There are more than 250 different breeds of domestic cat out there, but most of us don't know too much about their variations except they are all cute and cuddly. Nor do we normally spend a lot of money acquiring our family pet. So, you'll probably be shocked and stunned to see how much some of these felines go for.

      Here Are Some Of The Most Expensive Cats! Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Norwegian Forest Cat: $600-$3,000
This pretty kitty was bred by vicious Vikings some 2,000 years ago. A cat like this is well prepared to stand the ice-cold frost of a Scandinavian winter, while out hunting. So, if you have a rodent problem, this could be money well spent!

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Himalayan Cat: $500-$1,300
Despite its name, this cat was first bred as recently as 1950 in the USA. It's lovely blue eyes, white body and dark extremities make it a particularly gorgeous cat that resembles the famous Persian variety. The Himalayan is reported to be calm, friendly, loving and obedient.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Scottish Fold: $200-$1,500
The wonderful and endearing thing about this cat is that its ears don't stick up, rather they hang like a dog's. Furthermore, they can stand on their hind legs and look up at things they wish to. These features seem to complement their inborn cleverness. They are also typically playful and friendly.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Petersburg Sphinx: $400-$1,200
This little curiosity was bred in Russia in 1994. You can see they have several unique and unusual features. They are elegantly slim, with an elongated face and prominently pointed ears.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Egyptian Mau: $500-$1,500
This Egyptian breed has remained much as it was for some 3,000 years. The leopard-like spots are present on the skin as well as on the fur.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Maine Coon: $600-$1,500
This is a very large breed: some grow up to weigh 33 lbs and measure 4 ft in length. But, though they may appear somewhat threatening - given their size - the Maine Coon is especially fun and playful.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
LaPerm: $200-$2,000
This is also a relatively new breed, first appearing in 1980 in America. Its curly hair makes it so cuddly you just can't wait to get your hands on it. And what makes it even more remarkable is that it's actually hypoallergenic. Meaning, if you have cat allergies, they won't be felt when you come across a LaPerm. Brilliant!

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Russian Blue: $400-$2,000
Known as a lucky charm, this shorthair breed originates from Russia. It became known to the world sometime in the late 19th Century. The only mystery is how it took so long for the world to catch on to this beautiful feline.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Serengeti Cat: $600-$2,000
Unlike a typical tabby, this stunning cat weighs up to 26 lbs and has wondrously long legs. It actually originated in California in 1994.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Elf Cat: $2,000
This Elf cat is sure expensive at $2,000! And that doesn't even include the free jersey or bed sheet it so obviously needs! First bred in America in 2006, these cats always surprise people with their friendly and curious manners.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Toyger: $500-$3,000
This gorgeous animal has such a fun name, but the original breeder has said that he actually bred it in order to raise awareness about the dangerous plight of real wild tigers. It's incredible to see that someone could have actually bred such a dead ringer for the real thing!

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
American Curl: $1,000-$3,000
When a kitten of this Californian breed reaches its 10th day of life, its ears curl back like little horns. It's funny how nature throws up these interesting little mutations.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Bengal Cat: $1,000-$4,000
The Bengal cat was originally born from the union between an Asian Leopard cat and a common domestic cat. So if you want to adopt your own miniature leopard - and one that can actually swim - this kitty will do the trick for you.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Safari: $4,000-$8,000
Bred from the coming together of a simple domestic with a South America wild Geoffroy's cat in America in the '70s, this rare breed was actually conceived in order to combat Leukemia. The adult will weigh an average of 24 lbs.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Khao Manee: $7,000-$11,000
This Siamese wonder from ancient times was a constant companion of royal figures in the old government, and thus it has remained a potent symbol of wealth and fortune.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Chausie: $8,000-$10,000
This cat was also bred from the coming together of a wild cat and domestic. The result is one of the rarest of all pets your money can buy. The chausie is renowned as an extremely social animal. So, unlike the typical domestic feline, this cat will seek your company at all times.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Caracal: $7,000-$10,000
Until recently this breed was categorized as a wild predator species. Now, thanks to a deplorable diminishing of its numbers, the cat has now become so rare that domestication might give it the best chance of survival. So, if you have $10,000 dollars to spare to adopt one of these cuties, you'll actually be helping preserve it.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Savannah Cat: $4,000-$22,000
This is probably the biggest cat you could ever adopt. Part African Serval and part domestic, this sublime variety is known to be very smart and calm. It likes taking baths and strolling around outdoors. The average weight of an adult is 33 lbs with its average height at nearly 2 ft.

Shangrala's World's Priciest Cats
Ashera: $22,000-$100,000!
This wonderful beast is the most expensive cat on the market. It was bred as a result of the commingling of a domestic breed with an Asian leopard. It's so pricey that it'll cost more than most cars, and even quite a few houses. No wonder the owners tend to keep them on a leash!

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SEE ALSO: Pam Pam The Kitty!


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A-Z Animated Pictures!-



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