Meet Rosie, an adorable little 8 week-old red fox cub that was taken in to a home after her father killed most of the other pups in her litter. It's unclear what happened to the mother, but little Rosie needed a home. That's when photographer Richard Bowler took her in.
      Once in his home, a terrier named Maddy stepped in as the young kit's mentor and became her best friend. Every day, they live out an adorable, real-like adaptation of the Disney classic "The Fox and the Hound."

God sure did bless them with a sweet friendship. Enjoy! :)
Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

      While the little fox grows up, Richard wants to make sure she is safe from predators and knows how to take care of herself. Once she is old enough, she will have the run of the property with her best friend, Maddy.

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2
      Watching the fox and dog be thick as thieves is such a treat - you can tell they truly care for each other and consider each other family.

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2

      Maddy and Rosie LOVE EACH OTHER So Much!
[Via and]

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Shangrala's The Fox And Dog 2
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SEE ALSO: The Lioness And Fox!


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Friends: Lion, Tiger, And Bear!-
A-Z Animated Picture Images!-



Special THANKS Goes To MELINDA DAHLSTEN For Sharing This With Us.

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