyrics are anything stellar, but they certainly put that fear into clear and concise words, no? It honestly terrified me and I remember telling myself just not to think about it. The easiest thing to do was just to avoid thinking about it. I suspect this is the same approach that many people still take. But you know, a funny thing happened. In early July of that same year, I truly surrendered to the Lord. In my case, it wasn't anything "showy" by human terms - it was just me and the Lord in my garage. But after working through some big questions I had about God ("why do bad things happen?" etc.) I came to the place where I made the choice to choose Jesus Christ. I realized I was a sinner and needed a Savior - and that God had provided such a Savior for me. I placed my faith in Jesus Christ to forgive me of my sins and to make me right with God. I won't say that I instantly felt massively different, but I was different and knew it. Once I surrendered to God, His peace came into my life and manifested itself by transforming several areas of my outward behavior. In literally only a few months, I was a very different person to most anybody that was looking. Romans 5:1-2 says: "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God." (NIV) Besides transforming behavior, this peace transformed my thinking. One of the key things that changed was that I suddenly realized several months later that I didn't fear death any more! Hebrews 2:14-15 says: "Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death - that is, the devil - and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death." (NIV) Just as this Scripture says, I had been set free. I thought to myself, "you know Chris, you should change that song you wrote earlier." And so I did. I re-wrote the song in late November 1995 - the new chorus went like this: "Livin' with the fear, no more, no more Livin' without that fear Livin' with the fear, no more, no more Livin' without that fear But you never know when the day will come, the day when you will die. just let the Lord into your life, leave your worries behind" Now, yes, I realize that at first glance these words might appear a little simplistic. We know that just because we accept Jesus, it doesn't mean that our life instantly goes perfectly here. But we ARE to leave our worries behind - as a child of God, we are to leave our worries at the cross. We are not to worry but instead to trust God. And this is no more pertinent then with the issue of death. See, I had good reason to fear death before I surrendered to God. Really, I did. We are held accountable for what we do with Jesus and if I were to have died knowing about Jesus and what He did for me, but unwilling to place my faith in, and surrender to, Him, I would have had a horrible eternal future to look forward to. No-one really told me all this - nobody told me much about hell. I was largely taught the opposite with my upbringing being in a Christian denomination who believes that all who are baptized as infants, as I was, are automatic "children of God" and going to Heaven. (sidenote because I know someone is thinking it: this is a separate issue from infants that die - I'm not addressing that in this article) But no amounts of theology like this - no matter how great it sounded on paper - could keep me from what I innately knew - even as a 15- year-old. I feared death because I innately knew deep-down inside that I was not right with God because I had not chosen to admit my sin and put my faith in Christ. Even with my very limited knowledge at the time, I knew that the Scriptures didn't teach an "automatic salvation," but rather a salvation based on faith. I mean, even John 3:16 lays that one out pretty clearly. I certainly didn't understand any of this nearly like I do now, but I understood enough and in simple faith, humbled myself before God. And God met me in that simple faith and came to reside in me. But before that happened, I defintely had reason to fear. It WAS terrifying. It would have been horrible. A future in darkness with "weeping and gnashing of teeth" doesn't sound so enticing, you know what I mean? Again, I don't think I consciously realized all this at the time - I was just thinking of fearing the process or method of dying, etc. But really I had good reason to fear - beyond what I could even comprehend at the time. But what a difference 10 months makes! You see, I wrote that first song on January 26, 1995 and I wrote the second song on November 20, 1995. Basically 10 months. And you know what event was right about in the middle? You guessed it - my surrendering and placing my faith in Jesus Christ. It was basically 5 months prior to that event that I wrote the first song and it was basically 5 months after that event that I wrote the second song. This little tidbit blew me away when the Lord showed me that today. It's funny how the Lord works, you know? The Bible only tells us that there is one legitimate object of fear - and that could be considered more of a "reverential" type rather than a "cowering in the corner" type - and that is a "fear of the Lord". The Bible says in Psalm 111:10a that "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom". If you have an appropriate fear of the Lord and put God in His proper place in your heart and life, then all other fears in this life of other human beings and circumstances, and even death itself, are inconsequential to say the least. Even as a believer though, there have been times when I've let fear get the better of me, even with this whole issue of death. But the truth is that as believers we have absolutely nothing to fear at all. If God is our Father (and He IS), and if this is the same God who made the universe and made us (and He IS), and if this is the God that has given us His promise that those who have faith in His Son will have everlasting life with Him, then we have NOTHING to fear. In Romans 8:15-16, Paul tells us: "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children." (NIV) We are not to be slaves of fear - death or otherwise. If you've placed your faith in Jesus Christ to save you from your sins and have consciously chosen Christ, the Spirit Himself dwells in you and confirms to you that you are His and are sealed by Him. Leave the worrying to those outside of Christ. They SHOULD worry. They SHOULD be afraid. Perhaps that fear and worry will, like me, help them to become more open to learning about how they can be set free from all that by humbling themselves before the very God that made them. But as blood-bought, redeemed children of God that are abiding in Him, we have absolutely nothing to fear in this life - and worry should be a thing of the past. The King has set us free. The King has declared us righteous. No matter what the future may hold here on this planet and the exact methodology by which we will die, it matters not because this is all passing away anyway. This body is just our shell - how it goes is of little importance. Our spirit lives on. We're going to see the King and we will be with Him forever and ever. Hallelujah!!!! What else really matters? "Livin' With the Fear No More!" Is that your cry today? Can you say that you no longer are a slave to fear - fear of man or fear of circumstances you cannot control? If not, you can change that right now: "Dear Lord, Forgive me for my fear and worry. I know that everything is in Your hands, including my life. You are the Lord over all and that includes my body. Help me to live as the free and redeemed child that you have made me. Help me to live with no fear of others and of circumstances and to wholly trust You with everything that is happening or may happen in the future. Please remove all such fear now from my life and instead teach me how to appropriately fear You as I recognize that is where wisdom begins. Thank you for (your son) dying for me and paying my sin debt that I could never pay. I love you in Jesus (Christ's) name. Amen." With Christ's love, Chris Long Laugh & Lift ministries http://www.laughandlift.com ----- This article is Copyright by Chris Long 2012. You may use this article for free for any purpose, whether commercial or non- commercial, as long as you use the entire text and that all text, including this notice, is not modified or removed in any fashion. For any other usage, you must obtain written permission from the author. All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. This is version 2.1 of this document (April 25, 2012). Previous versions: 2.0 (June 7, 2009), 1.1 (May 4, 2009), 1.0 (April 25, 2009) This document is provided as a ministry outreach via Laugh & Lift. http://www.laughandlift.com ========================================================== ,--. ,--. ( O ) ( O ) `--' \ `--' \ _ >-. / /| `-.__.' Krogg >-->Watch... by Frank Outlaw Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. -<>- _____ / \/_ //\__(\_\ |\ ^ ^ | .//_O \O_ \ \_ (_) / \ \_/ / __/\ /\__ / \ \ / / \ / \/\/\/ \ / | . | \ / | . | \ JRO >God Is Always Near One thing can always cheer me, When I'm feeling sad and low; When I tire of daily trials, That I have to undergo; When those who should seem closest, Seem like people I don't even know, One thing can always cheer me, I know that God is near me. One thing can always cheer me When I don't understand; How pain and sadness in our lives, Can get so out of hand; When the best of human efforts, Doesn't meet the days demands, One thing can always cheer me, I know that God is near me. One thing can always cheer me, More than anything I've known; And show me I will never Have to struggle on my own. For no matter what might ever happen, I know I will never be alone, The thing that always cheers me Is just knowing God is near me. Written By: BJ.Morbitzer - Used with Permission http://www.joygreetings.com/alwaysnear.shtml >Updated FUN STUFF URLS - Oh Yeah, Shangy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.ShangralaFamilyFun.com/urls.html FUN URLS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->ShangyFunList AD RATES: $35 will get your a message (of up to 40 words) out to all web site list readers. Email me to secure dates. Ad Request ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->FULL LENGTH - FREE On line AUDIO MP3 Christian Foundational Class NEW LIFE IN CHRIST! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -->This is for all you who love food and DARE to make it at home Yep. You guessed it - Recipes. 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