This may look like a cute little house kitty, but it is actually a sand cat. Boasting fluffy ears, big eyes and tiny noses, it's easy to mistake the sand cat for a charming kitten but they are as wild as they come and are champions of the harsh Arabian desert environment.

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat
      The sand cat is the only cat that lives primarily in the desert. They have adapted to live in the hot, arid conditions of the deserts ranging from northern Africa through Israel. Its furry feet help it walk along rocky, hot landscapes, and its big ears help to cool the feline down.

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat
      Weighing in at only 8 pounds or less, it looks like most domestic cats, but they're not cut out to be pets. They're fierce little predators. Few things scare these little guys. Snakes? A tasty dinner. No water nearby? No problem. It's dark outside? Prime hunting time!

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat
      Unlike lions with their prides, sand cats spend most of the year on their own. They only pair up to mate and usually have no more than five kittens per litter. They purr and mew just like house cats, but they also yelp like a chihuahua dog. They are also pretty fast. They can run as fast as 25 mph.

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat
      Sand cats live in burrows. They are master diggers. Many of the small mammals they hunt are also burrowers, so they need to be able to dig them out. Like squirrels, sand cats will also bury their food to eat later.

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat
      Zoologists around the world are working to help wild populations recover. In addition to laws that prohibit hunting this species, zoologists around the globe are doing their part to make sure sand cats thrive. Through breeding programs sand cat populations are slowly recovering around the world.

Here's More Photos Of These Adorable Wild Cats. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat

Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat

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Shangrala's Rare Arabian Sand Cat

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SEE ALSO: Rare Exotic Cats!


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