Have you ever wondered where they got the idea for many of our super heroes? You may think you know all about the animals on this list, but you probably are not aware of the incredible superpower God has given them! These animals have abilities that look like they were taken right out of the movies or comic books!

Check Out These Super Amazing Animals. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Octopi are masters of camouflage! The Octopus is the smartest invertebrate in the world. Combine that with their chameleon-ability to change colors and their muscular control, which allows them to literally change their shape, and you get the best camouflage in the world.
Shangrala's Incredible Animals Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      But the Mimic Octopus takes underwater chameleonism a few leaps further: it can actually impersonate other creatures something like shapeshifters!
      Depending on what might be attacking it, the mimic octopus intelligently decides which predator to impersonate. For example, a mimic octopus has been observed under attack by a damselfish. It proceeded to bury itself and six tentacles in the sand, leaving the other two pointed in opposite directions - and thereby mimicking the movement of a sea snake.
      Mimic octopuses have also been seen to copy the appearances and behaviors of lionfish, flatfish, jellyfish, stingrays, mantis shrimp, and sea anemones; it's claimed that they've been seen impersonating at least 15 different species!

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Geckos are like Spiderman! They can walk on walls and ceilings. The Gecko's ability to climb up vertical surfaces and even walk on ceilings has been the focus of many a research. Their unique footpads are a marvel of evolution, allowing them to grip onto almost any and all surfaces.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      The Kangaroo Rat doesn't need water! Unlike the camel, The Kangaroo Rat lives in the desert of North America and doesn't need to store water. They have adapted to the climate by getting all the moisture they need from plants and seeds that they eat.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Tarsiers can see in the dark! Tarsiers have eyes that are the biggest compared to their body size than any other animal. Their eyes are so efficient; they can see in the dark as well as in daylight. They're fixed in their skulls, so to look around, the tarsier will turn its head around almost 180°.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Plumed Basilisks can run on water! When they sense danger, the Plumed Basilisk uses their powerful hind legs and escapes by literally running on water. Their special hind legs can create pockets of air, which keeps them afloat while they run.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Sperm Whales only need to breath every 90 minutes! Sperm Whales have the most efficient circulatory system of all mammals. This allows them to dive for food in the depths of the ocean, without needing to take another breath for up to 90 minutes!

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Cardinal Fish can spit 'fire'! Cardinal Fish eat mainly zooplankton, but when they eat Ostracods (a type of zooplankton), the tiny creatures begin to flash their bioluminescence, making the cardinal fish more visible. Cardinal Fish are little fish, so being seen is not a good idea for them - so they spit out the Ostracods in what looks like a burst of bluish fire.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      A Pistol Shrimp can create a sonic boom! These tiny shrimp are only one inch long, yet can snap their pincers in the speed of sound, creating a sonic boom and a small air bubble. The sonic boom disorients its prey, allowing it to catch it with ease.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Hummingbirds can hover! Hummingbirds are the only animals that can sustain hovering and even fly backward thanks to their amazingly fast wings.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Yeti crabs live in a spa and grow their own food! Yeti crabs are found in 'thermal envelopes' in the Antarctic. The crabs sit on top of scorching-hot vents that create a pocket of warmth in the freezing Arctic Ocean. Their characteristic fur is actually the perfect habitat for the bacteria they eat. So their own arms are a private garden. Convenient?

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      The Addax Antelope can change hair color! This lady gives herself a new mane whenever the seasons change. She's white in the summer to reflect the heat of the sun and turns grayish-brown in the winter to help herself stay warm. Both male and female addax antelopes have horns, so they're kind of hard to tell apart.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Lryebirds can mimic almost any sound they hear! Lyrebird males spend much of their time trying to attract mates by mimicking the sounds of not only 20 other bird species, but also man-made sounds like car alarms and chainsaws! This unique trait, along with their 28-inch long tail feathers, makes them adept at wooing the ladies.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      The Spiny Mouse is kind of the Wolverine of the animal kingdom! Not only can he discard chunks of his skin to release himself from a predator's clutches, but he's also capable of re-growing the skin, cartilage, fur and even his sweat glands once they're removed! Researchers believe mammals might have the same genes that allow for regeneration in reptiles, but the spiny mouse is the one known mammal whose genes aren't turned off.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      The Hippopotamus takes 'blood, sweat and tears' to a new level! It's known as one of the deadliest creatures in Africa, but it also has a defining characteristic that is fascinating. In order to deal with the sweltering African heat, hippos spend much of their time partially submerged in lakes and rivers. The water does nothing to protect their exposed skin and that's where hippopotamus sunscreen comes into effect: this blood-red, gelatinous secretion is produced much like sweat, though it differs in that the glands that produce it are located under the skin, rather than in it. Composed of two highly acidic compounds, the oily 'blood-sweat' dries in the presence of mucus and absorbs sunlight in the ultraviolet and visible range.
      As a bonus, it turns out that the substance is also a strong antibiotic, helping to prevent infections from open wounds inflicted on one another during fights.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      The Vampire squid is a little like dracula. Its scientific name literally means - 'The vampire squid from hell" - Vampyroteuthis infernalis in case you need a new nickname for your ex. Despite the name, they're actually pretty cute, and their power comes more from their ability to avoid predators than from a killer instinct. The vampire squid can turn itself inside out in order to avoid predators. Perhaps like a vampire wrapping its cloak around itself and transforming into a bat.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      The giant Pacific octopus might be about as strong as the Hulk! They're the largest octopus around, and they're super strong. When using all eight arms, they can move up to 700 pounds - 14 times their body weight. They're also strong enough to murder sharks, if they feel like it.

Shangrala's Incredible Animals
      Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish are Immortal! Turritopsis Dohrnii Jellyfish do not die. When they reach the end of their adult life, the mature jellyfish transforms back into a polyp state, actively restarting their life cycle.

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