A pika is a small short-legged, tailless egg-shaped mammal found in the mountains of western North America and much of Asia. They are small in size and body shape, and have little round ears. Pikas are not rodents, but are the smallest of the lagomorphs, a group otherwise represented only by hares and rabbits.
      Most of what a pika eats is grass and leaves. They do not hibernate, so in the summer they spend a lot of their time storing grass as hay for food during the winter. Pika fur is thick to keep them warm in the winter. During the summer, they put on a much lighter coat of fur - however, the hair is still thick enough that a pika might overheat if exposed to very high heat for long periods of time.
      The pika is known as a rock rabbit and is very vocal. It has a call and a song. The call is used to warn other pikas of a predator, or intruder and it sounds a little like a goat. They are called the 'whistling hare' for its high-pitched alarm call when diving into its burrow. The song is used mostly by males during mating season.
Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas
      The ili pika is native to northwest China. It checks all the boxes for cute animals: furry, fuzzy and adorable with large, dark eyes. Throw in the upright ears and small size and this species could be mistaken for a living teddy bear. However, the elusive ili pika, a relative of the rabbit, is an endangered species, and if attention is not paid soon to conservation efforts, it may quickly become extinct.

Here Are Photos Of This Adorable Little Cutie. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas
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Shangrala's Cute Little Pikas

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SEE ALSO: Big Beautiful Rabbits!


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Special THANKS Goes To LOUISE AUSTIN For Sharing This With Us.

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