In life, we learn that the one who survives is not always the one who is the biggest and strongest. Often it is the one who fights back the hardest and shows no fear in the face of extreme danger.

By Showing No Fear,
They Become Triumphant. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Fearless Animals
Oh, Give It Up Already - Close Your Mouth!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
I Know You're Bigger than me, but let's be friends.

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
I'll Hurt You! You Better Go Away Lion!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
I'm not afraid - How about we be friends?

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
Back Off Rino - I'm Not Letting You Near My Kid!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
I'll Sit Here as long as I want to - So There!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
Keep Going - Land Ahoy!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
This is the safest place for me!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
Back Off Bear - This is My turf!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
REALLY? - It Didn't just do that, Did It?

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
      The world's most fearless creature is the Honey Badger, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Honey Badgers have very thick, rubbery skin, which is so tough that it can take a full blow from a sharp machete helping to protect it from the teeth of predators.

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
      A photographer captures a honey badger fighting off a pride of lions!

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
      The honey badger was abe to escape despite being trapped in one of the big cat's jaws during the struggle.

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
      The fearless mustelid held its ground and didn't give an inch when the lions began circling it at the Selinda Reserve in Northern Botswana, thinking they had found an easy meal.
Shangrala's Fearless Animals

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
      While fending off the lions the badger cunningly led the animals more than 300 feet away to a small hole which it was then able to squeeze into and escape.

Shangrala's Fearless Animals
      Mr Motswana said: 'The honey badger was fortunate enough to escape the jaws of the lions as he very cunningly drove them towards a hole where he knew he could run into for protection.'
      He said the badger was so fast 'clambering into the hole it took us by surprise'.
      Despite working in 'the bush my entire life' Mr Motswana said the fight isn't something he will soon forget.

Share And Amaze Your Friends! :)



SEE ALSO: Dangerous Critters!


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Special THANKS Goes To LOUISE AUSTIN For Sharing This With Us.

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