In life, you will experience many roads. Enjoy! :)
Some are so mysterious, you aren't
sure if you should take them or not.
The ups and downs of life can make
you wonder if it is all worth it or not.
Some roads give us a well worn
path to wonders of what may lie ahead.
Many roads shout of
adventure, mystery and intrigue.
1) No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.
2) When your Mom is mad at your Dad, don't let her brush your hair.
3) If your sister hits you, don't hit her back. They always catch the second person.
4) Never ask your 3-year old brother to hold a tomato.
5) You can't trust dogs to watch your food.
6) Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
7) Never hold a Dust-Buster and a cat at the same time.
8) You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
9) Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts.
10) The best place to be when you're sad is Grandma's lap.
Often our path choices make us feel unsettled.
They can make us feel we have to
lie low and take it slow and easy.
Others will help us feel God's
presence protecting us along our way.
Many roads give us an uncertain future.
1) Raising teenagers is like nailing Jello to a tree.
2) Wrinkles don't hurt.
3) Families are like fudge... mostly sweet, with a few nuts.
4) Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
5) Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside.
6) Middle age is when you choose your cereal for the fiber, not the toy inside the box.
Life's roads can appear to go on forever.
Others seem most treacherous to embark on.
At times life's roads seem to be hollowed
out by God Himself - just for us.
1) Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
2) Forget the health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
3) When you fall down, you wonder what else you can do while you're down there.
4) You're getting old when you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster.
5) It's frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
7) Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age comes alone.
Just when we think we have our road figured
out, we find out life pulled a fast one on us.
Some roads take us around in circles
and we never get where we want to go.
Life's roads often demand
we keep on the straight and narrow.
Others seem God has carved out just for us.
1) You believe in Santa Claus.
2) You don't believe in Santa Claus.
3) You are Santa Claus.
4) You look like Santa Claus.
Some roads make us take the long
way around to get where we are going,
But can be filled with the most
mesmerizing beauty, well lighted by God.
At age 04 success is - Not piddling in your pants.
At age 12 success is - Having friends.
At age 18 success is - Having a driver's license.
At age 35 success is - Having money.
At age 50 success is - Having money.
At age 70 success is - Having a driver's license.
At age 75 success is - Having friends.
At age 80 success is - Not piddling in your pants.
Forget The Troubles Life brings You...
BUT NEVER God's Sweet Blessings
Share And Bless All Your Friends :)
SEE ALSO: Important Life Truths!
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spice of life! The Shangy Fun List is an ezine packed full of Poems, Inspirational and
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I Believe...!-
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Life's Choices!-
All About Hugs!-
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Making A Difference!-
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Church Mouse Wisdom!-
Germany's Water Bridge!-
Inspirational Life Quotes!-
Random Acts Of Kindness!-
Animated A-Z Images!-
Special THANKS Goes To LOUISE AUSTIN And GENIANN For Sharing This With Us.
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